Reviews from

in the past

Minit is one of the most average games I’ve ever played but with a phenomenal gimmick. I love the idea of you have one minute to figure out what you need to do and then speed to get it done. However the game only lasts about an hour and once you know what to do it really kills the replay-ability imo. The puzzles were good enough. Nothing to ridiculous but not so easy that you can walk through the game without thinking. The minimal visuals and simplistic gameplay were a nice change of pace. Overall a solid good game, again, mostly because of its awesome gimmick. If you want something quick and easy to play I would definitely recommend it.

Minit is a short and fun Puzzle solving adventure game. I began Minit thinking it would be a game carried by its one minute reset Gimmick, man was I wrong. I genuinely feel like Minit is a very good game on its own regards and that the gimmick is just the cherry on top. Some of Minit's puzzles stumped me for a good while. I even used a guide to solve one of them, but I really didn't need too and I could have found a solution if I was thinking harder. Also beating Minit isn't the end, there's a new game plus mode that remixes the game in a lot of cool and interesting ways, but I don't want to spoil, so I'll leave it at that. Minit isn't revolutionary, but it's a really good puzzle-adventure game.

Minit is amusing and has a neat hook but it doesn't do a whole lot to justify that hook. There are some interesting things the game does with the 60 second time limit, but overall it didn't feel as though the time limit added much to the game. Outside of this aspect, there is some cute dialogue and exploration, with a number of secrets to uncover in clever ways. The combat is certainly lacking, but it's also not the focus here. It's an enjoyable way to spend an hour or two, but nothing seriously groundbreaking.

The only time in my life where I didn't feel like a loser for only lasting 60 seconds.

Very fun, teeny tiny lil guy of a game that took me by surprise. The gimmick of only having 1 minute between lives is unique while adding pressure to the tasks at hand. The puzzles are simple, but not too easy and the game is so short that it doesn't start to get stale.

Personally, I would love if it was longer because the ending was so abrupt. Sometimes it's the simpler games that leave a bigger impression on you. Also, that soundtrack makes you wanna go, "OHHHH YEAHHHHH BAYBEEEE".

This was a really fun game with a challenging gimmick, I think I had maybe 200+ runs lol, but I also got the full completion of 110% so maybe that's why, loved the graphics at night and the little characters

Minit’s obvious inspirations are the 2D Zelda games, but what it actually reminds me of most is Half-Minute Hero on the PSP, a game with a similar premise but applied to a JRPG rather than a Zelda-style adventure and with an even shorter time limit. Minit demands you memorize where everything is and the fastest way to get there, and it’s refreshing to see a game that trusts the player to figure everything out themselves, even if some of the puzzles here showed a bit too much trust in that regard. Minit’s real downfall is that while it is a very charming game with a neat premise, it isn’t much more than that. There isn’t much going on here, and having to traverse the same areas over and over again when most of them don’t have anything worth seeing got a bit tiring, even considering the game’s breezy length. After beating it, I couldn’t help but feel that Minit was a bit of a hollow experience.

Me creía que lo de morir cada 60 segundos era un simple gimmick, pero me parece que lo ejecuta muy bien. El desarrollo es muy original, el juego es cortito, pero esconde también unos cuantos secretos. El sentido del humor de sus habitantes es muy simpático. Toda una sorpresa.

fofo, bem curtinho e divertido! gosto da ideia de ter só 1 minuto para ir resolvendo os puzzles, explorar e etc

Very fun and short game, got the platinum in 2 days which was also very fun. The gimmick is better than I expected it to be, definetly play this if its cheap enough

A very clever concept - you have 1-minute to beat the game before you die. Not much time, but it figures out a way to work. Cute little puzzle game (sorta) but wasn't enough for me to try and 100% it.

Every 60 seconds a minute passes, together we can stop this

jogo durou mais q um minuto

quero meu dinheiro de volta

Creative, inventive, and very well made for sure. I like the school of minimalism that indie games can embody so well, and I think the loop mechanic allows the world to be dense in a way that just wouldnt be possible otherwise. I dont think serious contemplative puzzle solving and 60 second time limits mix very well tho.

I'd like it a lot more if it was just a short and sweet mini Zelda. I don't care for the gimmick at all.

Bonus star for how pretty and clean it looks using just two colours. Fantastic artwork!

A quirky micro RPG that has you living life one minute at a time as the result of a cursed sword. The premise is pretty cool, and the minimal art style compliments the minimalist design of the game which mimics similarly minimalist RPG's like Links Awakening.

Since you only have one minute to do anything the actual options are all very clearly signposted and telegraphed. Getting from one save point to the next will take about a minute. Completing a nearby challenge will take about a minute. And some of the events are hilariously timed, giving you ever increasing anxiety as you're forced to wait or find yourself trying to reach a destination just in time.

What's disappointing then is that such a tight and efficient design is explored to such a shallow level - or perhaps there simply isn't a way to give it depth. The game is very small, the things you can do are all very straightforward gaming faire, and while I wouldn't say the ending is predictable it is abrupt. There's a small handful of mundane side quests but there's not really the motivation to pursue them since the main story doesn't require anything of you.

It's a cute package and it does have some funny moments, but despite the interesting premise it doesn't really go anywhere or explore the idea in any depth leaving it feeling more like a proof of concept than anything.

fun little time limit based game that doesn't overstay its welcome, but also never gets close to hitting its full potential.

A cool idea that ended up feeling a little bare bones in execution.

When you mix 2D Zelda with The Outer Wilds (or half minute hero) you get Minit. Lots of fun for a quick game you can beat in an hour or two. Artstyle is very simple. Get it on sale.

When it hits it hits, when it doesn't hit you're running around in 60 second increments trying to figure out what the hell you're supposed to do.

It exists! There are a few cute ideas at play here with the core gimmick, but the game plays its hand with them very early, leaving a majority of the solutions to be rather standard and never really giving a strong payoff for its intentionally sluggish pace until the world's been properly plundered. It's entirely fine and cute and nicely stylized, it's not a game with FLAWS per say, but nothing that puts it at the level of similarly cute, gimmick top-down contemporaries like Turnip Boy. I won't remember it.

Demorou 473 minutos mais do que prometido.

Cute game, feels like a lazy way to cheat a game jam theme though.

Um jogo curtinho e bem daora sobre pequenos passos e um grande objetivo. Mais um indie pra representar jogos que não podem ser representados em outras formas de mídia

Hey! This did not take a minit.

Holds a special place in my heart. My friend made this game