Reviews from

in the past

i really dont like the price on release (nintendo releasing old games at full price AGAIN), but the mii editor and sharing thing balances it out methinks

Idk why but I love this game sm. Its such a fun silly time

Played this for the first time earlier this year and it RULES. While simple it's still really fun + it's enjoyable to see your party members do different things during their turns based off of chance + friendship.

Also this game let me make a badass cheeto colored horse name Chester so... pretty fucking awesome.

I think it's kinda unfair to call this a RPG. It's more like a life sim RPG tycoon management character customizer

I never played the 3DS version of this game so I had no idea what I was getting into aside from the function of being able to cast the characters, but let me tell ya Captain, this one right here is the one.

This is the silliest game I have ever played and it sure did take me by surprise. First you can edit as many Miis you want through the incredibly extensive Mii Editor, which really needs to make a come back, and if you're not very design-inclined you can just download other people's Miis where you'll likely find the gold mine of the most atrocious characters you can find.

Your band of merry friends, memes, and discount celebrities will then go on a pseudo-RPG adventure where the relationships between them grow to bolster your abilities in battle. It's not about the destination in this game, but the journey where growing attached to your Miis will put a smile on your face.

This game is just downright stupid. While the combat can be repetitive, there are quality of life features such as fast forwarding that will make the random encounters breeze by. The main thing I dislike is only having combat control of your Star Mii and some battles you are begging on your hands and knees that your Lazy party member won't let you down and let your friends get obliterated. (They will.)

The found family tropes are off the chart and it made for a very special experience, having used my friends as party members. I never played Tomodachi Life, but this game makes me want a port of that game STAT. I'm a MII CONOSSEIUR NOW!!

Miitopia is a lighthearted rpg that is not difficult to play (probably for kids to adapt to easily) and does not have a crazy story to follow.

The story is a dark lord is going around stealing Mii's faces and placing them on monsters, your main character comes across some of these monsters and is attacked but then a mysterious voice speaks to them and grants you the power to pick a job (warrior, mage, thief etc.). Once you pick a job your journey begins and playing through the game you will come across ally Mii's and NPC in different areas.

The game is fun but can get tedious especially since you can only control your main character the other party members are AI controlled. What makes this game so fun is that the majority of NPC in the game are created by you. You can create the Mii's from scratch or the game can auto generate them, or you can even download them from other users (people have made some real awesome Mii's). The party members you recruit are also created by you as well and you can pick their jobs/ classes.

As you progress through the game you will unlock new jobs (some cool and others are silly, but they all have their uses) and you will also unlock new armors and weapons for each job as well. As the characters level up they will unlock new abilities and perks. When you complete a stage, you can place Mii's in rooms together at the inn so they can link up and create bonds (the stronger the bonds the more useful in combat they are together).

Overall, it def feels like a kid's game with the humor and silliness but it is def worth playing if you are in the mood for a relaxing and non-stressful rpg.

Listen, the expanded Mii maker is very good, but the actual game itself is only like 2 hours long and is not very interesting once you stop meeting new characters to create. I spent $90+ CAD on this. I think it's only worth like $5.

Still Not as good as tomodachi life.
But I still love it regardless.

goofy ass story but being able to put jesus and joker in my team and actually make them fall for each other is a big pluspoint


in all seriousness i had no real expectations going in as i hadn’t played the original miitopia but i love this game to bits! had me hooked even when they had only released the demo. there’s a lot to be said about the creativity with the mii maker and putting people or characters into situations. many people have already said it. also you get a HORSE. gameplay is mind-numbingly easy outside of some postgame content but i don’t care bc i like when games are easy.
the story is incredibly cliché but it doesn’t take it seriously nor does it want you to take it seriously! it is a parody of itself and its genre. because the tone is so lighthearted i got genuinely invested in the few moments where they decided to be serious like with that final decision. If you know you know.
the POST-postgame is where i mostly have problems because it starts out fresh and interesting and then by a week in you realize it’s a herculean or even sisyphean grindfest. as much as i would like to mark off every single achievement (of which there are a LOT) it just ain’t feasible for me to log in every day do a couple of cookie-cutter quests and then hope i get rich enough to buy a costume for a mii. it gets boring. but that’s what making a new profile just to experience the good parts again is for ^_^

Baby’s first RPG. It wasn’t bad or anything; I think it was good for what it was. The humor was fine and the story was entertaining. But, it got extremely boring after about halfway through since that’s when I realized that the game is still going and I have been doing the exact same thing the entire time, which is to hold down the fast-forward button and turn on auto battle when I don’t feel like fighting myself.

The mii editor is easily the best part of the game since it basically lets you make more detailed miis than the normal system allows. This opens the door for some crazy designs and some of the miis that I’ve seen online are wild. However, I don’t think a glorified mii editor should cost $60 or however much this game was. I think I’m just older than the target audience for something like this, but I feel like I would have had more fun with it if I was much younger.

improves upon the original in every way especially the mii making i hope they do more stuff like this with the mii creator

Time for my annual replay of this silly masterpiece.

A fine remaster of a fun game but I don’t know how much you’ll get out of it if the core premise doesn’t appeal to you.

A shallow RPG with quirkiness as its sole draw. There isn't a single time in the main story where strategy is required or even allowed, the mechanics seem to be trying to encourage switching out your party but only succeed at randomly locking you out of random party members for no reason, and the game is so repetitive that I haven't felt a hint of desire to play the postgame since fighting the final boss. Every mechanic introduced feels like the devs are saying "we know the game is easy, but it's not easy enough yet". The game's quirky nature isn't even particularly funny, and it's all the game has going for it besides the novelty of letting you choose the face of every character.

The mii editor in this game is phenomenal, but the actual game itself is kinda lame if you ask me. The gameplay is so incredibly shallow and dull. I get the appeal is supposed to be seeing these miis interact with each other, but I feel something like Tomodachi Life did that idea way better because it didn’t shoehorn in a cookie cutter rpg (unless you count that one minigame lol). All Miitopia does is make me yearn for a new Tomodachi Life with this game’s fantastic mii editor

ok nintendo do tomodachi life next

the Miitopia remake is genuinely great fun, and the Mii maker in this game is mind-blowing, seeing how popular characters got translated into the game was amazing. it's like Tomodachi Life, but a fantasy world, with equally ridiculous moments.

little repetitive sometimes (which is why i didn't finish) but super fun

The original 3DS game was pretty fun but now...
Nah this game solidified like 3 OCs for me I owe it my life

This is a pretty fun game. After you beat the final boss they’re is not really any reason to continue tbh. 9/10

Es muy divertido y mucho más largo de lo que esperaba, aunque no es perfecto. Me hubiera gustado mucho más si se cambiaran dos cosas. La primera es el tema de explorar los mundos. Es muy buena idea que estén divididos en niveles como si fuera un juego de plataformas y que cada nivel tenga varios caminos, pero me hubiera gustado mucho más que te pudieras mover libremente por ellos en vez de ir caminando de forma automática en línea recta, ya que esto se puede hacer pesado y monótono a veces. La segunda es el tema del combate, que está también muy bien con el tema de las interacciones entre los Miis, pero el problema es similar al otro. El único personaje que realmente controlas es el tuyo propio, los demás son automáticos. Me hubiera gustado haber podido elegir qué hace cada personaje. En definitiva mi único problema es que es demasiado automático, pero por todo lo demás es muy buen juego y me lo he pasado genial jugándolo, tener a tus amigos en una party de RPG y a conocidos (o personajes y famosos que te gustan) en ciudades es una risa.

i spent 50 hours in the mii maker before the game even came out.

I used to love playing Miitopia on my 3DS as a kid and not only does the Switch version bring back everything that was amazing about the original, it expands on it and improves it. The fun, innocent nature of this game just fills me with nostalgia as well.

the novelty of this game wears off when you realize the game is like 30 hours long