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in the past

The fighting game mechanics are garbage but the character creation is fucking peak. Nothing like pub-stomping until the fat loser with the big titty OC girlfriend fighter 3-0's you in under a minute.

Crio os personagens mais fodas nisso (o jogo é bão também)

An interesting way too make a fighting game but it didn't hook me

My personal favorite fighting game currently on the market.

Remember when 3D fighting games (As in they actually use the 3D space) were going to be the big thing? Then slowly but surely everyone started to gravitate back towards 2D fighting games. Now its only competitors are games that are owned by the same company (Tekken) or flawed anime ones.

So what makes these games fun? Being more tactical. Instead of trying to memorize a combo to deal as much damage to the enemies health bar, you tend to deal fewer but more meaningful hits to the enemy. This in conjunction with fully utilizing the 3D space of the fighting rings tends to make fights a large back and forth, giving you a larger range of attacks to try and catch the enemy off guard.

So while beginner friendly, it can also have a high skill ceiling (Though the latter is sometimes debated because...the internet...and some folks thinking that if a game doesn't give you carpal tunnel it doesn't require 'skill').

So what's new for this game? Well with the DLC this is one of, if not the biggest roster in the entire series. They've also made sure to go and edit characters so they don't feel copy and pasted like earlier entries, everyone feels fleshed out. A new mechanic that can parry and hit an opponent, that can be powerful if used at the right time, but exploited by more experienced players. And although not strictly 'new', characters now have a gauge that powers up and can be used to either pull off a super attack, or given a boost that enhances moves and attack power.

My only real complaint is that the second story mode where you create a character and roam around the world has its difficulty setting turned towards the easy side with no real way to change it. I'd say what's on offer for singleplayer folks is strong compared to its competitors, but not as deep as SC IV and not as vast as SC III's.

Not bad. Character creation is a real winner here.

the less famous brother of tekken

Played it mainly for the characters. Which left me surprised that they have so many cool characters to play with. Bouncy boob ladies, witcher and so on. But would i choose this over any other AAA fighting game? Probably not.

Vou resumir para vocês:
1. Compra o jogo
2. Expiramenta os personagens e acaba gostando demais das minas
3. Modo história com a história escrita por chat gpt
4. Modo história com a história escrita por chat gpt, so que agora você toma as decisões
5. Criar milhões de personagens para jogar com os amigos ou sozinho
6. Repita o mesmo processo a partir do número 2

Simplesmente foi um dos jogos de luta que me viciou bastante, é um game bem divertido se tu quiser aloprar de personagem aleatório no multiplayer (apesar do online ser horrendo). Você pode jogar o modo libra das almas, que é um modo bem viciante e faz você perder HORAS jogando. Sendo que maioria das coisas que você faz é secundário. Admito, foi viciante e bom, ou seja é igual cachaça, tu vai gostando, mas chega uma hora que tu fica maluco de tanto consumir.

Ryan Gosling Vs. Seong Mi-na com a camisa do flamengo / 10

“SoulCalibur VI” potentially offers hours of single-player content but gets boring in a few minutes due to its lazy presentation. There are two story modes, both made of fights with verbose dialogue over static illustrations in between, like in visual novel games. You also bump into a lot of randomly customized models instead of actual characters from the main roster. The Libra of Soul mode got me tired in a few chapters despite having some interesting RPG elements.

The combat feels slightly more fluid and spectacular compared to the previous game. My first few fights were a little clunky, but I got dramatically better after some practice. The rock-paper-scissor mechanics were a potentially terrible idea, but the slow-motion definitely managed to add some tension. The game also happens to be a soft reboot of the first Soul Calibur, or I should say a huge excuse to bring back the fan-favorite characters and answer to the complaints on the Soul Calibur V roster.

It still feels a little dated in comparison to other top-tier fighting games of the same generation, but it could be fun to play once in a while with friends.

[Story: N/A | Gameplay: 8/10 | OST: 4/10 ]

This character creation kit fucking rocks.

Fuck all the Siegfraud fanboys who begged Namco to reset the timeline because they couldn’t handle a protag as goated as Patrokalos was

Soulcalibur is one of my favourite franchises for a very good reason. I love this game's easy to learn hard to master approach!

Wiz if you ever read this I'm sorry but I do not like this game.

I'm simply not built for these streets

The game that's famous for its character creator

I just love goofing off in fighting games, they don't have to be great to be fun.

This was good but as with the previous 2 games the problem is that SCIII was too good and you can just play that instead or even SCII

I got to create Gideon speers

It's uncommon for me to enjoy fighting games a ton, but this is one of them that I just don't get tired of. The character creator has made me make some abominations, but that's the fun of it. I think that if they really added even more stuff to the character creator, it would be one of the most fun. That being said I enjoy it overall and will probably be playing it for a long time.


How they think they can get away with making shittier entries to established franchises and then charge up the fucking ass for pathetic DLC is beyond me. the current generation of fighting games is so abysmal. it's fucking tragic.

If this game had no character creation it’d go down as the actual worst game ever created but you can create jonsey from fortnite so it’s the greatest game of all time

I'm not really a fan of 3D fighters, so I was pleasantly surprised to see that this game was actually pretty fun.

I've put more time into the character creator than the actual game

A PS2 game disguised as a PS4 game. The structure, mechanics, and gameplay all look and feel dated. Loading times and even the static images with voices narrating the story mode are reminiscent of older generations of games. Skip this game; there isn't much going on here

The character creation bit is honestly incredible; everything else is pretty eh.

This game is just nice fun, but nothing particularly special.

Well... let's just say that the most hours played is just me creating characters

Have 2b so there is most of my enjoyment.