Reviews from

in the past

Even though it is fairly silly it's still lots of fun to go through. I only played the first one. Would absolutely recommend.

how the fuck did they manage to make law fun

one of the best game franchises of all time imo, the puzzles and story in these games are usually so well crafted to be interesting and fun

I don't know what to say, i just love these games.

i was 11 years old on ao3 reading nick/edgeworth yaoi

this game changed my life, granted a temporary change in my life but absolutely defines morality and perfection to me.

i'm not brainrotting over the same game series over and over again, YOU are

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watched kubz scouts play as much of it as he did as he still hasn't finished jfa... i resorted to watching my friends play it instead and i love it. i will say turnabout big top is by far the worst case in the entire game; it felt really plain compared to other cases but also because no one seemed to care that regina was being preyed on, not even the fucking lawyer

I finally managed to play this trilogy. It was a near perfect experience.
The story in unbelievably engaging. Plot twists happen at the most perfect moment. Character development is tied perfectly to the story progression. When something happens the player will know for sure how certain characters will react, for they are geniously written. The same applies to character design: they nailed it. There are a lot of characters to deal with, however I can easily remember them all. Their name, their appearance, their way of speech, the track they are accompanied with, these all contribute to make them feel alive. I found myself screening multiple times whenever Ms. Oldbag showed up, or when Gumshoe told me "Von Karma" was going to be the Prosecution in episode 2 of Justice for All. They are amazing, every single one of them. One in particular.
Soundtrack is pretty much perfect. Every track is brilliant and leaves an everlasting impression. It is a no brainer why some of the OST is common knowledge in the gaming community. The pursuit theme is iconic and everyone has heard it al least once in their lives. "Objection!" basically is a cultural reset and there is no denying it.
Godot. He is introduced in the third game, meaning he gets little showtime. In fact, while playing I was sure I loved every single character equally. I was wrong. Godot steals the show every time he appears. Along with Mia, Phoenix and Edgeworth, his contribution to the story has meaning throughout the whole story. I cannot go into spoilers here, because it would be cruel to rob people the surprise. I have the impression that Godot could be the life change experience for many people. He didn't affect me that much, but I'm sure he would have if I played this game earlier in my life. Thanks Godot.
Go play this game. Is on sale very often, don't miss the opportunity.

Perfect actually, Phoenix is my boyfriend

At last I have finished the Ace Attorney trilogy and I gotta say, what an incredibly fun set of games! Loved every bit of it - The cases, the puzzle solving, the over-the-top characters, it's all great stuff.

Ace Attorney is a great start to the series. It's a really good introduction to all the character we'll grow to know and love. The best of this game is getting to see Edgeworth's arc. He's easily the best prosecutor in the series I love seeing his and Phoenix's relationship grow throughout the trilogy.

Justice for All does great at stepping-up the gameplay, making use of the "Profiles" feature in investigation and well as the element of Psycho-locks which makes the investigation portions more engaging. However, whilst I do like her, I found von Karma a bit of a step-down to Edgeworth and probably the weakest prosecutor of the series. This game also had my least favourite case in "Turnabout Big Top". That said, the final case was truly excellent and really laid the tension and stakes on thick whilst introducing a compelling dilemma, probably my favourite of the trilogy.

And lastly, Trials and Tribulations was a satisfying conclusion to the series. Not only having a compelling narrative throughout but also bringing the whole trilogy together. Godot especially was a facinating character and I love the revelations of his character and motivations.

All in all, absolutely adored this trilogy! And the fact there's more Ace Attorney beyond these three games fills my heart with joy to no end.

Eu não acho a gameplay lá grande coisa. Mas de resto, gostei bastante dos casos (principalmente o último) e os personagens

yeah i think im ready for the real world now

Definitely have really weak cases but overall the games are solid

a pretty silly ride and tells a semi-interesting story, some chapters can go a little long though even regarding quality but still a neat little ride for those who want to get into it.

Just gonna count this as my thoughts on the trilogy as a whole plus this is the version of the games I played.

Three great games, I think the second one may be a bit weaker but overall what a good trilogy.