Reviews from

in the past

This is the ultimate cowboy game. Incredible, one of the greatest games ever made. Undeniably better than the second. The fact the shooting worked and was actually fun was a huge plus.

Quite a good game, that's for sure, but the last star wasn't awarded because of the feeling of lack of "dramaticity" that I have on the present moment of this writing.

Comparing to GTAIV, it shares various mechanics, and a bunch of others are similar; but the cutscenes, not by far, didn't get me to feel the emotion, I believe that was because the atmosphere. Playing in the X360 emulator, an issue could be the reason, but, yet, they didn't get me on the soft spot.

Although the commentary I made up here, this is game that, being a "sequel that was released before", still can hit me with the thought that is shame that it has ended, and when a media gives me this feeling, that's a signal, it was great experience. Although it is a mediocre analizationed-oppinion, one thing is for sure: you'll enjoy this game.

"...E a sorte não vai os salvar hoje a noite."

Por algum motivo, eu esperava muito mais desse aqui... boa parte do peso dele pra mim poderia ser atribuído ao fato de eu já ter jogado o 2 antes, e é muito interessante jogar com o John de novo após passar um tempo considerável com ele, assim como revisitar os membros da gangue, ver onde estão, e dar um fim neles

É possível que o fato de eu ter ido pro jogo com expectativas talvez irreais, assim como também já saber do final do John (valeu, youtubers!) tenha me quebrado um pouco as pernas, mas de jeito nenhum é um jogo ruim

A jornada é excelente, o mundo, gráficos, dublagem, músicas, gunplay e etc, todos são bons o suficiente

Ironicamente, surgiram rumores sobre um remaster/port no EXATO DIA que eu comecei a emular. Pra quem se interessar, o jogo pode ser jogado no emulador de 360 com um PC não tão forte!

Rockstar Magnum Opus.

Red Dead Redemption is the best story told by the studio, just followed by Red Dead Redemption 2 and probably GTA IV. It feels like a big adventure through America.
My favorite bit were the missions that took place in Mexico.

Rockstar sadly still has problems regarding structure and pacing. Gameplay is basic for the most part too, shoot until everyone is dead. It hasn't evolved that much since GTA 3. But I have to say, this game delivers so good storywise.

The few Rockstar games that I actually like.

One of rockstar's finest titles. What keeps it from being a full 5 is it does feel dated especially after RDR2 and the fact that its locked on 7th gen consoles. Game really needs a 1 to 1 remake on 2's engine

how does this game have better shooting than red dead 2

Multiplayer was so good. Story didn't interest me.

playing this after RDR 2 feels like season 4 of Breaking Bad where everything is more grounded and dark leading to the end of wild west.

this game is fucking fantastic, there is no denying that. in some ways it's even better than rdr2 but it definitely has it's flaws. if you play this on the series s/x on a 4k monitor/tv it looks incredible for a game that came out in 2010, the combat system is fun but one of the cons is the lock-on aim assist, soundtrack feels raw and even the ambience sounds/music feels alive. haven't seen many people talk about the multiplayer either, it was so fun back in the day and it's still fun now. it was the best game for it's time and for me is one of the best games around currently. arguably one of rockstars best titles. 9.6/10

A amazing experience with some awesome gameplay and story, cool characters, cool world and overall a great game (My personal 2010 Game of the Year)

John is a better character than Arthur

O melhor jogo da quarta geração dos consoles

Fucking masterpiece.
One of those games you have to play before you die if you have any respect for the hobby at all.

Truly a game of our times, this western instantly became one of the most positively heralded games ever. After finally playing it for the first time, 13 years after its release, I can confirm that this game is truly one of the greatest ever created. From gameplay to storytelling, very few parts of this game seem under-developed. All-in-all, an absolutely entertaining experience truly cherished and forever remembered.

Red Dead Redemption is the best game of his developer and im my opinion, one of the most advanced games of his generation, back in his launch this game is very impressive even more than a decade later the game still's very good, he have some parts that can be annoying but the game at all is very good.
(I play the game again recently)
The variety of the world is impressive, we have live towns and some randoom encounters, some of then is just you helping people or is some kinda of assault in some places in the middle of the desert, also have some fellas that gonna challenge you to a duel.
The secondary missions is one of the high points of the game, look you have some deep and dark missions and others that is just simple, the fellas who give this missions is strangers that you dont know, each mission can be done each time you want during the main campaing.
The main game is about a man who have to hunt his old gang friends just to have his family back, cause the governament take they away, so you have to find and confront three of then, the game ambient is the west of America in the the 11th year of the 20th century, so this is the end of the old west, the end of the outlaws, and you are one of the last outlaws, the protagonist just want to live his life with his family in his ranch...but the past stills following him.
This is a great game about a outlaw and his journey to Redemption.

"We can't always fight nature. We can't fight change, we can't fight gravity, we can't fight nothin'. My whole life, all I ever did was fight..."

Best Rockstar game. Very tight story. A great character with John Marston which reminds me of the young Clint Eastwood. A rich word, and a cowboy game, very unique and quality wise unmatched. It’s a revenge story a lá Quentin Tarantino. I wish they would preserve this game on modern consoles and PC.

For a developer that focuses predominately on consoles, Rockstar is bafflingly terrible at designing their games around a controller.

Red Dead Redemption is fantastic, that can't be denied, but I'm finding it hard to expand on that when every point of praise I can think of was done exceptionally better in the sequel.

At the time this game was a masterpiece, but now it feels like a beta test for RDR2, and given that RDR2 is a prequel I'd find it hard to recommend anyone play this one first today.

"While there are guns and money, there won't be any freedom"

the box art for this game is so raw i love u john marston

fell off a cliff when I first arrived in Mexico, genuinely the most depressing moment of my life

O único jogo perfeito da Rockstar.

One of the best games of the generation. The music is still amazing. That moment when you cross into Mexico has to be one of the all time great moments for me in video games. And the ending. Brutal.

this game was a lot of fun. i really love rdr2 so i went back to play this one. combat got a little repetitive but it not enough to make me stop playing. excited for the remake if its real.