Reviews from

in the past

Dimension of the Machine is so good I wish it were the original campaign.

Gostei mais desse que os DOOMs velhos (1, 2, 64, 3) se vistos individualmente, simplesmente foda

Playtime: 7 Hours
Score: 8/10

An awesome shooter! So I never played the original Quake as I grew up playing Quake 2 and 4, but it was fun to see where the series started with this remaster. This game feels like a mix of old school id games like the original 2 Dooms, but also a stepping stone into their modern games before Quake 2 took it a step further. So far I just beat the base game, and will do individual reviews for the expansions.

The shooting feels good and still fun to kill hordes of enemies. You fight a mix of demons and dark fanasty creatures like the Shambler and the Ogres which by far the coolest looking. The weapon line up is okay feeling with the FPS staples like the shotgun (which feels more like a pistol) and super shotgun, the nail gun and super nail gun which I loved to use, grenade and rocket launchers and finally the thunderbolt which is this games equvailent of a BFG. I found the weapons to be fun but not as good as Quake 2's line up even though those are upgraded versions of these.

I also found the level design to be quite interesting as they feel very puzzle like then any of id game. You have to run around and collect keys to open doors which is standard, but theres lots of traps for you to avoid as well as buttons to either push or shoot to unlock doors and secret passages. I felt like Indiana Jones or Tomb Raider exploring some of these levels. And there's fun additions like secret exits that will lead to a secret level and then skip a couple of the normal levels afterwards which was nice.

The music is very different to Id's other games, with this games OST feeling more like a moody, atmospheric sound scape that adds to the horror atmosphere. I do like the OST overall but I did miss the more heart pounding tracks that you don't get here aside for the main menu theme.

Lastly the achievement list is fun with lots of things for you to do other then just completing episodes unlike Quake 2's list. And your getting lots of content overall with all the official expansions but also fan made expansions you can download from the main menu for free, so its definitely a game that can keep you busy for a while.

My negatives are mainly I wish the OST was more catchy; the shooting can feel not quite as good as later id games and the enemies tend to dog pile on top of you in some rooms which can make it feel a little unfair to play. Overall though, a solid shooter and remaster.

All Games Played and Reviewed Ranked -

Nightdive's work on this port is simply fantastic. The game runs buttery smooth, the emulation is solid, has new levels, and Quake 64 is even included.

A solid FPS with atmosphere pumping music and oppressive environments. There wasn't a huge variety of weapons or enemies, and the game could be unfair a lot of the time. It's still a solid classic in my books.

A Bonafide Killer Classic!!! Nightdive studios port of IDs groundbreaking FPS still reigns supreme and is a reminder of this genres heavy metal roots.

One of the most influential and revolutionary first person shooters of all time, this port is pretty fucking amazing and adds more content than ever before.

The shooting in this game feels amazing along with the atmosphere, which is so unique with its lovecraftian vibes.

A lot of content is added as well, including the original dlcs, Machine Game’s Dimension of the past and machine, along with a punishing yet addictive horde mode

Pretty amazing also Trevor Reznors screams are beautiful and melancholic

Los gráficos 3D y la posibilidad de saltar marcaron una nueva era, es innegable que el salto entre Doom 2 y Quake fue inmenso. En él, ID trabajó con personas tan talentosas como American McGee en su brutal diseño artístico futurista lovecraftiano, o Nine Inch Nails, con su banda sonora industrial. Pese a sus cualidades estéticas, jugablemente ha envejecido peor que Doom. Tiene algunas decisiones en el diseño de niveles realmente innovadoras, pero en su mayoría no favorecen en absoluto las mecánicas que él mismo plantea y no se siente tan satisfactorio acabar con los enemigos, además de contar con solo dos bosses ni siquiera interesantes.

Lovely remaster, Nightdive Studios does it again.

I feel like this game is just "More Doom" at its core but at the same time its an interesting evolution that takes out all the fluff from the first two Doom games and is just pure unadulterated action

A great remaster of an FPS masterpiece!

Growing up I never played the original Quake or much of the Doom games. However I did play Quake II on Nintendo 64 and If I had to choose between Doom and Quake I was always a bigger Quake fan.

The enemies and levels are just so creative dripping with atmosphere due to the amazing sound design for the weapons and environments. Just Ranger's grunting alone is an iconic sound effect in gaming. The score is also amazing.

The Lovecraftian and H.R. Giger style is so creative and puts anything we see in modern day gaming to shame. Even on the easy difficulty this is still challenging as all hell. I really miss when Games didn't hand hold and actually respected the player.

Only real flaw is some of the enemy spawn points are a load of BS and those little black blobs known as the Spawn are easily the worst enemy type in the game. Eat a dick you little shits!

You definitely get your money's worth with this game. So many levels and a lot of fun to be had. Just the level select alone is more creative than anything in modern gaming.

Please can we get a Quake reboot done in the style of Doom 2016?

tried this one out for some video game history homework. its cool to see how id software progressed on doom. you can jump in this game, look up and down, swim, and some other quality of life stuff, i think i still prefer the shooting in doom though. i got to an area where i just died a ton of times and decided to call it quits.

The gunplay, enemy design, and level design in this game are all really good. While I prefer Doom's soundtrack to Quake's soundtrack, the music of Quake really helps amplify its foreboding atmosphere. Overall, this is a really good game.

This game gets an 8/10.

It really shows how well this game held up when it's as true to the original while still adding modern touches. Will replay the extra maps at some point, but the main campaign itself is solid in my book.

I didn't see the appeal to this game at first, but I gave it a try anyways because I love boomer shooters. Four episodes and an end game boss later I'm left craving more.

Safe to say this shit holds up almost 30 years later.

Pra mim essa é a real continuação de Doom, e não Doom 2.

Literalmente parece que este jogo que deveria ter sido o sucessor de Doom. Tudo aqui parece ser um "Doom melhorado" (A mira, os inimigos, o level design, tudo tudo).

A estética do game funciona muito bem, tendo um design de inimigos excelente. Porém o maior destaque do jogo vai pro seu level design (Tudo muito bem pensado, tão satisfatório quanto o level design do Doom 64). Quake acerta muito no esquema de divisão de missões como um sistema de progressão do jogo.

Passei raiva com ondas de inimigos apelões igualzinho em Doom rsrs (IA envelheceu bem demais).

- Level design magnífico.
- IA desafiadora.

- Poucos Puzzles realmente difíceis (A maior dificuldade é o inimigo).

Think I like this a little bit more than OG Doom, but mainly just because of the improved controls. Wasn't really a big fan of the level design or the enemies. Loads of bullshit enemy placements, and a lot of their mechanics were super annoying. Fuck shamblers.

Besides remaining a strong first-person shooter title to this day in its own right, the 2021 remaster of Quake is really just a showpiece for how truly impressive the technological wizards at Nightdive Studios are. It seems that whenever they're involved, the notion of a product 'showing its age' never really feels applicable. Especially with their work here, it's a masterful blend of updating the graphics, performance, and game feel of the original just enough that it feels reasonably modern while still keeping the core experience and nostalgia of the original release. It's incredibly impressive work.

As for Quake itself, it's a very solid shooter taking place in a Lovecraftian gothic fantasy world with horrific creatures and steampunk-adjacent technology and weaponry. Combined with the unsurprisingly strong Nine Inch Nails soundtrack, it gives it all a deeply unsettling vibe throughout, even though you're always reasonably equipped to deal with its horrors and delve deeper into its harsh dark fantasy world that remains incredibly rich to explore in each chapter.

That being said, I'd say the base campaign is perhaps the weakest of the bunch, with the expansions providing much more fulfilling gameplay elements and levels, with Scourge of Armagon providing the best of the former and Dimension of the Machine providing the best of the latter.

Otherwise, despite how intriguing its world proves to be throughout these campaigns, the gameplay itself wears thin pretty fast, even though, as I hinted, they do switch it up with new weapons, power-ups, and puzzles now and then. The formula for each campaign quickly becomes bland and formulaic, though perhaps the onus of that is more on the player for going through all of them consecutively than the campaigns themselves since they all had years between each of them.

Still, Quake is a very solid tour of the old id Software factory of first-person shooters and, despite Quake's faults, is still proof positive today that they really are one of the best to ever do it.


pretty solid early fps. being able to freely aim was pretty jarring after playing the og doom but I got used to it. I really enjoyed it but man half the enemies are annoying af.

didn't play quake as a kid, and still in 2023 this knocked it out of the park for me

fucking rad game with an addictive mix of speed, brilliant level design and streamlined gunplay, kept me glued to the screen like it was 1996 and i didn't have anything else to think about

not to mention the sound design and music are out of this world

i'd deduct just like a quarter of a star for the pretty strange final boss encounter, but i feel like awkward final bosses are kind of a hallmark of the 90s

An excellent enhanced port of the original Quake. Level design is superb and weapon variety is quite satisfying for its time. It has a very addictive gameplay and should be played no matter what year it is.

I got so bored by episode 2 that I played Dusk start to finish instead and abandoned this game for a year before I came back and arrived to the same conclusion as I played this further.
I didn't feel any satisfaction in beating this game, not even by playing on Nightmare. I'd rather play Doom on UV again.
Good remaster though

Fun enough, but after playing a bit of the first expansion I can see how much better that is and how much less I enjoyed this. I think one if the biggest problems is just that the enemies have so much health. I always enjoyed the first level in each episode because it has those 2 shot enemies.

The most important video game ever made with rocketjumping

A great FPS experience. The gameplay is similar to Doom you kill enemies while searching for an exit. The game's guns and enemies are designed well and pair perfectly with the fast movement. The dark medieval environments work great with eerie music. I recommend it to any fan of FPS games.

I love DOOM and this is even faster. The ambient soundtrack is really amazing, recommend everyone to play with headphones. Again, the speed is the thing here. Your weapons fire amazingly quickly and you fly through the levels.