Reviews from

in the past

So I usually don't write thought out long reviews and tbh this one prob isn't gonna be super structured at all bc it's 3:21am and i just finished all the endings for the game but just wow what a game man. I love all the characters and just everything about this game. The way you get to know all of them in the real world and in headspace as well as the entirety of the ending portion of the game. The game gives lots of optional content which ive done most of (need to go back and finish the rest), and the interactions you have with the side characters involved are so genuinely real in some cases, in other cases they're funny but a few are definitely real life type things. The art and music of this game are something else, just so good i love it so much!! The battle system isn't top tier or anything but i enjoyed it enough throughout, my characters were level 47 by the time i beat the game, and also the enemy designs and bosses were so unique and charming i loved seeing all the goofy creatures and the bosses. Overall an amazing game i would definitely recommend it, just be warned going in that its got psychological horror aspects, which btw were handled so good in the game I've been thinking about all the stuff the game did with that all the time. Anyways i think this review is over thank you if you read all of it lol. Oh also my favorite character was Basil i loved seeing the photo album he had with the friend group. Ok anyways review over fr

life changing experience, I have given omocat so much money

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quattro stelle perché paiolo dice che sono troppo severo con i giochi di merda
omosex è un gioco che mi ha inizialmente ossessionato e catapultato nei panni di un me sedicenne puzzolente, ingenuo e facilmente impressionabile: un rpg costruito con due bacchetti una scorreggia e una drum machine che parla di depressione, di inadeguatezza davanti ai propri pari e di disperato bisogno di accettazione? figa dio dove firmo per rubarlo? va a finire però che dopo ormai più di un decennio sono arrivato ad un punto in cui sono saturo di certi contenuti e non riesco più ad esperirli con la stessa spontaneità ed apertura mentale. omosex è un gioco messo insieme da quattro artisti scappati di casa e molte soluzioni adottate a livello di direzione artistica sono meravigliose e in qualche modo una boccata d'aria rifritta ma sempre buona tipo quella del cinese sotto casa mia, tuttavia vedendone sviluppata lentamente la trama sono arrivato al traguardo dell'essermi rotto il cazzo di vedere giochi-universo come earthbound, yume nikki, undertale e off venire spolpati rigirati e sfruttati per cercare quel briciolo di novità su cui costruire qualcosa di originale. omosex vorrebbe tantissimo inserirsi in una nicchietta tra questi titoloni da froci del web e guardando la sua storia di sviluppatori mezzo incompetenti ma ispirati e determinati al massimo livello non posso non chiudere un occhio e ammettere quanto sia incredibile che dalle zampe di un gatto obeso in autoisolamento sia uscito questo rpg, tuttavia quando penso a tutti quei momenti in cui viene spinto a forza dentro a questi quattro pixel mezzucci da orrore webete che a dir poco posso definire al limite del grottesco e del ridicolo mi si spezza il cuore e mi viene da dire pazienza...
con meno atmosfera da creepypasta sbrodato, meno dialoghi da quattro soldi, anzi meno dialoghi e basta direi, e più spazio dedicato all'esplorazione di un mondo sciocchino e infantile fotocopiato da earthbound questo titolo sarebbe diventato un serio contendente per il merdawards goty 2023. mi verrebbe anche da dire che questi temi richiedono un livello di comunicazione più adatto e competente, perché credo che l'amnesia dissociativa e li disturbo schizoide di personalità non possano essere descritti in modo realistico così: sembra più un "giocare a" che un "parlare di" con questi dialoghi e questa atmosfera arida da racconto horror davanti al falò. la ricerca di un rpg bello quanto franken continua...

if he actually kill himself would be a 10

Very deep and emotional story which made me cry a lot. While some of the dream sequences could have been a bit shorter or more "relevant", the game is an absolute blast to get through and it will have even the strongest soldiers weeping by the end of it.

amazing wholesome and so sweet and - oh fucking hell oh shit no no stop ouch

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tá com insônia? coloca essa mitada ai pra jogar que tu dorme rapidinho

Such an incredible game, with such precise mechanics and tied to the game's story, such a beautiful and charming soundtrack, that for me it is a tragedy that the final plot twist literally ruined the game for me, with the size of the shock and with the how out of tune with the rest of the story the twist is.
My final 3 hours have been ruined and my sense of disbelief was gone, but the previous 34 hours were perfect.

um dia eu faço uma review inteira sobre como esse jogo é extremamente idiota principalmente na forma que ele leva os assuntos citados mas por enquanto eu só vou jogar isso no ar

Omori is a really fun indie rpg that doesn’t fall into a lot of the same traps many others do. it’s combat system doesn’t try and reinvent the wheel and make it “not boring”, it fully embraces that it is a turn based rpg. Fun fact, if you make an rpg while hating rpg combat systems because they’re “boring and not fun”, your combat system will probably suck ass. Omori isn’t very hard, but it’s combat is simple yet very fun. Story is good too and the horror is surprisingly very effective.

Omori was good, nothing special really it’s just a sad game Ig

holy SHIT are these dream segments boring

well the spoilers and whatever were sad

this game is the most wonderous, the most wow, the best in the world.

do you own a heart? woudl you like it ripped from your very being and shoved into a hole full of worms and the worms have so much agony they will put into your heart but also there is so much hoep and joy and love and wow in the worms and the worms are feeding your heart all of these things? good, omori is the game for you :)

kel is the bestest in the wworld

this literally broke my heart and then put it back together again only to rip it out my chest and throw it away so i could never find it again. 10/10 would play again in like 10 years

The best game in regards to exploring suicide, mental health, forgiveness, etc.

one of le epic sad games of all time. makes you sad

I think it's hard to create a game that is both charming yet covers serious topics simultaneously. If you mess up just slightly it'll feel either disrespectful or edgy. I feel like this game found a nice balance that allowed it to pull off what it meant to well.

Emotional status effects in battle resulted in some nice strategizing, although I do think some parts of the game drag on.

Overall I enjoyed this game more than I thought I would. It's a great indie game that I personally think surpassed a few of the games it's based on.

i lost interest of this game over time, it's good but it doesn't really interest me on replay

Honestly, the concept of the game and the aesthetic is blowing me away.. felt really sad while playing this game, because it hit me in some kind of way... But sorry to say this but the gameplay rpg like is kind of bad, repetetive fights that actually ruin the story. This game would've been better without any fight system. Only story like

"Sigh, another quirky Earthbound-inspired RPG about depression"
Please fucking tell me what other quirky Earthbound-inspired RPGs about depression there are, because I need to play all of them.

Joguei por indicação, historia curiosa mas hiperbolizaram tanto o desfecho que se nao der uma pesquisada nao entende o que aconteceu