Reviews from

in the past

Fun little tactical shooter with a Star Wars coat of paint inspired by the likes of Halo and Counter-Strike!

Delta Squad is your typical group of cliched but enjoyable badass soldiers spouting machismo dialogue. I miss the era of prequel tie-in games for the franchise because they really fleshed out the world-building and expanded the universe.

The campaign is rather short as there are only really 3 main missions (Geonosis, The Prosecutor, and Kashyyyk) but they do take around 1.5-2 hours to complete each. Even on the easiest setting though, it's still quite a challenging experience because your weapons are so underpowered and the enemies (especially the droids) are bullet sponges and I was constantly running low on ammo and my squadmates kept getting downed.

A shame we never got a follow-up as it ends on a cliffhanger or a remaster as I could see it being improved with updated graphics and gameplay.

I have never played any other FPS game in my life.

This game is really fun. It’s not just a so-so FPS with a Star Wars coat of paint on it. I adored the squad commanding mechanics and how essential they were to progressing.

Can’t forget to mention how fun the characters were. Delta Squad had such a fun dynamic and I wish we got to see more of them just hanging out and talking.

If you got an extra £12 then why not?

definitely more of a coop thing i played it alone and its just kinda of ok fps of the time
just play halo instead

A pretty enjoyable shooter, and an incredible Star Wars game. Shows a side of the universe rarely touched upon. Memorable squadmates and nice level design. Weapon and enemy variety could've been better.
High level game though. Wish more starwars games like this came out.

It all ends in a cliffhanger and it's been almost 20 years. I feel like Rey waiting for her parents to come pick her up.

Can be surprisingly difficult at times but enjoyable nonetheless. A really solid Star Wars FPS. Also has a great cast of clones with banter that I’ve grown to enjoy.

This is one of those "aged like milk" games

One of the best Star Wars games, where you get to play the elite of the Grand Army of The Republic.

2005 shooter but it’s still a bit weird

I now understand why they call them SUPER Battle Droids. Holy shit.

The game is short but what's here is SO SO GOOD. It took me a bit to understand how i'm supposed to play it but onve it clicked it became one of my favorite FPS games of all time. We need the sequel.

Agora eu entendo pq os Clones se fudiam contra Super Battle Droids PQP

decent game, some parts are kinda boring and hard but most parts are very enjoyable and the story was good

I enjoyed this so much more than I thought I would. Although it may be simple today, I really appreciate the tactical sqaud mechanics and the variety of weapons. Definitely a game I will be coming back to.

starts strong but falls off in the second half.

The era when it was banger Star Wars game after banger Star Wars game.

Made in an era of the best FPS games this stands out as one of the best.

A creative and unique style made you feel as if you were part of the clone wars itself.

This game was the right mix of hard and fun delivering one of the best FPS games and possibly the best starwars game I've played to date.

Geonosians. Droids. Super battle droids. Droids again. Super battle droids again. A spider droid. More super battle droids. Droidekas. Geonosians again for some reason. Trandoshan slavers (hey, that's diff-oh, they're just humanoids with guns and melee weapons). Super battle droids. Super battle droids. Super battle droids. Super battle droids.

Basically, what I'm trying to say is that this game is -incredibly- repetitive and boring. I get the whole "tactical shooter" thing, and there are some solid ideas in here to that effect, but they're wasted on an overly linear, tedious slog of a campaign that never stops and takes the time to build the characters of your Republic commandos.

After you've somehow managed to make it through 8-10 hours of pointless repetition, the game can't even be bothered to end properly. Weak shooting, poor storytelling, and an overall feeling of "why bother?" make this one an easy miss.

Actually solid game, one of the few classics that can make you have fun even compared next to new gen titles!

I never had the chance to play Republic Commando when I was a child but loved the trailers. So the nostalgia factor doesn't have an effect on me. I'm expecting to get a lot of hate but I don't really understand why is there such a big praise for this game.

I will begin with the cons: bad AI even on the hardest difficulty (squad mates doing damage to you, getting on your way and even enemies just standing and doing nothing), nothing special about the gameplay - enemies are bullet sponges, the shooting is dull, weapons don't feel impactful (except the shotgun) but melee does the most damage. The game doesn't support widescreen resolutions and has terrible mouse acceleration but thanks to the modding community there are fixes. There is no lore, the campaign is just 3 linear and repetitive missions. Just as it gets interesting - the game ends.

However, there are still some pros - great OST, the game is actually quite challenging even on normal difficulty, cheesy dialogues, the HUD is very well made, and this is so far the only Star Wars game from a soldier's perspective and not from force-sensitive characters.

Un shooter en primera persona con sistema de órdenes a miembros de tu equipo basado en StarWars. Es un videojuego entretenido, con altibajos, que pasa a ser frustrante a veces porque el control está completamente roto. El apuntado se bloquea y no puedes girar la cámara hacia la izquierda o de repente da un salto y quedas atascado mirando al techo. Cuando esto ocurre en medio de un tiroteo es extremadamente desalentador, te quita las ganas de seguir jugando. Lamentable. Una lástima, porque el juego mola. Le pondría mas estrellas si no fuera por eso. Mención especial a la música, que es como mezclar Star Wars con Matrix, y la última de las 3 campañas es especialmente buena, siendo la segunda la peor de las tres.

Make Republic Commando 2 you cowards

Fun first person shooter. Has aged, but still holds up.

This is too much trouble for me right now, difficult to get functionally enjoyable on pc.

One of those games which no matter how recently you played it, your memory about it is better than the game itself.

I liked this game way more than I thought I would. The first third is extremely boring, but after it picks up a lot. The second third is really cool and super fun. The last third is also good but starts to overstay its welcome. The ending is really abrupt and odd.
Final score: 8/10

Not only it is a great FPS but the story is really good.

Empty spaceship is best sci-fi concept. Every sci-fi game should have a level like that. The buildup from thriller/horror to proper warfare is brilliant. Even Kashyyk at night was kinda scary.

Loved Scorch and John Williams score is 24/7 which ruled.

Real ones saw the discarded lightsaber on the abandoned ship.