Reviews from

in the past

I've been trying to think why this game feels so good to play and I think it's because instead of following explicit cues you have to really feel the music and go along with it. Especially with each minigame have a sort of pattern to them which let's you almost predict where the song is going, which makes getting the rhythm right feel that much better. The specific actions alternating between A for a "default" action and A +B for an alternate action adds another level of action to the game which just makes it feel extremely good and satisfying. Might have to go straight to megamix after this because I need more.

maybe if i'd played this first instead of megamix i'd like it more.

It's the MAGNUM OPUS of the Rhythm Heaven series.
Play the JP or PAL version, cuz being forced to only have the EN dub like how it is in the US version is a crime. The JP dub is way more superior.

Um dos jogos de ritmo mais originais e divertidos que já joguei!

Um jogo que é praticamente só apertar um ou dois botões consegue ter um carisma tão grande que me fez apaixonar por cada bichinho (menos os Camarões... Nunca gostei muito de camarão e o jogo me fez odiar)

A única coisa que me deu muita raiva é o "perfect timing" Que ele pede que as vezes é preciso até de mais, como no Sapateado que tinha que acertar a sequência e eu achava que estava certo e o jogo considerava errado...

Mas, isso são só algumas coisinhas que não tiram o mérito desse jogo maravilhoso.

Love this game but can't make it past Monkey Watch
(I'm retarded)

I finally got Superb on everything. Here’s my top and bottom 3 of the main minigames.

3. Karate Man
2. Double Date
1. Flipper-Flop

3. Launch Party
2. Tap Troupe
1. Love Rap (I have a DEEP hatred in my heart for this one in particular)

I learned a lot about music theory and rhythm just to learn how to complete some of these levels.
Charming and fun experience, I can still remember most of the songs after months of playing (Love Rap the most).
Multiplayer experience depends on whether or not your friends have some type of rhythm skills, so be wary of that

I'm not joking when I say this made me appreciate video game music more than any other game.

This is one of those games that I love to go back to every so often. It's not long at all, it can be challenging at times, but it's just so fun. Everytime I play this game, I can't help but smile. It's incredibly aware of its goofiness and I love it. Only in this game will you experience a dog and cat playing badminton while simultaneously driving a plane across the world.

Admittedly, some of the rhythm games aren't the best, but none of them are terrible. They are all so much fun, and the remixes are always such a fun challenge, especially Remix 10. I still have yet to perfect it. Nintendo, I am on my hands and knees begging for a new game in this series. Please make it happen.

I'm a self-taught musician and been practicing daily for the past 10 years. I can play three instruments, and have released four albums of, dare I say, very much rhythmical music. Just as I started playing Rhythm Heaven Fever, I was going through an online course on West African polyrhythms.

Imagine the shame I brought on my family, when a monkey in the first level of a Nintendo rhythm game was repeatedly hitting my player character in the nuts with golf balls because I fucked up half of its musical cues.

The music in this game is amazing. I'm not a huge fan of Nintendo's hyper colorful aesthetic, but it works great here, and the mini-games are constantly inventive. But. The difficulty curve is straight up sociopathic. Hidetaka Miyazaki looked at the monkey watch level in the second stack and wept.

To somewhat cover my musician dignity, I can say that, from a musical point of view, Rhythm Heaven Fever just isn't very musical. Don't get me wrong, the rhythms themselves are great, there's a ton of syncopation, contrasts, all the good shit. And there's a lot of variety in musical styles. Rather, it's what game wants from the player that is not musical. You're required to hit every beat right on the money. A fraction of a second late or early, and it's counted as a failure.

In other words, the game wants you to be a sequencer, not a musician. Every instrument player worth their salt knows that the sweet spot is in playing just a skosh behind or ahead of the beat. That's what gives the performance life, makes it less robotic.

These imperfections of an individual playing style are the hardest to replicate with sampling and sequencing, and I imagine they would be just as hard to evaluate in a rhythm game. Maybe a different, more forgiving approach altogether would benefit such a game. Making it about the joy of music, rather than programming those 4s, 8s and 16s right on the head.

The most consistently enjoyable rhythm heaven title, with a solid set of remixes and a mostly great minigame selection, though not without its fair share of duds. Exhibition Match is agonizingly slow, love rap feels awful to play and tap troupe doesn't tell you how it works. Phenomenal game despite a few issues.

This is probably my favorite game in the series because I really enjoy the minigames and in my opinion, it has the best remixes in the whole series.

If you were naughty and you emulated this, I hope you had a fun time playing the microbe level.

brought multiplayer games which are very fun. The other games are great too and brought iconic characters and songs.

Após tanto tempo querendo jogar, aqui está finalizada essa pérola. Só quero que a poha do "Love Rap" se exploda, de resto ótimo.

Kennt ihr dieses Bild aus My Hero Academia wie Endeavor die Kluft zwischen sich und All Might sieht? So fühle ich mich immer, wenn ich mit meinem fehlenden Taktgefühl versuche dieses Spiel zu spielen.
Ich finde es megacharmant und würds gern spielen, aber ich merk einfach dass es nicht für mich ist, dass ich es einfach nicht kann. Daher will ich auch keine Wertumg abgeben.

Simple to pick up and a very fulfilling rhythm game. The game is fair to new and veteran players alike and has great replayability, encouraging completionists to "go for a perfect" on every mini-game.

Rhythm Heaven Fever is a great starting point to the series!

Just finished the game so i tought it would be fun to rank all main 28 minigames:

28 - Tap Troup
27 - Monkey Watch
26 - Tambourine
25 - Bossa Nova
24 - Catch of the Day
23 - Love Rap
22 - Launch party
21 - Shrimp Shuffle
20 - Exhibition Match
19 - Paking pests
18 - Working Dough
17 - Flipper Flop
16 - Donk Donk
15 - Hole in One
14 - Board Meeting
13 - Samurai Slice
12 - Cheer Readers
11 - Micro-Row
10 - Fork Lifter
9 - See Saw
8 - Double Date
7 - Build to Scale
6 - Figure Fighter
5 - Flock Step
4 - Karate Man
3 - Air Rally
2 - Screwbot Factory
1 - Ring side!!

Very charming rhythm game! While the GBA and DS ones didn't quite grab me (DS more because I thought the controls held the game back), this one very much lived up to all the hype I heard about it and feels like the definitive Rhythm Heaven experience. The songs are a bop, and all have really fun and cool timings with cute presentation that I adore.

Also, shout out to Remix 10 for being one of the coolest and most fun and catchy final levels in a rhythm game period. I've always loved this song as I've heard it many times beforehand, and getting Superb rank on it was so satisfying. Very great game. That said, I do find that I prefer Theatrhythm on 3DS a bit mostly since I find the touch screen being more responsive and better for faster paced rhythm games like this vs. button controls, but this game is still awesome despite that.

Pra mim é um sonho ter terminado esse jogo, depois de anos tentando jogar ele de qualquer forma eu finalmente pude concluir toda a saga do Rhythm Heaven. Com certeza é um dos melhores jogos de ritmos que eu já joguei, não é o melhor da serie o de 3ds ainda é melhor mas esse aqui é um classico que eu realmente quero que qualquer um que goste de jogo de ritmo jogue.
Jogar num controle de Hitbox foi uma experiencia única pra esse jogo.

meu jogo de ritmo favorito, tem mecânicas simples e divertidas que prendem, com variedade a cada fase, fugindo do tédio que muitos jogos de ritmo trazem ao longo do tempo

Don't know why people even try to call certain games "best game of all time", when this already exists.

lo bueno que es este juego no tiene sentido