Reviews from

in the past

I played this on edibles. I shouldn't have.

This game is incredible, the characters are great (especially the girls) and the whole story really gets you. The battle system is a fun turn based one and the music is amazing! I just didn't like 1 thing as much.

Aubrey and Mari are the best! Love them both!

Ending(s) were cool, story and "twist" was pretty good, Headspace was boring as hell

Do not ask the white boy for Steam recommendations

I am not the biggest fan of turn based outside of Persona and a few other games. But excluding that part, the story here is phenomenal. I am also very impressed by the art direction here. Omocat did a great job.

omor best video game play it when you sad, play it when you happy

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Kel puzza

Omori is a intriguing game that made me arrange theories and change them almost every time I got a new piece of lore. The people that recommended me really, REALLY enjoyed this game so I did 100% of the good ending run taking 70h(which you can get about 70%ish of the achievements on Steam) to see what it was about, though, I wouldn't recommend playing as I did for your first run. Just before you all jump me let me explain why first.:
If you plan on doing most of the achievements/quests/exploring in the game, this will take a while. Omori has a lot of side quests that you can do, which is a double-edged sword in my opinion. While you have a lot of replayability and world development, it can get tedious quite quickly and distract you from the lore (you could argue that (((spoilers))) sunny is trying to distract himself from all the trauma, therefore, making the headspace like this, but again, I don't think you should discard gameplay for the sake of the storyline).
In conclusion, I have some critics when it comes to general gameplay, BUT please don't let that divert your attention from the fact that Omori is a wonderful game with an amazing story, music and an engaging battle system. If you ever get a chance to play it please try it, the game is not that long if you focus on the main story, and it is most definitely a must play game.

wonderful characters and very charming, made me cry my eyes out.

this is a wild ride from start to finish. just absolutely crazy. i thought i wasnt gonna like it when i first heard about it, and held off on playing it for 2 years until recently. TRY IT. it's amazing.

I like omori but not in the omocat type of way

This game portrayed depression in the best way possible

Waited five years for this to release and played for 20 minutes or so. Probably a great game though.

This game may not be a 5 stars for everyone but for me personally, it's narrative hit me very hard and got very depressed for a bit. I'm not the biggest fan of turn based combat, but even for those who aren't should play this game for it's messed up psychological imagery and for the story. play this game and avoid spoilers.

MUITO PIKA eu pessoalmente não me identifico fortemente com os personagens e por isso não me conectei tanto com o jogo quanto algumas pessoas, porém eu ainda amei o plot e como tudo foi bem carismático e imersivo de jogar, eu ainda gostaria de platinar esse jogo um dia mas demora pra krl então vai ficar nos sonhos... mesmo assim, conheço desde quando tava em desenvolvimento lá pra 2016 entao adoro

I enjoyed this game and I beat it in a voice call with friends. I now have an Omori Keychain, not depressed though

best game ever i love depression

DAMN, eu esqueci de dar log nisso aqui, né? bem, tinha uma época que eu era o maior meatrider dessa merda, era meu jogo favorito e eu investi praticamente uma vida no 100% disso. hoje em dia? o jogo é bem meh, na real. a gameplay é bem básica, com um passe entre personagens e aquele medidor que eu não sei o nome adicionados que deixam o jogo mais único, mas ainda genérico. o tag entre personagens fora das batalhas provavelmente é inútil de propósito (eu acho), as side quests são muito nada haver e pau no cu da maioria das conquistas. a história tenta ser muito edgy e a fanbase é um SACO DE MERDA DE TÃO HORRÍVEL. eu te odeio, goularte. soundtrack bangs tho.

Good story but gameplay boring in the long run

easily one of my top5 games, one of my favourite stories in gaming.

I cried with this game? Yeah, but it was not for me, I loved the combat, almost entering that zone when you are playing RPG games when you just think and act and it feels good, but the story was not that great as people say it is, I think that the whole Mari and Sunny thing was not the way to do it, unrealistic and just... Edgey, I prefer not to play it again, I finished it start to end at the release for the nintendo switch, fucking 12 hours, and after doing it I just chilled at the morning, what a weird day that was

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Played it cause i thought it'd be a cute game. Did not realize what I signed up for. Incredible story and a realistic depiction of what depression sounds and feels like. Great depiction of guilt too. Loved it from start to finish, and I even almost cried.

oynadığım en overrated oyunlardan biri. sıra tabanlı savaş sistemini severim ama bu oyunun ki beni sıktı nedense. hikayesi de o kadar iyi değildi bence.

this is my favorite ever thing of ever... literally shaped me as a person