Reviews from

in the past

Whilst this isn't the deepest game, it does a really good job at utilising the 'Nintendo pacing,' where a mechanic is introduced, fully explored, and repeat. All of the mechanics are really fun, leading to a short but challenging and engaging game.

this is an excellent pack-in level showcase of the crank. only with the d-pad could be used as an alternative to the A and B buttons.

I was really surprised by this game. It starts out simple, but when you get going it has a lot of interesting mechanics that play so well with the crank. Second game I have finished on the Playdate, and was really pleasing to play in short 10-15 minute bursts while killing time. Would love to see what this developer does next. Don't let the simplicity deceive you, this is a gem.

Eu sinto que queria ter gostado mais dele, porque o conceito é bem legal e bem feitinho. Mas eu não consegui me acostumar bem com os controles (podia muito poder usar o D-Pad pra não doer minha mão) e a quantidade enorme de precisão que ele pedia virou uma tentativa e erro que foi cansando. Um dia volto pra ele, mas já aproveitei o que tinha pra aproveitar.

'Omaze' is a maze-based puzzle game. Get the ball to the hole. Hard to describe, but there's a bit of miniature golf in it. A bit of 'Marble Madness.' And at this point in Season 1 of Playdate, 'Omaze' and 'Crankin' are my favorite games. Both are enitrely unique puzzle games that make good good use of this very specific platform. For me, 'Omaze' may have the edge over 'Crankin' simply for how perfectly it executes on its concept. Suprises across its entire length. And ends leaving you wanting more. It's a shame so few will ever get to play this game, but it's hard for me to imagine it working without the Playdate crank.

feels like a game the teletubbies would play (in a good way). kinda short but artsy fartsy stuff like this can get away with it usually.

Throws a concept at you, explores it in a few different ways (interacting with other ideas you've been introduced to beforehand) and then moves on to the next one. I think even just an extra level for each puzzle element would have been beneficial but I do appreciate a game that doesn't repeat itself too much.

Also the first Playdate game I've played that makes docking and undocking the crank a gameplay feature, which was pretty neat.

Cool concept, but quite a short game. It introduces a lot of ideas but doesn't spend much time really fleshing them out.
I also really struggled to get comfortable with the controls, but I'm sure that would improve over time in a longer game.

Probably my first or second favorite pack-in Playdate title- every feature of the console is considered here and used cleverly. I was sincerely a little sad when it was over, but as something short and sweet I can still appreciate how well it executes on the premise it's aiming for.

Omaze feels like the gold standard of Playdate puzzle games.
This is the Portal of my yellow crank machine.

Genuinely tho, the style and sound design are excellent, the mechanics are just deep enough to be engaging and the game is just long enough to show them off.

Like the original Portal, this game is only long enough to demonstrate and test its ideas, strung together by excellent art design to keep you engaged and make it memorable.

I almost wish they hadn't given me pick-pack-pup before this. That way the 'return the crank' mechanic would have blown my mind. (tbh it still kinda did)

Omaze is a Playdate maze game heavily centered around circles. You are a circle and by turning the crank you move around the perimeter of larger circles, in an attempt to navigate across to the final circle. Each circle along your path features one or more clever obstacles, such as auto-rotation, enemies that chase you, or walls that disappear when the crank is docked, among others. It's a short but really clever puzzle game. I will admit that it can be a bit finicky to control, as some of the levels require using the crank and hitting the A and B buttons in quick succession, which makes getting a comfortable grip on the device difficult. Regardless, I thoroughly enjoyed this game and I think it's the best Playdate game I've tried so far by a wide margin.

Sehr gelungener Puzzler, der die Kurbel optimal und kreativ nutzt.