Reviews from

in the past

This is overall a great game, I recommend everyone to give it a go, the best chilled out crafting game I've ever played. Loving every moment of it. The game has great visuals, a good storyline, character interactions are repetitive but enough to be acceptable, the gameplay is slow paced and long, making sure you get good value for your money and so you don't complete it in a few hours, The mechanics of the missions and the commissions are rewarding and very addictive.
I got this game from Humble Bundle a while back, I'll be playing way over 100h+ and getting all achievements, Great value. 10/10

I didn't know I wanted a crafting-focused Harvest Moon until I played My Time At Portia.

It's a shame the game is in the state that it's in. If they had polished it some more, it would be one of my favorite games. Excluding the bugs, there's just so many parts left feeling unfinished. For starters, there is a part where two of the characters get married. After you help them get together, you see a short cutscene of her saying yes and then kissing him, but after that, there is nothing at all. There is no wedding, no change in their dialog, no change in where they live. Nothing. That unfinished part expands to a lot of the rest of the game as well. The town you build by the desert and the port you help build are more examples. The characters keep talking about how lively those places are, but they feels so empty each time I go through them. It's like a ghost town. There is a lot to like about this game. The laidback atmosphere is great and for once a lot of the potential spouses seem like adults instead of children. I'm excited to see what they do with Sandrock now that they have a much larger team. I just feel that Portia wasn't finished and they abandoned it.

this game is unplayable on console. I don’t know how it feels on PC, but the controls are clunky and obscure. voice acting is pretty bad, and it overall feels like a first draft rather than a final product

found it a bit awkward and unpolished overall but there were moments where I was completely absorbed, have higher hopes for its sequel

felt clunky and unpolished, confusing

Lol I don't know why but I love this one. I've been chipping away at it for years, on and off - and it's so clunky and buggy and strange but I love it.

I really wanted to like this and it is a game i would like but I went to smelt some copper and it hit me with a fat 7 hour timer so I lost a lot of interest

Was enjoying myself with this quite a bit, then it crashed and corrupted my save file so, rip I guess.

[Main Story]
When I bought this game I had some expectations that it would be a pleasant game to play, but in fact there are at least two things in the game that made me change my mind, the first one is to be grinding and progress in the main story is too slow for my taste.

Despite these two factors I cannot give this game a bad review, because the game itself is quite consistent in lot of things such as, in level of the crafting system, where there are several items to build and discover, the social level, where all inhabitants each one of them has its own history and personality, the battles against enemies, the game presents a varied list of gear to use, in terms of exploration, each location has its own items to collect and enemy to defeat and events that occur during the year, where by participating in them there is an associated token where you can buy items.

And I think with the list mentioned above the game is quite appealing and balanced, which positively balances the game, in my opinion.

However, as I mentioned right at the beginning, the progress of this game is TOOOO slow, but feel free to try this game if you want it.

is there a ending? the game is fun to waste time but the bugs are annoying

An amazing 3D harvesting game. With occassional fighting. Lots of events (that you won't miss as easily as in some other harvesting games). Their newer game: My time at Sandrock is more pretty, but this one has a prettier nature. I have it for both Switch and PC.

Мне жалко потраченные 50 часов в этой игре, потому что я не уверен, что у неё есть конец и что я чего-то в ней добился...

Very fun, very cozy, the bachelors and bachelorettes are cute and varied, and the building system is great! The grind of materials is a bit annoying, but I've spend my far share of dozens of hours playing this beauty.

I am surprised this game does not receive more love, especially with the low price tag. It took me over 60 hours to get through the main story, of course there is possibility for longer play time if you aim to complete achievements and such. What surprised me a lot is that majority of the quests are voice acted, especially the main story missions.

If you don’t care for the farming aspect that is good news for you, I have planted about ten seeds the entire duration and it wasn’t really necessary. The game mostly focuses on crafting and building, resources for these can be obtained in multiple ways - getting your hands dirty or paying someone to do it for you.

There is a combat but it is a very simple hit and roll type, it is very low risk as death does not cause you to lose items.

I especially loved how befriending the townies went, they are related to one another so achieving higher friendship with one will cause your relationship with the others in their circle increase as well.

Another interesting mechanic is the stats you get from furniture placed in your home - encouraging you to decorate, though I do have say I wish we had more furniture, both in quality and versatility. Still, that is not enough of a pain point for me to remove a point from rating.

I did play this on PC, but earlier I had a copy for Switch and while it runs… okay, I would recommend getting PC version.

No está mal, y tienes personajes interesantes, pero tiene graves problemas de ritmo, las misiones no acaban importando nada.

I have some issues with the environment and controls, but other than that it's a decent play. Crafting, building, and grinding for materials is fun and it provides a different experience in its life sim compared to others in the genre because of it

This is like stardew & animal crossing but with graphics and dungeon crawling.

unpolished, and the characters are so ugly. it was pretty hard to play for me, tbh.

I am confused as to why I played it for so long

I decided to give this another go on Nintendo Switch and it's a bad port. It has long load times and stutters, the graphics look weirdly rezzed down. What a waste of time. If I'd paid more than $3 I'd be genuinely annoyed.

It's fun to play and build things, but the story and characters are pretty dull. There are a lot of options for how to engage with the world, but the world is also very jenky and buggy. But it's enjoyable jenk that wears it's low quality on it's sleeve.

enjoyable but occasionally glitchy and with lots of small translation errors. got a bit repetitive but really fun concept and vibe similar to stardew valley

I had more fun in this game than I thought. I figured this was a Stardew Valley clone at first, but it has it's own charm. There is a ton to do and explore; I still don't have every achievement. Many of the residents in Portia have personalities and some have their own quest lines. I didn't bother much with raising animals or crops, because the building kept me more entertained. Toward the end I was waiting around for things to build in my factory. (Also the factory is a godsend.)

I stopped almost as soon as I got the last main story line achievement. It took me so long.

I originally played this game a few years ago on the Nintendo Switch. That was an ordeal with constant performance issues. Even still, I was basically addicted to it once I really got started. I got it on the Nintendo Switch specifically so I could play it during downtime at work. That’s how much I liked playing it. It has similarities to games like Stardew Valley. You move to town and start your life and build things from the ground up. You do farming stuff and make friends. If you have played this genre of game before, then it won’t be anything new. Having played My Time At Sandrock and then gone back to replay Portia, the life improvements in Sandrock are even more evident and the little ways that Portia can be annoying are also more evident. Things like having to have ingredients on my person to cook with them and not being able to see what other relic pieces I had became very noticeable in this game after playing Sandrock where those things aren’t an issue. Still, overall, I enjoyed this game a great deal both times I played it. I enjoy this genre of game in general.

My Time at Portia was a great game. It was pretty fun to play. Like I mentioned in one of my previous reviews, I enjoy playing indie games. It's just a lot of fun.

Ojalá me gustase, porque prometía, pero parecía hecho como el culo y resultó un aburrimiento

I gave this one a good 15 hours but it didn't grab me at all. I don't think the game is very friendly to players that don't have a lot of experience with crafting games, like me, in easing them into all the different systems, so it took me a while to wrap my head around everything. Also I had a bug in my game that made quests incompletable so I had to stop, but I probably wouldn't have played it too much longer anyway.