Reviews from

in the past

This is a game that will unfortunately only live in my memories, but in the 1-2 years I played it, it was a very important game to me! I had so much fun no matter how I played, whether that be character or gamemode. I can't speak on Overwatch 2, I have never played it and have no interest in doing so. I just wish I could still play an older version of Overwatch :(

Oh how i miss how good we used to have it

Some of my favourite memories were playing this game - Moira main over here xo

Played it when it was really good for hours upon hours. GOATS then Shield meta killed it. Truly a wonder for its time though. Can't imagine the MP gaming space without it

This was fun for the first few years of its release

What a peak game, I wonder what the dev teams will do with the sequel. The PVE looks like so much fun :D

I'm so sorry I took you for granted. 2016 OW was one of the most fun and exciting times. It's sad that it only ever went downhill.

Knowing I lost 40 (52.05) USD to this game makes me want to perform harakiri.

Understanding almost anything that is happening is hard.

mi primer sueldo se fue en este juego, lo disfrute bastante hasta que poco a poco la propia blizzard le fue clavando puñales en la espalda

great game in the console days. was always shite when i played on pc

this game is horrible, feels like im doing nothing most of the time. getting kills dont feel like anything. had an friend beat my ass cause they played way more than and that just finalized my distaste

this game was my entire teenage life, love it so much, by far the best fps imo, but of course full of flaws lol

I logged 1500+ hours on this game. They didn’t update it in 3 years. I’m ok. Trust

Best multiplayer game ever made

Blizzard, eu te odeio por matar um dos melhores shooter hero que já existiu


You never know you loved someone until they go from a respectable, lovable goofball to a fat lazy stupid piece of shit. That someone was Overwatch.


This game was huge when it came out. Sunk a lot of time into it from beta -> Sigma's release. Shame you can't play it anymore.

Nadie entenderá lo peak de los fps q fue overwatch 2016/17

Rest in peace. You were mid.

loved overwatch 1 balancing ruined game at the end but overall super fun

This game consumed my life in middle school with my brother, I feel so bittersweet about it being gone, Idk if I could play it after going to 2.