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in the past

I'm preemptively giving this 5/5 stars cause I know deep in my boners this is gonna be the second coming of god, step aside Jesus, Sonic's here and he's gonna beat you up call you names and snatch your lunch money, cause we have a new god and his names Sonic The Fucking Hedgehog!

edit, disappointment, just like what my father told me when he found out I was a Sonic fan

hours of shitty repeated content just to fight a shitty new boss

This update sucks Eggman's sweaty ballsack.

A really fun challenge update to the game that frontiers sorely needed

However fuck the perfect parry in the boss rush that shit SUCKS ASS

I like that this is just Sonic Frontiers ReMind, especially with the way it felt like the devs went "Oh the game was too easy? Ok, how about this?". Hard mode actually lives up to it's name now and I'm here for it. Amy has her fun moments and so does Tails (skipping over entire platforming sections oh how I missed you) and Knuckles was my least favorite, they did him dirty with his glide. The delay on some of the moves for these three is weird and it's even more apparent when you're back in control of Sonic. He was my favorite part of the update, I dig the tower climbing segments. The trials themself are another story, not sure who was asking for this much combat and with all these restrictions too. There's some jank here and there but overall for a free update this was solid

this update is making fun of me, fuck off

It's not a Sonic hype train if it doesn't end in disappointment

Maybe you'll like it if you're someone who plays Kaizo Mario Romhacks every Saturday.

i watched a friend play this last night and lose his mind

sonic cant do anything right its actually not even funny at this point

I actually really enjoyed the platforming segments here. They're difficult but that made them rewarding to complete, the added stress of just always barely falling off while scaling the towers is something that adds a lot to the experience.

Unfortunately once you get up those towers you're met with some of the worst designed challenges I've ever experienced in a game, culminating with Master King Koco's gigantic "fuck you" boss rush. The difficulty in this comes from the fact that the game wants you to perfect parry enemies that were not designed with timing based parries in mind. You're not struggling against the boss, you're struggling against the game's awful telegraphs and, in the case of wyvern, screen clutter. If you were just fighting the bosses back to back that would be one thing, but the fact you have to do the run up to the boss still is what kills it. The bosses take forever, the run up takes forever, and then if you need to retry that's all your time wasted. It's massively disrespectful in regards to the player's time and by the end of it all you only feel relief, not satisfaction.

The final boss isn't much of an improvement from the original's either. It's just as easy to mash through as Supreme was and the perfect parry gimmick is basically pointless with how quickly you can get through its health bar. The cinematics in the fight are as top notch as the other titans, but after all the trials I just wanted to be done with the game.

The new playable characters are enjoyable enough, Amy especially stands out as having a really fun move kit that isn't inherently broken, but ultimately I found this update to be a far worse product than the original and something that will likely have to be patched as the poor design really sticks out, something especially shocking to hear in a Sonic game.

This is basically the sonic equivalent of getting hit by a car as soon as you leave the hospital

I ain't finished it yet but Sonic Team can't cook. The open world additions are fine and dandy but the Koco Trials and new Cyberspace levels are horribly designed. They're not even hard, just abysmal and embarrassing.

I think the cherry on top of this steaming pile of shit is that they make you do the "run up" before every Titan boss. Meaning, instead of actually fighting the boss. You're wasting 5 minutes doing nothing but running in a straight line before you can actually fight it such as in the case of Wyvern. Oh and if you lose this bullshit boss rush? Have fun wasting 5 minutes all over again!!!

After finishing this, can safely say that final boss was not worth the entire slog of this update. The open world additions, new playable characters, and music are positives but everything else is 🚮

I can't in any good conscious call this good. The new characters feel awful compared to their Sonic Adventure counterparts which came out 25 years ago, the trials range from braindead to requiring perfect inputs to proceed, and while the Cyberspace levels are imaginative the level design feels like spaghetti with no cohesion. I actually found myself just skipping as much content as I could to get it over faster. After having to repeat the same initial run-up on Wyvern for the 10th time I just called it quits. The base game was actually a lot of fun with a fair amount of promise, this update is so unlike that, that I'm starting to reconsider if those initial feelings were warranted.

It's free at least, but I don't understand why Sonic Team always seems to fumble the ball at the last minute. Being hard is one thing, but it has to be at least satisfying to play. Did they forget this is a game series predominantly aimed at children? This exemplifies all the worst parts of Frontiers, it's the biggest disappointment of 2023.

I swear to god, if Superstars isn't the second coming of Christ...

Edit: Went back to it after reading some cheeses for the boss rush (seriously what were they thinking) and finished the campaign. I've softened on it a little bit but the issues are way too big to ignore. I doubt I'll play this again, the original ending sequence was better anyway imo.

I guess Sonic Team went back to their roots

its so bad i cannot believe this would be how they ended it

update i just beat the final boss and holy shit

Yeah… I’m not a fan. I’ve always disliked how janky Frontiers is and this is more of the same.

I appreciate that it’s free, but I can’t bring myself to finish this.

Disappointment. Artificial difficulty, padding up the ass, same horrible open world level design, new characters are fun, but some (KNUCKLES) feel incredibly jank. The Cyberspace levels actually using momentum in their design was really cool to see though. The final act I feel the base game honestly did better. Very bad.

this is what most people thought frontiers was gonna be like when the gameplay first got shown off but its actually a reality

final boss was pretty cool tho and the music carried pretty hard

Really fucking good new ending and a fun challenge all around, reminded me a lot of the old "Super Hard" stuff Sonic used to have in stuff like SA2, Heroes, 06, Unleashed, etc

No Sonic Team, reusing Ouranos Island and slapping a bunch of blocks all over the place while making me play as the absolute worst versions of Amy, Knuckles and Tails does not count as a new DLC. I don't even care for the revamped final boss and "fixed" story, the fact that the new playable characters control as badly as they do on a game of this scale is downright insulting and i refuse to give this any more of my time. They figured how to make these guys fun to control all the way back in 1998 and they still find NEW and INNOVATIVE ways to fuck them up. THAT'S impressive.

it's just Sonic Adventure but.. no it's just modern day Sonic Adventure

Shoves into the forefront every single negative aspect of Sonic Frontiers, 10 months after its honeymoon phase was over. I still think Frontiers is a good foundation for future sonic games but BOY DOES THIS WORRY ME.

completely unplayable mess with horrendous platforming, a required combo trial that requires frame perfect inputs otherwise you can't beat it because they just straight up didn't give you enough time to do it like a normal person

i had enough when the game told me to do a Super Sonic boss rush with no ring refills that is practically impossible to complete because the game fixes your stats to the lowest level for it

i loved the base game but this is just embarrassing this NEEDS to be patched

EDIT: finished the dlc its still a steaming pile of dogshit but they made the final boss better its pretty fun when you aren't dealing with the worst camera in video game history

There are so many problems with this piece of content. First off, it is WAY too hard. Like Kaizo hard. Even on easy, it's just so many design issues, such as extremely unforgiving platforming sections made worse by the camera and horrible draw distance. It's all extremely aggravating and really not all that rewarding. The mini-bosses at each of the towers are not really all that fun either, as you're set back to level one on all stats against very spongey enemies with shields and spikes. Parrying helps, but to add insult to injury, almost every partitioned off activity has some sort of timer.

The new characters, thankfully, are mostly fun to play, but I do not understand why Tails doesn't have a homing attack. Amy is definitely the standout character with her own fun move set.

this update finally answers my biggest question
what if sonic frontiers was dogshit?
thank you sonic team!

Cumpre seu propósito em finalmente ter mais personagens jogáveis e em ter um final que não seja rushado, além de alguns extras bem bacanas.

Dito isso, PUTA QUE PARIU QUE FRUSTRAÇÃO! A ideia de colocar mais dificuldade é bem-vinda, mas o jogo simplesmente não é capaz tecnicamente de arcar com os desafios propostos, com o pop-in RIDÍCULO fazendo você não conseguir se salvar direito quando cai de uma torre, fora deixar a última esmeralda do Tails basicamente impossível sem o Cyclone. O último desafio é infame por si só, e as lutas dos titãs saem muito desvalorizadas pois o limite de tempo junto com o parry limitado fazem com que você enxergue a maneira como o jogo te ilude gastando tempo com as cinemáticas (WYVERN EU FALO DE VOCÊ MESMO CANALHA)

Além da frustração, o jogo é muito pouco intuitivo em certas partes, dependendo de um lock-on quebrado no final boss, além de arbitrariamente pedir pra você dar cyloop em certa parte pra progredir (?)

ENFIM, a última leva de conteúdo de Sonic Frontiers teve um sabor agridoce pra mim, mas ainda fica a sensação de que tudo foi um passo na direção certa, mesmo com os diversos problemas (MUITOS ORIUNDOS DO PRÓPRIO UPDATE!!!!!!!!!). A casa ainda está muito bagunçada, mas temos esperanças de que o que já é muito bom, será ainda melhor nos próximos anos.


An addition that on release was pretty stressful to get through in certain parts but thanks to update 1.41 that is no longer a issue for me and I was able to enjoy Final Horizon way more than how it was before(Seriously King Koco's trial is so much better now) and I'm beyond thankful Sonic Team fixed the issues I had with the initial release of Final Horizon. Story itself was also pretty good especially getting to play as Amy, Knuckles, and Tails as well as having them involved in the final battle with The End. I go back and forth on wether I prefer this ending or the base game's ending but I'd say I like both about equally. So yeah overall I can finally say thanks to update 1.41 Final Horizon is something I can fully enjoy without getting beyond stressed compared to how it was before this update.