Reviews from

in the past

Game 1: 9/10
Game 2: 7.5/10
Game 3: 9.5/10

This game was so funny but I've only done the first few trials/mysteries so need to keep getting into it. Enjoyed what I've seen so far.

This trilogy of games is amazing and full of wonder, which I will describe in separate reviews of the games. The HD remasters of the sprites are great and stays faithful to the original sprites, and the games music is still very good. It helps that the games, for the most part, follow one big story. Having all three of them at your disposal in one neat package is very nice and fitting.

Three brilliant, BRILLIANT games in one amazingly cheap package. The storytelling is on another level, with an amazing cast of characters, and some of gaming's best soundtracks. Trials and Tribulations especially is one of my favourite games of all time.

THIS IS A REVIEW OF THE COLLECTION, NOT OF THE INDIVIDUAL GAMES. If you want a review of the games in this collection, please read my reviews of the individual games, which you can fine on my profile

This is a solid collection of these games that maintains the original pixel art style while looking sharper and cleaner than the original DS and GBA counterparts. The sound effects are cleaner and the music is higher quality as well. Because it is on 3DS, it still is able to use the dual screen configuration that we saw from the DS version of these games which is nice touch compared to the Trilogy on newer consoles.

I don't have many complaints other than to say that some animations are missing some frames, making to look a little choppy. It doesn't ruin the experience, but it looks off sometimes if you're familiar with the original games. I also do wish there was better quality of life features found in the newer collection of these games, such as multiple save files for a single game.

This was the first way I ever experienced this trilogy and aside from a couple minor quibbles here and there, I still think its a solid way to experience these games, with all it's crazy cases and zany characters. There might be more convenient options compared to this collection, but its still a great option nonetheless.

What a great series. It does suck that it doesn't have a lot of replayability, hence the half-star docked off, but everything else about this series is amazing. Lovable characters, great artwork and set pieces, an amazing soundtrack that can be listened to again and again, and a pretty cohesive story in every game that culminates at the end of it all. Probably one of the most satisfying ends to a trilogy I've seen. Given some low points with some episodes and some confusion here and there, these are minor missteps in the grand scheme of things. Seeing the growth of the characters throughout the trilogy is a welcome sight and something that can be deeply appreciated about this game. This is easily one of my favorite games of all time and has completely hooked me on the series. Very excited about the Apollo Justice Trilogy coming out soon.

One of the best trilogies in the medium. I went into Ace Attorney expecting pretty much nothing, and came out the other end stunned by the journey I completed that I put 60-70 hours into. The first game is a wonderful introduction that sets its tone immediately and draws you in with its amazing cast of characters. Justice for All trips and falls flat on its face for a majority of the runtime and with its prosecutor, but eventually redeems itself at certain moments with my favourite perpetrator and the ending case which is my second favourite in the trilogy. Everything from the past games culminates in Trials & Tribulations though, a surreal experience that climaxes in its final case, bringing a superb ending that makes you realize everything was thought out. Ace Attorney is (surprisingly!) some of the most fun I’ve ever had with a game and I think this is owed to its endearing and fantastically written cast of characters, an epic soundtrack that pushes you to break down contradictions in the moment, and some of the most thought-provoking cases and statements you’ll ever see that heavily criticise the justice system, and incisively examine the obscure nature of the “truth”. For me, a once in a lifetime experience that will most likely stay unrivalled for a long time.

I went in this game not knowing HOW LONG IT WAS.
I'm skeptical between 4 and 4.5

This sure is the weirdest threesome i've ever seen

Ace Attorney is not the kind of visual novel a lot of people see themselves playing; trust me, I didn't anticipate it either. But something about the colorful characters and

(For humour's sake I'm keeping the original review but obviously I want to expand upon it because this series means a lot to me)

Something about the colorful characters and hijinks really draws me in. It has a lot of charm as a series and really has some standout moments for a visual novel. It has its lows, and when it does, they're pretty low, but it creates a story that wraps itself in a neat bow which not a lot of visual novel series can do. Some of the ways one has to get to the conclusions of the case are stupid, like, I know the answer but put the case together in the wrong order. But I think this game is worth a look if you're into visual novels. Very charming and quirky and I really enjoy the mechanics introduced in Rise From the Ashes, wish they came back in the 3DS games more prominently.

This game collection got me hooked from the first hour, great characters, amazing cases to solve with extremely satisfying ending to the trilogy. OST still plays in my head sometimes and I still think of some cases in retrospection. Love games like that, left me speechless and imedietely went to play other games in the series (although not as good as original trilogy).

Wow this game was amazing, some of the cases were mid but the high points made up for the bad in this game. A lot of emotional moments too, story was great.


esses três jogos são incríveis. a narrativa, os personagens, a trilha sonora, todos perfeitos. é uma saga maravilhosa e que merecia mais reconhecimento

can't really get much better than this

Least favourite of the ace attorney collections cause it botches the menus of the original release. Call me petty but what the hell is the point of a collection if it does this?

I play the entire series on DS every three years. The pinnacle of the handheld visual novel genre.

Been meaning to pick this up again

The localisation of the second and third games gets precocious (the line "We know whose milkshake brings the boys to the yard" was allowed to exist in the world because some translator, somewhere, thinks they're hilarious), but this is still a grand old time. The second is the weakest one, since it can feel a little directionless, and I'm in the minority thinking the trilogy's very last case, for all its revelations, isn't mind-blowing. There's also a really annoying situation in the hitherto DS-exclusive case one ("Rise from the Ashes") that they really should patch (I'm talking about the jar). But hey, no, great, great series, with a top-tier sense of humour. And it ends! You can stop the series right here!

finished the first game it was very good. I would probably give it a 5 if i finished it

An amazingly thought out masterpiece of a trilogy, only matched by two other games made by the same guy. Takumi is a freaking genius. The half-star docked off is caused by its lack of replayability - it is truly a game you can fully experience only once.

meu jogo de usar o cérebro favorito, só nn zerei o terceiro ainda

esse daqui mora no meu coração ok. muito bom, tenho apego emocional

I recommend the HD version so you're not reading text in 240p for 60 hours.

Just a lovely low-key time with good art, nonsense stories, and over-the-top characters. It's just a pleasure to play.

I did find that the penalty system was superfluous and only wasted time rather than being meaningful in any way. The solutions to the contradictions were sometimes obscure or counterintuitive. I ended up treating it almost as a visual novel although I did have fun teasing out the solutions or presenting OBJECTION!! the key piece of evidence.

I played this again now because I picked up the other Ace Attorney games on the 3DS when the store was closing down and I thought I may as well do it right. I don't regret spending the time here.

He was eating a boneless steak

We love camp! The gay agenda is thriving.