Reviews from

in the past

Fun little game, a bit repetitive if you don't know what to do

Jueguecito donde tienes 1 minuto para moverte y hacer lo que tengas que hacer. Vas aprendiendo a base de ensayo y error, además de creando atajos. Algunos puzzles son poco claros dado el estilo artístico del juego, y por lo visto me enfrenté al boss final sin saber que era el boss final ni nada, con eso te lo digo todo. No está mal, aunque creo que el concepto podría haberse hecho de otra forma más interesante.

The only time in my life where I didn't feel like a loser for only lasting 60 seconds.

It didn't use its main mechanic in enough interesting ways. It mostly just reduced backtracking and encouraged quick thinking. The game was structured well enough that the time limit rarely pissed me off, but it felt arbitrary most of the time anyway. Minit is a fine Zelda-like with a unique twist, but failed to reach the potential said twist had.

Good game, had me scratching my head a couple times but it was very nice and satisfying to play!

A quirky micro RPG that has you living life one minute at a time as the result of a cursed sword. The premise is pretty cool, and the minimal art style compliments the minimalist design of the game which mimics similarly minimalist RPG's like Links Awakening.

Since you only have one minute to do anything the actual options are all very clearly signposted and telegraphed. Getting from one save point to the next will take about a minute. Completing a nearby challenge will take about a minute. And some of the events are hilariously timed, giving you ever increasing anxiety as you're forced to wait or find yourself trying to reach a destination just in time.

What's disappointing then is that such a tight and efficient design is explored to such a shallow level - or perhaps there simply isn't a way to give it depth. The game is very small, the things you can do are all very straightforward gaming faire, and while I wouldn't say the ending is predictable it is abrupt. There's a small handful of mundane side quests but there's not really the motivation to pursue them since the main story doesn't require anything of you.

It's a cute package and it does have some funny moments, but despite the interesting premise it doesn't really go anywhere or explore the idea in any depth leaving it feeling more like a proof of concept than anything.

Very fun, teeny tiny lil guy of a game that took me by surprise. The gimmick of only having 1 minute between lives is unique while adding pressure to the tasks at hand. The puzzles are simple, but not too easy and the game is so short that it doesn't start to get stale.

Personally, I would love if it was longer because the ending was so abrupt. Sometimes it's the simpler games that leave a bigger impression on you. Also, that soundtrack makes you wanna go, "OHHHH YEAHHHHH BAYBEEEE".

Fun, little game. Doesn't guide you by the hand, which I appreciated, though it also could get frustrating at times. That said, finished it without ever having to look up any hints on where to go next.

Great soundtrack too, especially considering it's a game with literally two buttons and a D-pad.

creative gimmick that provides for a fun hour or two with some cool moments

tl;dr: charming little game about time loops and exploration. Buy it if you find it for cheap. If not, but you like retro exploration games or speed runs, also get it. It is short and sweet, but isn't for everyone.

Bought it with a crazy discount that made it less than 2€. I'll spare you any further reading: if you find it for such a bargain and do not mind a ticking clock, it is five stars and a great game.

Now onto more about my experience. I cleared it in just under 2 hours with a 56% completion. There are 2 extra game modes, new game pluses of sorts, which i might try eventually, however they will not be taken into account for the rest of this review. I ended up using no guides and had little to no previous information about the game itself prior to buying it. However I played this right after finishing the original The Legend of Zelda, which i think had the in the right mood and mindset for such a game.

I felt quite satisfied with the game. It is very charming graphically and the sound fits the game quite well. Given the premise, there can't be much of a narrative or text, but the dialogue that exists is very good and quite funny at times, given the context.

The gameplay loop itself is interesting however it can be very frustrating and repetitive if you find yourself lost, however if one pays attention to the dialogue and the environment that shouldn't be a problem. Also the ticking clock and the time loop probably makes it very appealing to speedrunners.

In the end, had a great time and might revisit it in the future.

If you like the legend of Zelda the link wakes up then you should buy and play this game. It's fun, I smiled, I liked the puzzles and it was a good time. Post review

Pretty cool short little game. I like the art style a lot.

Minit is played in a peculiar way and each "life" lasts 1minute. Since there is no map, it's basically speedrunning without knowing the directions and I love that. Each screen/level has something interesting, fun and unique. There isn't a single moment where I thought it was wasted or overlong and I found it very rewarding to have learned the map by heart, which isn't that big either, but this was further enhanced in the new game+ where they make you follow an alternate path for each key item and it was great fun to re-discover Minit and laugh at the silly new things the developers came up with to waste your time.

Very nice all around, I'm so glad I got to experience Minit in its entirety, with all the achievements.

It's a charming little game. A bit obtuse sometimes, but a good time nonetheless

Joguinho bem fofo, bem curto e bonitinho, finalmente derrotei o capitalismo

Overcoming the minute challenge of this game is both the joy and frustration of the experience. Great the first go through, but I don't think I would ever want to go back.

Sad to say that I just couldn't make this game work for me. The bare, skeletal art and gameplay putting me through loops, it really just never had enough to pull me in. It's cute, but cute in the way many nondescript jam games are. I kind of feel guilty saying this. There's nothing wrong with it. It's just not for me. Maybe it's because I never liked Gameboy / 1-bit games all that much.

When it hits it hits, when it doesn't hit you're running around in 60 second increments trying to figure out what the hell you're supposed to do.