Reviews from

in the past

GOATED rhythm game, good looking artstyle and amazing music
also remix 8 is the best track

Crazy how the Wii of all consoles has one of the best rhythm games ever

played this game on a random whim, and it blew me away! just a perfect video game for me.

I LOVE this game with all my heart! Never gets old, I can always come back to this when I want to jam out to a fun, simple but addictive rhythm game. Give me more Rhythm Heaven games, please!

Rhythm Heaven Fever is a very fun game. It offers lots of fun music and it really does feel so accessible. It's very relaxing once the rhythm is placed in your head as well, it feels great to get those Superb Medals!

One of the best rhythm games ever made in my opinion. It's so varied and fun!! Definitely recommend if you like rhythm games at all

Although rhe controls might not be as engaging as the ds port i think the overall quality of minigames are better here and the overall graphics and personality is way superior in this game overall a great game with only some minigames i really dont like.

This game proves that not only do I lack gamer skills, I lack rhythm too!

and jab jab jab jab jab jab ONE TWO jab jab jab jab ONE TWO

DAWGGGGG why did it take me this long to try this series?

Tied with Punch Out for the best Wii game, the best Rhythm game of all time though. Amazing artstyle and definitely would want a new title to the game that is as good as Heaven.

Remix 10 carries this game. I like it though.

Mon jeu préféré de la licence. Des niveaux ingénieux et des remix aux musiques très cool.

ba bum bum bum

Love this game, Definitely the best entry in the series.
In my opinion, this game has some of the most iconic rhythm games in the series, with some of the most iconic (and best) songs. It was a joy being able to finally play this game, and it's weird that i feel a little melancholic looking back on it. Great game!
The only thing holding this game from a 5/5 is Love Rap 2.

i’ve never had so much fun pressing two buttons in my life.

Rhythm heaven é definitivamente a franquia da Nintendo que eu mais quero que receba um novo jogo, joguei MUITO os rhythm heavens de GBA e DS e sempre quis jogar e zerar esse, e agora que zerei posso dizer que não teve nada nele que me decepcionou, as músicas são incríveis, os minigames criativos e divertidos de se jogar e gameplay gostosinha (são 2 botões basicamente mas msm assim), se você gosta de jogos de ritmo esse jogo e a franquia rhythm heaven em geral são uma ótima recomendação.
O fever com certeza virou meu favorito da franquia, ansioso pra jogar o megamix

I love this game so much how did they manage to pack so much personality into a bunch of minigames. I know Megamix is technically a port of this but I wish there was a portable port of just this game so I could play it all the time. The minigame selection is so so tight and the lack of a story/characters interrupting between games just makes the minigame characters shine so much more and become main chracters themselves. If you enjoy rhythm games do not miss this one!

A must play for any rhythm fan. The fun games, the beautifully done artistic style, and the music, OOOOOH the music. Everything in this game is a perfect 10 out of 10, and I honestly wish I had played it sooner than I had.

some games have amazing gameplay, deep and complex mechanics, gripping storylines, detailed and lush graphics or endless online replayability to make them some of the best ever made. rhythm heaven fever has pretty much none of these things. you use two buttons and press them in time to some music, the graphics are simple and cartoony, there is no overarching story, and there is practically no replayability after you have achieved all perfects. so why play it? because, in everything elses place, lies the biggest bucket of charm, personality and humour you will ever see.

Really fun game, my rhythm skills suck, but it was a very fun challenge regardless!

first game ive played from the series and i seriously regret taking so long. very fun and addictive rythm and wii game. very cool