Reviews from

in the past

Too basic, game is for 5 years old. One thing is missing for this game, fun.

It’s cute, has a lot of heart, and is decently fun for awhile.

Unfortunately, it is lacking a feeling of completeness. The amount of unlocks is at odds with length and lack of replayability of the singular randomized run you are tasked with completing.

We almost beat the game on the first run while each of us was getting more drunk over time, without unlocking much..

While I have a soft spot for this game given I played it on Valentine’s Day with my partner and finished it on a second play session soon after, I am pulled into feeling more objective about the game when rating it here.

Agalarla aktı. Dümeni kullanan kişi çok yetenekli olması lazım. Yoksa bitiremezsiniz.

Got through the tutorial and seems like a really fun game similar in dynamic to Plate Up, but I think this is a game I will end up needing to play with friends. Wanted to give it a try since it was leaving game pass.

pretty fun, one of the most demoralizing games to lose a run in, but it also makes the tension (especially as the ship pilot, which was my designated role) very high. i do think early game is a bit more frustrating than i'd like, i understand the idea is to start with a worse ship and grow it/upgrade it but they start throwing a lot of systems at you that you just cannot deal with at all and it's a bit more frustrating than the average roguelike. otherwise it was fun with friends, pretty charming and functions well. felt real good to complete a run with friends.

Se não tivesse no Gamepass, provavelmente daria uma nota menor, haja vista que é extremamente curto. O jogo em si é muito divertido com amigos, o caos que é gerado de repente sempre sobe o astral do grupo, mas o mesmo morre rapidamente caso a missão falhe, já que você é mandado de volta pro INÍCIO DO JOGO. Creio que os devs adotaram essa medida pra contornar o problema do jogo ser muito curto, mas não acho que essa seja a melhor opção, já que conforme você vai pegando o jeito, as fases iniciais só se tornam um come tempo sem emoção.

Joguei faz um tempo, não tenho certeza se o sistema ainda é assim.