Reviews from

in the past

Played from – to: (2023-07-25 – present) – Nintendo Switch.
‣ 10/10 – Stealing stars is a war crime.
‣ Thoughts: This is the best collection of mini games out there. Monopoly? Ticket to Ride? Get out of here this is where it’s at. I can’t recall the last time I had fun getting abused and bullied by my friends in a game. And that is all video games should be about. Having fun even when you’re losing. The level of friendly competition Super Mario Party builds up is unmatched and I could play these games for days without pause. It is essentially impossible to rate this game because it is so specific and unique. Simply some will love this, and others hate it. The only thing you could possibly nitpick here is the size of Wario’s ass. Overall, this is a brilliant gaming experience that will either break or make relationships and friendships.

ok ok. tbh this is not that good a mario party. i love certain aspects of it, specifically the rafting mode. i have a lot of good memories with my cousins of playing this mode with them and we do it pretty much every time we see each other. other than that tho? you're better off spending your money on mario party superstars

Fully finishing this, I only wish there was more. The co-op matches are a blast if you only have two to play with. Teaming up is so much more fun than bashing your heads together against the randomness of this series.

I liked this game back years ago but now it is ok. Just get Mario party superstar if you want peak Mario party fun.

wish there were more stages but i like the candy jar minigame

Well done NDcude, you finally understand the old the way and finally understand how a Mario Party works, with great mini-games and finally online! If it was at launch and just 4 boards. I wouldn't mind playing it again but I hate you have to use a joy con this game which holds it back from me

Esta bien pa jugar con amigos

Fun for a couple of rounds, but not really anything more special than that. Excellent use of the Joycons for some of the minigames, though.

For NDcube's first attempt at doing the classic Mario Party formula, it's...decent. For every step forward this game takes (such as fun character specific dice blocks, the best selection of mini games in the entire series, etc) it also takes a step back (literally only 4 boards, the game's economy being out of wack, etc). Still though, I prefer Super Mario Party over the last game. As well as like, most of the Hudson developed games lmfao

Why is this only playable with Joy-Cons lol

They added a meta to fucking Mario Party please why

I like this mario party. I loved that the characters had different dice blocks and the character roster was huge. But it had some flaws. For example: only 4 boards and the minigames werent that great. but still a decent mario party.

Good minigames but the rest of the game (and the small selection of characters at launch) is fine.

this game is some of the most fun ive had with my friends. i guess the map choice is a bit small though. the minigames are very fun and i dont think theres one i dont like.

I don’t get the hate for this game, it’s really fun IMO. I also loved the mini games and boards. 4 1/2/5

Still not what I was looking for in my ideal Mario Party but I guess this was a step in the right direction from Mario Party 10 at least.

I love the minigames and side content but it could use a few more boards

The minigames are legit very fun with friends and I will still boot it up on occasion for free play, but the board mode is torturous because of the unskippable tutorials/cutscenes. It takes 2-3x as long to play a round than in the OG games. Lots of problems.