Reviews from

in the past

Putting Monkey Watch in the second row of rhythm games is perhaps the most evil deed any of these games have ever performed… well, that and Remix 10’s whole existence. Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise (As it is called over here)? It appears to be quite the contrary my fellow, as it seems that the beat is BEATING MY ASS.

Back when I talked about Deltarune: Chapter 2, I mentioned that there are certain games with the ability to just make anyone happy, to express such a sensation of comfort and happiness even when something bad is happening or when losing non-stop, and this effect isn’t produced by ‘’vibes’’ alone; every element need to click and fall into place juuuuuuuuuuuuust right, feel the amount of polish and passion that it was put into a certain work is something that doesn’t happen very often, and while Rhythm Tengoku came pretty close to achieving such elements of sheer ectasis by fumbling a bit in some aspects… this is it, Luigi.

Fever isn’t the first game in the series to reach such levels of excellence, but it is the first one achieving such heights of visual and sound spectacle; it’s great to see that, despite abandoning the varying art-styles of the past games in favor of a single and consistent one, it has a fantastic sense of identity and this still feel as Rhythm Heaven as (f)ever, and the sound design and OST… H O L Y F U C K I N G S H I T. The freacking madlads literally said ‘’Yeah, we’ve composed Blue Birds, Munchy Monk, Remix 8 and goddam That’s Paradisebut wouldn’t it be crazy if we put banger lyrics in a remix centered on food?

Air Rally, Remix 4, 8 and 9, Samurai-Slice, Flock-Step, MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE THAT IS Flipper Flop AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I LOVE THOSE SEALS :D. I do think and maintain that DS had the overall stronger OST when looking at it as stand-alone songs, but Fever has by far the strongest collection of musical pieces in a purely rhythmic sense; that is not to say that I wouldn’t listen to some of them outside of the game (if it has lyrics, it’s ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC), but they specially function flow for the task they went conceived, they flow exceptionally with the fantastic gameplay and you feel as by merely listening and pressing buttons you are learning rhythm, and in a way, you are indeed doing that.

Fever is a festival, on that invites you to stay as long as you like you need (specially because it gets really challenging at times), an packed with side content as much as it has bonkers main challenges. I also really appreciate that despite being on the Wii, there are no motion controls in any of the rhythm sections. They knew very well what they wanted to do, and they went for it.

Rhythm Heaven is a series that loves itself as much as it loves the people that put the time into playing it, and while Fever is not the peak of the series to me, it’s an amazing experience, one of pure joy, one about loving both music and fun

Nintendo is such an esteemed house when it comes to games of this ilk, ones that are easy to pick up but endlessly replayable, but this is where I believe that philosophy of game design peaked. Nearly 12 years after its release, that luster still hasn't faded; everything is as fun as I remember it being, and it becomes impossible for me to not have a giant smile on my face playing it. This is my prime example of what a perfect videogame looks like.


I fucking love this game, the Tambourine Monkey is so fucking cute

imagine naming your kid fucking Ann Glerr dude

this game is very special to me. i picked it up on the eshop through the wii u's virtual console and fell in love. the amount of charm this game is able to show through some silly little mini games is incredible. not only that but the remixes in this game are amazing and definitely my favorite in the series. nintendo needs to bring this series back

Após tanto tempo querendo jogar, aqui está finalizada essa pérola. Só quero que a poha do "Love Rap" se exploda, de resto ótimo.

ba bum bum bum

DAWGGGGG why did it take me this long to try this series?

Very fun and imaginative but I find it pretty hard for me

last level made me wanna kms. otherwise it was fun

Love this game but can't make it past Monkey Watch
(I'm retarded)

Tied with Punch Out for the best Wii game, the best Rhythm game of all time though. Amazing artstyle and definitely would want a new title to the game that is as good as Heaven.

Fun lil rhythm games. Favorite in this bunch has to be Air Rally. Least favorite is probably Monkey Watch (which is still cute).

I finally got Superb on everything. Here’s my top and bottom 3 of the main minigames.

3. Karate Man
2. Double Date
1. Flipper-Flop

3. Launch Party
2. Tap Troupe
1. Love Rap (I have a DEEP hatred in my heart for this one in particular)

Whatever slightly less positive things I could say about Rhythm Heaven Fever are completely overshadowed by the fact that this is one of the greatest games ever. Sure, I'm not enamoured with the idea of creating a more consistent artstyle instead of just throwing a lot of disparate ideas at the wall, but when everything looks as cute as it does here, I can't complain at all really. Everything that appears to be that tiny bit less interesting to me compared to previous entries ends up not mattering when it feels like so much else has been taken further. The outlandish concepts for the minigames have somehow become even more ridiculous and charming, the way a player's sense of rhythm is messed with feels both more intuitive than ever before while also throwing some really interesting curveballs your way that are sure to catch you off guard even after having played the games before it, and the music is once again fantastic. Basically an ideal game, I need another 17 entries in this series and I need them immediately.

The later minigames WILL kick your arse and you WILL enjoy it. Outstanding game with punishing difficulty but it is really rewarding to grind to be able to succeed.

This is simultaneously one of the most and least accessible games I have ever played. The controls are comically simple, but this game will kick your ass if you don't know what the heck you're doing. It's on the Wii, which everyone probably has laying around somewhere, but a copy of this thing costs an ungodly amount of cash, very likely putting you down three digits. I got it complete in-box for 20 bucks a couple years ago at my local used game store, and it is now the most expensive game I own by a significant margin. If not for this bullshit, I'd say this is a game that anyone can play and enjoy, but due to the very high cash barrier to entry... I had to take it off of my list of good video games for beginners. Still pretty damn good tho

Love this game, Definitely the best entry in the series.
In my opinion, this game has some of the most iconic rhythm games in the series, with some of the most iconic (and best) songs. It was a joy being able to finally play this game, and it's weird that i feel a little melancholic looking back on it. Great game!
The only thing holding this game from a 5/5 is Love Rap 2.

This is one of those games that I love to go back to every so often. It's not long at all, it can be challenging at times, but it's just so fun. Everytime I play this game, I can't help but smile. It's incredibly aware of its goofiness and I love it. Only in this game will you experience a dog and cat playing badminton while simultaneously driving a plane across the world.

Admittedly, some of the rhythm games aren't the best, but none of them are terrible. They are all so much fun, and the remixes are always such a fun challenge, especially Remix 10. I still have yet to perfect it. Nintendo, I am on my hands and knees begging for a new game in this series. Please make it happen.

Very charming rhythm game! While the GBA and DS ones didn't quite grab me (DS more because I thought the controls held the game back), this one very much lived up to all the hype I heard about it and feels like the definitive Rhythm Heaven experience. The songs are a bop, and all have really fun and cool timings with cute presentation that I adore.

Also, shout out to Remix 10 for being one of the coolest and most fun and catchy final levels in a rhythm game period. I've always loved this song as I've heard it many times beforehand, and getting Superb rank on it was so satisfying. Very great game. That said, I do find that I prefer Theatrhythm on 3DS a bit mostly since I find the touch screen being more responsive and better for faster paced rhythm games like this vs. button controls, but this game is still awesome despite that.

Always an excellent series, loads of stuff to do, great music and an immense sense of satisfaction when things go well!

Not my favourite Rhythm Heaven game - some of the mini games were a bit irritating and my favourites are in other games but this is a solid entry all around.

i’ve never had so much fun pressing two buttons in my life.

Rhythm heaven es quizás a mi visión personal el mejor juego de ritmo. Puedo decir que es una de las pocas experiencias que puedo volver a rejugar y sentir la diversión que me provocó la primera vez.

En este juego de ritmo tienes que que imitar patrones melódicos de una complejidad rítmica básica-intermedia. Todo esto acompañado de situaciones alocadas, como proteger una cita pateando pelotas, ser parte de una marcha de flamencos o ser un samurai que da espadazos a seres de ultratumba, etc.

Lo que me gusta de este juego y de la saga en general y lo puedo corroborar como estudiante de música es que la idea del ritmo no es un agregado como puede ser los juegos de guitar hero, osu, friday night funking, Miku, etc. En estos juegos la música es un agregado a un gameplay que se basa en apretar botones que "siguen" de alguna forma a la música. Creo genuinamente que aquí reside la fortaleza de este juego.

Aunque parezca que lo que hace Rhythm Heaven Fever es mucho más simple que los otros juegos debido a que solo apretas un botón o dos (depende del nivel), creo que lo mágico del título es que te obliga a internalizar los patrones rítmicos que presenta (explicándote los patrones detalladamente antes de cada nivel, cosa que se da en la vida real) y el juego te va a retar, algunas veces las pistas visuales no serán de ayuda y necesitarás confiar en que sabes seguir el patrón con la música. Eso a mi parecer es algo tan impresionante y que los niveles lo sepan explicar con una facilidad increíble por no decir que jugar cada nivel es divertido, tanto que querrás completarlo sin ningún error. al final de cada 4 niveles, nos encontraremos con un remix que combinará los 4 patrones rítmicos y vera que tanto has "internalizado" estos ritmos en tu vida.

La decisión de diseñar esto es parecido a la enseñanza musical en relación al entrenamiento auditivo.

En total hay 50 canciones, de los cuales 10 son remixes y 40 son niveles normales. Los 3 últimos remixes cojen al azar de los 28 patrones rítmicos para hacer canciones pop de Japón y uno que coje todos los patrones rítmicos. De los 40 niveles comunes, 12 son niveles ya vistos con más dificultad que retan al jugador mucho más. Lo que uno piensa al ver estas cifras es pensar que reciclan mucho contenido, yo creo que no. Este producto ante todo es un juego, no una clase de entrenamiento auditivo 101, por lo que poner más patrones rítmicos no hubiera sido del todo idóneo y me parece que es una jugada bien pensada en todos los sentidos.

Hay añadidos extras como niveles de títulos anteriores que están bien y minijuegos que no tienen el magistral diseño del juego en general. El modo de dos jugadores esta bien, mas hubiera sido interesante agregar nuevas canciones y quizás un remix por lo que se siente algo no tan aprovechado. Las medallas

Musicalmente el juego es algo variado musicalmente, quizás hay 5 canciones que no esten al mismo nivel debido a que son muy sosas melódicamente y armónicamente, todos con el factor común de hacer destacar más al patrón rítmico. Pero las demás canciones son buenas y variadas con esta esta sonoridad tan peculiar de "Nintendo".

Concluyo en lo siguiente. Este juego es una experiencia no solo divertida de jugar, si no que sin querer (o queriendo) ayuda a formar una habilidad pasiva como puede ser la precisión rítmica de una forma tan amena y divertida, que sabe moderarse en su dificultad para que sea una grata experiencia. Lo recomiendo mucho.

the easiest of the bunch and the most fun to play casually. best one to play first in my opinion.

Pra mim é um sonho ter terminado esse jogo, depois de anos tentando jogar ele de qualquer forma eu finalmente pude concluir toda a saga do Rhythm Heaven. Com certeza é um dos melhores jogos de ritmos que eu já joguei, não é o melhor da serie o de 3ds ainda é melhor mas esse aqui é um classico que eu realmente quero que qualquer um que goste de jogo de ritmo jogue.
Jogar num controle de Hitbox foi uma experiencia única pra esse jogo.

probably my favorite out of every Rhythm Heaven game. lots of content, fun multiplayer and some iconic stages and remixes. the "peak performance" of the series is what i'll call it

Just finished the game so i tought it would be fun to rank all main 28 minigames:

28 - Tap Troup
27 - Monkey Watch
26 - Tambourine
25 - Bossa Nova
24 - Catch of the Day
23 - Love Rap
22 - Launch party
21 - Shrimp Shuffle
20 - Exhibition Match
19 - Paking pests
18 - Working Dough
17 - Flipper Flop
16 - Donk Donk
15 - Hole in One
14 - Board Meeting
13 - Samurai Slice
12 - Cheer Readers
11 - Micro-Row
10 - Fork Lifter
9 - See Saw
8 - Double Date
7 - Build to Scale
6 - Figure Fighter
5 - Flock Step
4 - Karate Man
3 - Air Rally
2 - Screwbot Factory
1 - Ring side!!

Um dos poucos jogos no mundo com alma.