Reviews from

in the past

Historia fraca, o que me prendeu foi o mundo do jogo (ambientação foda)

Beside the generic & underwhelming story, however the gameplay is absolutely fun. It had a more impactful bullets in gunplay, it is like Doom gameplay meets fallout open world. It is a game that does not offer much innovation in terms of game design or story. It combines the ideas and mechanics from some open-world games we've all seen lately. Still, it rocks an incredible combat system straight from the ID's Doom series making it extremely fun to play.

borderlands + mad max + doom = a pleasent surprise..

Does anyone know how to fix the performance issue on epic games? really it's not my pc literally ran other games with this engine from bethesda and it had no problems, heck even doom eternal ran at high with a solid 60 fps.

Maybe I didn't give it enough time, but it just felt so fucking bland, combat was the best part and even then I just wanted to be playing Doom instead, dialogue was laughably bad.

The combat is great as to be expected by ID software, but then it stops and then you have to play the crap sandbox game Avalanche Studios made.

Overwhelmingly mediocre everything, save for the shooting. Guns and abilities are very fun, but the world feels empty, the driving sucks, the writing is poor, and the mission design is barebones.

it's unbelievable this is the same company that criated the ultimate masterpiece the elder scrolls V skyrim

the had the same boss everytime and they took the credit of everything i did in the previous game
6,5/10 - Length
6,5/10 - Enjoyment
6,0/10 - Perfomance/Bugs
5,0/10 - Story/Experience
6,0/10 - Gameplay

Score = 6,1/10

Played this the other day and it was hard... not difficult... just so bad i could hardly play... buggy as too

Fiquei impactado no início do jogo pela estória e o inicio do combate frenetico.
Adorei a jogabilidade mas a quantidade de bugs ainda existentes causa uma repulsa ao jogo.
O jogo meu crashou por 3 vezes.

Fun- Wish the game got more hype

Don't actually have a lot to say about this game. Might get clowned on for this, but I played this game 3 years ago and completely forgot about it because I thought it was kind of bad. The gameplay from what I remember was alright, but that's about the only memorable thing.

Tiene buenos tiroteos, sobre todo con la escopeta, pero el mundo abierto se me hace aburrido. Hay pocos tipos de enemigos, y premia ir a cholon. Una mierda que el mapa solo te señale el coche base y no los otros, sobre todo cuándo has dejado ese principal muy lejos y sabes que cerca hay alguno que podrías usar. Aunque bueno, quitando ese inicial, los vehículos son un poco incontrolables, sobre todo si se tratan de motos. En cuánto a la historia o NPCs, si no les ha importado a los devs desarrollarlos, menos voy a hablar yo de ellos.

Genuinely the most MEH game I've ever played.

Gunplay was really good but I got really bored and just didn't care to finish it

I genuinely do not understand how this game is so hated by the gaming community. The gunplay is extremely satisfying, the graphical fidelity is impressive, the sounds are crisp, it runs well and the collectibles are fun. Yes, I know the story is crap. I haven't even touched the main missions after 3-4 hours but that doesn't mean that the game has no merit everywhere else. The only thing I hate is that I have to buy fucking rage coins or whatever if I want to buy DLCs. No option to buy it normally.

Plusy: dobry model strzelania, ładna grafika
Minusy: tragiczna fabuła, fatalny model jazdy, generyczna mapa, długość kampanii (4h!!!!), taki sobie system progresji

has the same template as that neo-colonialist tom Clancy game but more satisfying combat, and just more interesting objectives and world in general

Rage 2 is so devoid of anything interesting, that I actually feel frustrated about it. Just a giant nothing burger of a game- an "open world" that nails the "post-apocalyptic" thing a bit too hard because there is seemingly no life whatsoever. Long sequences of driving, broken up by copy-pasted bandit camps that give you some ammo pick-ups and currency. I found the Borderlands 2 Circle of Slaughter rip-off especially bad. Fighting a grand total of 3 enemy types over and over, in small rooms, with your reward just being the opportunity to buy more ammo. What a snorefest.

This game is the absolute definition of mediocre. I gave it an honest chance, but literally nothing was keeping me invested in it. It's gameplay is fun, it's got that satisfying AAA polish to it that makes it feel punchy and brutal. But besides that, there's nothing else. Interesting characters are nonexistent, the open world has nothing to do in it besides outposts and collectibles, and the story is so dreadfully contrived, formulaic and boring that I just couldn't keep going.

I really gave this game a chance but for the love of all things, it's so boring. It's a poor Doom clone that tries to be its own thing but fails to do so. Glitches are so apparent which was the final straw when I encountered the sand worm in the desert, straight up fell under the map. The story isn't any better, talk about a snooze fest with boring dialogue. The gameplay was the only thing that kept me going but that's only because it is a just the Doom mechanics under fresh coat of crap Microsoft Studio paint. Huge disappointment.

Rage 2 (2019): Cuándo DOOM conoció a Far Cry. Mejora en muchísimo al original, y aunque tiene una historia pésima y corta y el mapa no da mucho de sí, pero los tiroteos y la aventura son tan satisfactorios que lo compensan. Podría haber sido top de la generación, pero se quedó en un juego divertidísimo con potencial desperdiciado (8,10)

Meh…. I don’t understand why this was an open world game.

Não entendi nada. Nem da história, nem da gameplay, muitos pop-ups de tutorial nos primeiros minutos em momentos atrapalhados.

Dito isso, adorei o fato de que enquanto tá rolando a missão inicial vários dos ratos dos muros simplesmente morrem a troco de nada com efeitos malucos e explosões e raios e papapa.

Gostaria de jogar mais do que meia hora, mas acho que não peguei a brisa do jogo.

The definition of a 7/10 game. The weapons are good, but there's a lot in Rage 2 that feels like it had just enough effort put into it to get by. It just sort of exists, which is less than you want out of an AAA game in the 2010s.

Very pink, somewhat fun, no real substance