Reviews from

in the past

Joguei em Co-op local com meu irmão. Jogo divertido, com variedade de fases e bons desafios ao que se propõe. No final das contas o jogo é divertido, carismático e cumpre seu papel: entreter.

Very nice game, started of pretty easy, almost childish, but after some levels I was quite satisfied with the difficulty, I especially enjoyed the "Knitted Knights trials", which are basically little time trials which are pretty hard to get gold on, but I liked it so much that I got it on all 15 of them (for people who sill say that there are 16 - my condolences, I don't have that much time on my hands). The regular levels are varied and fun, definitely an enjoyable experience. I had to grind only for the last level which required 275 orbs to open, but it was still cool to remember the older levels.

This one surprise me of how good it is. It might be one of the most fun games I have played this year so far. I really like the level design and the game looks so creative. The costumes also add a lot of fun and look cool. The bosses while easy are still fun and creative. The plot was ok and the villain vex was cool.

Oh wow. Now this was a surprise

A fun 3D platformer that feels like some of the 3D mario games or crash bandicoot. While some levels can be unnecessarily aggravating, some are great. The music levels are such a cool idea and they were used very effectively here.

I’m also glad it’s not too much of a grind to progress onto the next areas, it takes a little time but it’s no Riddler trophy collection. The story is fine, similar to Crash Bandicoot but with its own LittleBigPlanet twist, I’d happily play another game like this one

I never really minded Sackboy's floaty and slightly sluggish movement in his 2D outings, but there's something about moving across the Z-axis that feels like you're wading through thick soup. Maybe it's the perspective from the camera angles being used but I was never really able to build up any momentum on those kinds of levels which for me is a hallmark of an enjoyable platformer. Not to say I disliked every 3D level, but I found the game a lot more enjoyable when it returned to LBP's sidescrolling roots.

Even with the movement issues I found some things to like in the later level designs and challenge trials - this outing really does follow the Mario formula of starting easy and then throwing the hardest levels at you as optional content or once you've finished the main story which is a sensible way of doing things, but the majority of those early levels feel rather uninteresting as a result, something especially noticeable given the speed at which Sackboy can move.

Also a final note of praise for the audio team for how well implemented the music is to each world you're dashing about in, whether it's an original piece or a remix of licensed music.

Genuinely nearly died everytime I changed Sackboy’s outfit out of cuteness.

Getting this plat was such a nostalgia towards LBP series. A refreshment but something about it is just not it, even tho' I've enjoyed it. Not so much as for the story as for just super creative levels, especially the ones with music. Great work devs. And going through the ultimate trial for the last achievement was A HASSLE but rewarding.

Joguinho satisfatório, te amo sackboy

I went into this excited to just relax with a fun and creative platformer. But this thing is an absolute chore to get through, just boring as hell. The LittleBigPlanet series is what it is because of its creativity. Sackboy's Big Adventure is just every 3D platformer you've ever played before but worse. The story is obnoxious even for a kids game, the controls are unresponsive/floaty, and there's no sense of depth perception which is essential for a 3D platformer. The only thing it has going for it are the 5 licensed music levels, which are pretty cool and worth playing a couple times. Everything else ranges from monotonous to straight up mind numbing.

Sozinho esse jogo é frustrante e difícil, mas acho que ele foi desenvolvido pra jogar coop, parece até outro jogo de tão divertido que fica. O level design no coop se encaixa perfeitamente. Tem defeitos como visual genérico, dublagem em pt ridícula e mais outras coisas que não cabem aqui, mas no fim, é divertido.

Felt like a poor mans 3D mario. Wasn't awful but it didn't feel extremely great either.

Cool for a little sibling game, had a lot of fun playing it and have been meaning to come back to it, it’s just so long and there are way too many games I want to play more. If I’m ever babysitting though, it’s the move.

I played Sackboy: A Big Adventure almost entirely multiplayer with my friends. Overall, it was a good, fun experience. Things would get quite hectic with the camera when playing with friends and sometimes it was difficult to tell who was who when bunched up together despite us having different costumes for our characters. Minor aggravations aside, the game was worth our time. Best thing about this game for sure is the soundtrack. It's seriously damn good. So, if you are a fan of collect-a-thon platformers, you should give this one a try.

Great foray into PS5 with this one, liked that they took it away from side scrolling, the music levels were my favorite

Graphically beautiful with an oddly mesmerising OST, but an utterly soulless and bland platformer.

This game is amazing, I was really happy when it was announced too since I loved the other games. However, this game just feels a lot different. The thing with the other games is it feels like it took 20 minutes too make, but it’s still super fun. But with this, it just kinda lost its charm. It’s also kinda difficult, so yeah. 4/5

The second main installment in the LittleBigPlanet franchise to be developed by Sumo Digital takes Sackboy into a fully 3D world in the same fashion as games like "Super Mario 3D World". While the LittleBigPlanet universe offers ample creative freedom for art direction and design, this time around, the outcome felt somewhat lacking in inspiration and a bit bland. Although the platforming mechanics can be somewhat imprecise, the overall difficulty remains relatively low, with only the Knitted Knights Trials and the post-endgame levels providing a degree of challenge.

Personally, I focused primarily on completing the main objectives, as collecting marbles didn't hold much appeal for me. In addition, a significant portion of the adventure relies on co-op gameplay. Despite attempting to find online partners, I encountered several instances where teammates wandered aimlessly or quit midway through levels. It's still possible to complete the game in single-player mode, although you might need to revisit areas to gather enough orbs and unlock the next world.

In conclusion, the game offers a reasonably enjoyable platforming experience, but it falls short compared to the diverse range of movements and characters found in LittleBigPlanet 3.

This game is genuinely awesome. A surprisingly good platformer that I enjoy more than Super Mario 3D World - the game that clearly inspired this one.


Cara, sei lá.... É inegavelmente um jogo divertido e bem feito, ainda sendo de um gênero que anda meio ''morto'', que é platformer 3D. Cenários bem criativos e um level design bacana.

Apesar de vários elogios, achei o jogo meio sem ambição, satisfeito com a conquista de ser mais um bom jogo de plataforma 3D, além disso, o moveset do Sackboy não é metade do que se espera de um moveset top pra um jogo desses, então acabou sendo muito repetitivo. Se você jogou umas 5 fases, já jogou o jogo todo, basicamente.

Também admiro os responsáveis pela versão de PS4 por terem BOLAS de deixar o jogo em 720p pra garantir um 60fps estável. Não é como se o jogo fosse um suprassumo de gráfico pra início de conversa, então um framerate mais suave deixa a experiência BEM melhor.

Saudades do LittleBigPlanet 2....

Começou bem e terminou chatinho. As vezes ele perdia um pouco o gas. Ele é longo demais e não muito criativo. Mas ele é competente em fases diferentonas e consegue te entreter bem com os visuais. Vale muito

This was fun. i'll get back to it someday

A perfectly moderate 3D platformer that was pretty to look at but felt basic and slow to move around in. Music-driven stages were neat but I didn't finish out of boredom.

I have a problem with abandoning games, I usually don't do that and don't want to, and I've been almost a month without touching this game because there was nothing that drew my attention to it. I finally finished this just out of self obligation for getting rid of another rock in my backlog more than anything else. A thing you're sure to have heard when looking for reviews of this game is that this is just a Super Mario 3D World clone. I have played 3D Land, the one for the 3DS, and looking for gameplays of 3D World, Sackboy: A Big Adventure seems to have more in common with 3D Land than 3D World. The extent of Sackboy's originality ends there. This really is nothing more than a SM3D Land clone. Not even one remotely as good. This game lacks a lot of polish in its jumping and movement mechanics. Something like the ability to punch enemies is something that in theory should enhance the combat, but there's a reason why the ability to punch enemies is locked behind a power-up, the tanooki suit, in Mario and it is to create a more meaningful challenge centered around jumping on enemies. Maybe because the jumping isn't as precise, here on Sackboy, the best way of eliminating enemies is via punching, though the game throws some enemies that are better eliminated by jumping on them, but the hitboxes are unclear meaning there's a high chance of getting hurt while trying, so ultimately the best option is to go past those enemies.

The bosses are a mishmash of uninspired sequences that add next to nothing to the gameplay and are just common enemies with more life, bigger and with specific stages for them. At the end of every world there's a battle with the main villain, Vex, that repeats exactly the same world after world. And the worlds themselves are nothing more than the same one repeating over and over with a new coat of paint each time. New mechanics like the boomerang and the propulsion boots get introduced, but even then, they repeat from world to world, separating them from their originally specific context to put them into whatever scenario, getting rid of the minimal effort that was put into making each world feel unique and distinct from one another. All of this while a narrative that keeps telling you how important creativity is and how equally important is to protect it plays out, all while the most uninspired game design is being exhibited. LittleBigPlanet wasn't a unique franchise because of the quirky art style and forgettable campaigns, it was a unique franchise because it put a really interesting twist into something that had been extremely overdone like Unidimensional Platformers with a "Create and experiment" philosophy with really profound mechanics that led to the creation of a lot of imaginative levels made by the community. And this way, it managed to start interest on game development in a lot of people. Something that truly tied into the narrative about creativity those games always had. With its mechanical complexity, LittleBigPlanet could be an FPS (Garry's Mod), a creative sandbox (Minecraft) and a wacky 2D physics game (Happy Wheels), but Sackboy: A Big Adventure could never be any of those. And I mean, it doesn't have to, it's a 3D platformer. But that just begs the question: Why is this game in any way connected to LBP?

I've been trying to put my finger on why I dislike this game, and after thinking and thinking, I think I have a conclusion. Some levels in this game are made to be timed to a licensed pop song's tempo. This reveals, indirectly, the truth behind this game. This game's true meaning isn't about how important creativity is, because Sackboy: A Big Adventure doesn't give a crap about creativity. It wants to pretend to be young and quirky. I would say its only reason of being is to be a PlayStation 5 tech demo, but it also released on PlayStation 4 and Ratchet & Clank: A Rift Apart proved itself to not just be a better tech demo, but also a more interesting experience than Sackboy could have ever been. Through a combination of its uninspired worlds, unpolished combat and movement mechanics, half-baked narrative and playable systems and its top-charts extremely popular licensed pop music as well as the repetitiveness, Sackboy: A Big Adventure ultimately reveals the biggest disinterest possible in trying to be something of its own and its origin, not as a game made by creative minds, but a soulless executive-driven product conceived in a meetings room just to fill the PS5 launch library with no more intention than that. A truly dishonest experience with no commitment to itself.

E jogamos o "Mario do PS5". Nunca zerei nenhum Little Big Planet, mas temos que começar de algum lugar. Um excelente jogo pra se divertir. É aquilo: um jogo simplesmente sendo um jogo. Um grande diferencial que vemos de cara é que o jogo usa tudo que pode do Dualsense. Está sensacional a imersão com esse controle que é foda. Tudo que dá pra experimentar em Astro Bot tem aqui (na verdade, menos a função de assopro kkkk). Finalmente joguei um jogo assim! A história é simples como histórias de jogos usuais de plataforma são. Ser sincero, nem prestei muita atenção 😂 não estamos aqui pra isso. Agora o jogo em si tá lindo, rodando liso liso, tudo no 3D. Fases das mais variáveis formas, umas que tu vai gostar mais, outras menos. O jogo é bem simples, tendo umas 4 funções somente. Pra platinar vai ser meio complicado, tem um desafio complicadíssimo pra fazer, mas bem na manha vou tentar. E caso consiga, será o meu troféu mais raro de platina. Mas que dará trabalho, dará.

A fairly standard platformer. Completely fine, and if you have young kids I can see this being a good game to play with them in co-op. Has these musical levels using licensed pop songs that are quite inspired, and there's obviously been a lot of love put into the art direction, but aside from that the game doesn't do a lot that's unique or interesting.