Reviews from

in the past

I’m rating this based on 2016-18 Overwatch

Me encantaba antes de que destruyeran el juego en el 2018

had a lot of happiness out of this game in its first few years! sad it's gone forever! i miss lootboxes and 2cp maps so bad.

I miss this Overwatch, had a lot of potential

Oh it was so nice while it lasted

You literally can't play it anymore. 1/10.

Calla mujer que estoy en un ranked para clasificarme en masters

muito marcante pra mim mas aconteceu diversos imprevistos na minha experiencia com o jogo em 6 anos, Overwatch sempre estará no meu coração mas a administração do jogo é muito...merda.

F overwatch 1

I have this long running joke with a bestie that Overwatch went offline in 2018 so that is what this rating is based on.

At its best, it was the best multiplayer game on the market, at its worst it was a frustrating mess. I can't help but miss it.

Probably would have put this on my favorites list if Blizzard didn’t suck as much as they did. Also I guess you can’t play this game anymore? Great memories, great characters, great world, but it’s all been tarnished, unfortunately.

This was a 9/10 game in its prime, but with time it has HEAVILY deteriorated to the mid game that it was before the 2nd game came out.

playtime was from launch to like mid 2017

Foi um vício que descobri durante a Pandemia. Pena que perdi o hype geral e tive de ver a Blizzard matar o jogo.

If were talking 2017-2018 Overwatch? Great game. Would give it 5/5. However the game became more frustrating the more in leaned into the competitive scene. Once role queue rose out of hell and double-shield became the permanent meta, this game was dead for me. Overwatch 2 may still lean heavily into the competitive aspect of the game, but at least it isn't hiding it.

J'espère y'a jamais de suite. Ça n'arriverait jamais.

Bumpy balance changes and entire overhauls of certain systems began to finally flesh this game out over time. In the end, we were left with a serviceable, but often times frustrating product that in the right conditions, could lead to some incredibly fun games.

this game carried me through school

Je t'aime nique ta mère le 2

Juego qliao bueno en sus primeros dias, me lo pase pipa, pero despúes valiendo verga :sob:

The game was rather fun. The characters and abilities were rather unique and the artstyle was fun. Enjoyed it until Blizzard's greed took too much of a grasp

i was so excited for this game i purchased the actual disc and now it it physically impossible to play this game. but im not playing anymore blizzard stuff after the whole company got outed as criminal perverts so its fine

played since beta and had my fun from like 2016-2019. missed a summer skin bc a match took a hair too long, and it irritated me so much that I took a break and never went back

I enjoyed being able to find a role that I could fit into and playing with a group of friends but that was the only way I was able to find the PvP aspect of it fun. I did enjoy the halloween PvE event though and I'm interested to see how Overwatch 2's PvE content turns out