Reviews from

in the past

I, uh, finished this some time in April and just sorta forgot to log it I suppose. Ironically, something I think sums-up X/Y pretty well; overall skippable.

Now don't get me wrong, the games are well-made and function as they should. The graphics are great for the 3DS standards, the soundtrack is a bop, and the number of Pokemon available gives you a lot of potential teambuilding options. But just about everything else does not hold up... the story has interesting moments and lots of cool ideas (a fucking war happened and we're just not gonna talk about it for more than two cutscenes?) but is overall a huge nothingburger. It somehow feels both rushed and yet sluggishly paced at the same time, with events just sorta happening because... because. But hey, story is rarely (if ever) the main draw for a Pokemon game! So how about the gameplay? Shockingly enough, it's Pokemon. Big surprise I'm sure. But with all the species available to catch, there must be a lot of ways to build your team and be challenged by the game, right? ...right?

...the game is balanced about as well as a dysfunctional wooden beam in the middle of a hurricane; it's not very balanced. Whilst on paper the sheer variety of Pokemon you can use is great, you're given so many gift Pokemon that it won't matter to much of the casual audience. But even for someone like me who caught a number of Pokemon for my team, even rotating some out, the game's difficulty is a joke. I had overlapping weaknesses to a good number of types, no mega evolutions, my fastest Pokemon was a Tyrantrum (base 71 speed btw), was using limited battle items, and I went into the league with an underleveled team... the only battle I really struggled with was Drasna, more specifically her Dragalge. Not just in the league but for the whole game. This was the one time I felt like I was actually at a proper disadvantage, and even then I did it to myself by not accounting for poison-types too well. But my point is the game's balance is shit; the first battle against Lysandre, the BIG BAD EVIL MAN who is BIG and EVIL and WANTS DESTRUCTION gives him two NFE Pokemon. Murkrow is good enough unevolved, fair enough, but Meinfoo? In the endgame portion? Actually laughable. And it's not even consistent given the second battle with him barely twenty minutes later has both of those Pokemon evolved.

The difficulty is made even more pathetic by the introduction of megas. These behemoths either snap the game in two or are worth ignoring. Lucky for players, the game hands out broken megas like candy which does include one of the best ones; Mega Lucario. This stupid thing is already really strong in competitive, but in casual the game just becomes an absolute cakewalk unless you do stupid shit like try to hit ghosts with fighting moves. Mega Lucario shows my general issue with the design of mega evolutions as they were implemented; making already strong Pokemon batshit broken. Fuck, I love Tyranitar but even it isn't safe from this syndrome. Yes there are still other powerful megas such as Mawile and Lopunny but these Pokemon were aching for anything good for the longest time. Kangaskhan is the queen of this trope in fact, going from a decent Pokemon to batshit broken because of mega evolution. But these broken megas are the ones you only really hear about... because the rest of them are just sad. I don't know why we live in a world where someone approved mega Lucario, mega Sableye, and mega Kanga yet also decided mega Ampharos having 55 speed just wasn't allowed. Or mega Abomasnow being a slow fat fuck whilst still keeping its dogshit defensive typing... you get the picture. Megas are a cool idea, but very heavily flawed as it comes down to picking the ones that break the game in two whilst the rest of them sit crying in a corner.

So, I've been complaining for a lot of this review. Yet I did honestly still enjoy this game for what it's worth; it's the most standard Pokemon adventure you can get with lots of creatures to catch, battles to be had (however easy they may be), and a story-ish of some description in there to keep you moving forward. There's no doubt that this game did a lot of good for the franchise with it's re-balancing of certain moves and mechanics, making competitive training easier as well. There are good steps here... but the whole of this game is merely fine. It was a start to bringing Pokemon to the new generation, and a good start at that. But replaying it with a critical eye (as well as experiencing Gen.7/8/9 which all built on it so much) I can see how mediocre and flawed it is. It's a great point for newcomers to the series to start, because in spite of being flawed it isn't genuinely broken like OG Red/Blue are. It's just a decently enjoyable game with a lack of substance for veterans or returning players.

Meu mega Blastoise carregou a Elite Four inteira😎

I'm sorry. I don't hate this game on purpose, but I do. I can't even really put into words why. It just represents such a steep fall off from Gen 5 where I was confused and baffled at nearly all choices made. I don't think it's even objectively bad. It's just I get very little enjoyment out of the game.

This review contains spoilers

this one ended up as my least fave mainline game sadly. loads of intresting surface stuff that never really delivers.

what i liked:

- pokemon amie!! really good and cute way to connect with ur pokemon!!!! pet them or feed them , each with their unique animations for it!!!! i love it. all the little lines of “pokemon withstood the attack so u wouldnt worry” or “i know u can do it pokemon!!” is sooooo cute i ADORE it

- the post game looker story is literally the only part of the entire narrative that like. had me invested lol. short and with a strong character (emma). were was this energy for the main plot and crew

- im glad exp share all is a thing now. less pain in the ass to level mons up (i would even say overleleved lol but w/e)

and..thats sadly it. as to why this ended up as my least fave

- the characters, really.

- i love the idea of some of them, how tierno for example just want to have a decent dance team, or shauna stumbling around trying to find a goal for herself.

- except..nothing interesting is explored with that. we dont get tiernos motivation for why he wanna have a dance team, we dont really get any further than a hint of shaunas insecurity before it kinda gets..swept away?

- the only memorable moment i had with these characters was the fireworks scene and..thats it! give me more scenes like that!!

- dont even get me started on ur neighbor rival lol. an absolute nothing character

- everything just feels underdeveloped, from the main characters, the villain and also the main plot

- i wanted to be invested in az’s whole deal but his story is inserted so oddly i was left kinda uh...ok...than anything else. this could just be a me thing tho

- i also think, beyond the narrative, that the transition to 3d is kinda rough. pokemon models look kinda washed out from the more colourful sprites in bw. the character models themselves feel kinda stiff in conversations.

- i think mega evos are cool but the focus on kanto or other regions makes kalos lose some of its unique identity. why didn't we get mega evos for our kalos starters??

- i like 2d art dont get me wrong, but the lack of 3d intros for say, the gym leaders, was such a lost opportunity to showcase their personality (in comparison to the flare admins)

- the gym leaders themselves felt largey forgettable, which is a damn shame bc i dig alot of their designs

- navigating luminose city is also a pain in the ass mostly bc how haywire the camera can get

- also why was style level a thing

overall the most lackluster of pokemon games im afraid.

C comme si tu jouais a Pokemon mais que tout était nul à chier en gro

The Pokemon gameplay loop will always be fun no matter the situation but a drop in quality is very clear compared to the last game.

The beginning of my Least Liked era in Pokemon. This is where they gave up on ever not mostly relying on the most popular Pokemon of the first 3 gens, and also where they started doing special Once A Match Moves for each game.
(Mega Evolutions were alright tho they should have just been Evolutions tbh)

Inovou e não fez feio.
Pena que envelheceu mal.

it might be nostalgia, but i really like this game a lot

got it just for competitive, if you're only playing singleplayer then get a gen 5 or 7 game

Fairly decent Pokemon game, but it started the trend of gimmicks with Mega Evolution which eventually led to Z Moves and Dynamaxing. Fun region based on France, unfortunately the last set of decent Pokemon games before the failings that were Sun and Moon.

Contrary to popular belief, I think Gen 6 was pretty awesome! It was still trying to figure out the 3D aspect but Mega-Evolutions were SO cool. I really wish those hadn't been a Gimmick but instead become a part of Pokemon itself! Amazing OST as well!

Idk man, I find myself on Route 15 listening to the music and checking out my team (which you have a massive amount of options for), and I can't help feeling there really is something there.

Story and characters this time are...nothing but being out on the road feels as great as it always does

Plot and post-game content weren't as compelling as the previous gen, but hey, I still spent an embarrassing number of hours hunting a shiny Zoroark

at the time this came out, it was 3d pokemon, and that blew my little head off.

definately a flawed experience in retrospect, but i'll never forget how much fun it was exploring this new generational leap on my 3 inch 3ds screen.

I honestly liked the game. It's about par for most Pokemon games, aside from the rough jump to 3D. I really enjoyed the Pokémon-Amie system the most. While the camera tracking sucked being able to pet and feed my pokemon has been a feature I've wanted since Yellow released. This and player customization really made it a blast.

This is the first and currently only mainline Pokemon game that I put in the effort to finish.
I don't ever want to finish it again.

eu realmente não sei oq pensar a respeito

Big pokemon city was cool, rest of it was ight

This is a great example of when a game enters your life at just the right time. It got me back into the series, all my friends played it, we all got into the competitive scene. If your looking for criticism then this entry is alright. feels unfinished in several spots, it's a pretty small, fairly underwhelming game that's too easy even by Pokemon standards. That said I loved this game, I really did and I probably have more nostalgia for this entry than for almost the rest of the series. Go in with an open mind and I hope you enjoy! And if you've played it before then I hope you were also swept away into the craze as I was or at least had a fun time

pretty neat, i feel like it's missing something though. i definitely understand the devs struggles though because this was the first 3d pokemon game, they had to model everyone from scratch and around this time, that was roughly 700+ models. i just wish there was more, or atleast a pokemon z to improve upon this game.

Probably the beginning of Pokemon's fall to mediocrity. There's some dumb fun to be had (I really like how many cool 'mons are available early, even though it doesn't really matter on a first playthrough cause you get gifted so many strong pokemon that every endgame team is gonna look the same), but really nothing else to it.

mega evolução, mas podia ter mais jogo

My first ever Pokemon game and one that I have very fond memories of. In reality, I should rate this an objective 4, but I can't bring myself to!

Better than people give it credit for, but the story was lacking. Very fun generation for battling.