Reviews from

in the past

Got the platinum trophy on it. The game is the embodiment of missed potential.

Between the questionable technical issues, incredibly unfair combat and an incredibly underwhelming storyline without its DLC, it just feels like a carnival ride. Fun, but empty.

o 2 é bem melhor mas esse se sustenta

Best survival horror game. Played with French audio when I first started for literally no reason and now it sounds weird to hear this game in English lol.

resident evil de pobre, mas é foda

Man, 16 hours sure feels a lot, especially for a horror game that for the first half keeps dropping more and more mystery on top of more mystery. It’s no wonder that I finished several other games in between starting and finishing this (including R&C: Rift Apart and Gravity Rush Remastered)

There are enough reasons for the game to deserve some attention though. From the very first moment, it looks great, with darkly graded atmospheric asylums, cityscapes, and the periphery of a broken city. Even the sewer level is noteworthy for its gooey dark malaise.

The action feels nicely heavy, especially when Sebastian, the player character, tries throwing anything, moving his whole body forward with the inertia, making handling grenades a tricky affair and bottles for stealth perhaps even trickier (though once I managed to figure out the timing and placement of the body, stealth became something I looked forward to).

The shooting has a similar weight to it, which I found to be enjoyable. The weapon selection is limited and mostly ordinary (you’ve got your pistol, your shotgun, your sniper rifle, and, if you’re replaying it, even some assault rifle), with the exception of the crossbow that you can craft different arrows for, but unlike some of the more boring shooters I’ve recently tried, the way the weapons handle here and the natural threat the game instils in every action sequence make up for what they might lack in originality. Perhaps regular weapons even add to the verisimilitude that helps a horror game to be more effective.

They have also managed to strike a good balance in how much ammunition they provide you with, managing to make it always feel as if you have just a bit too little and yet always enough. The ability to craft arrows helps, though considering how difficult and dangerous it is to get the crafting components (often gotten from disarmed traps that sometimes blow up in your face if you disarmed them badly) you always feel like you have to be careful about not wasting them.

The story, concerning mental hospitals and impossible events, made me fear at first the most that it would become another boring “oh, it was all in his mind!”, and while it ultimately certainly has touches of it, it’s done in a way that is somewhat unique and more interesting for it. What’s more, there are no real twists in the narrative, just the slow reveal of the true nature of this nightmarish world. I even became genuinely interested in the story, once the game started providing some answers. Even Sebastian’s backstory which I had scoffed at with the lightly-sexist first note, had me running with glee whenever I saw the tell-tale reddish aura of another note about his past. There were entries in it that as a parent really touched me and made me care more for this one-note character.

Another reason I had to take breaks from the game though is how thoroughly unnerving it can be. It doesn’t spend much time scaring the viewer through disgusting sights or jumpscares (though there are certainly both, especially the first, with some truly impeccable body horror), but there’s a constant sense of dread drenching the whole game. Part of it is due to how vulnerable Sebastian feels. Sure, he’s a strong-bodied hard-jawed macho man who’s pretty damn good with a gun, and yet that’s nothing compared to the army of weird creatures, the way danger can come from anywhere, the simple oppressive atmosphere of the game, or his almost utter impotence when confronted with the uncontrollable nature of his world, even further emphasising his emasculated role. The few times that you feel powerful or safe, for example the mounted gun sequences, are all the more enjoyable for how rare they are.

My biggest problem with the game though is its infatuation with one-hit deaths. Many sequences filled with traps or monsters require you to execute them to near perfection or be sent back to the beginning with an instant death, however much health you might have had. While I might understand the aim (though I’m not sure I do), moments like this quickly become infuriating and, what’s more, they eat away at the sense of dread. If you’re repeating the same moment over and over again, whatever horror you might have felt at first evaporates and it just becomes a mechanical exercise in patterns. A horror sequence repeated is rarely a horror sequence that is effective.

And it’s made even worse by the trial-and-error nature of these moments. The simplest example is not knowing when you’re supposed to fight and when you’re supposed to run, ending with moments where I tried fighting when I was supposed to run (and died a few times, before I understood that this time the insta-death was supposed to be a lesson and not just part of the fight) or spent a long time looking for a way out that didn’t exist. But it’s even more aggravating during puzzles (or boss fights that act as puzzles) where every time you try something new, you might be punished by instant death and the need to repeat everything up to this point in order to try something new.

Oh, and the game has some awful film-style black bars beneath and above the image that I instantly turned off and never regretted.

If there wasn’t as much of insta-death, this could be up there amongst my favourite games. But I was as often annoyed with the game as I was enjoying it (though the idea of enjoying this consistently intentionally dreadful experience made me wonder why it is that we do this to ourselves, those of us who love horror). Perhaps time will be kinder to it as the negative aspects slowly fade from memory and in a year I might be updating my favourites list with what I consider fondly as one of the best horror game experiences I’ve had.

Or perhaps the sequel will help me make a decision. Because whatever my annoyance, as soon as I was done with this game, I put the next one on download. How about that for a recommendation.

Better than many Resident Evil games!!

The Evil Within feels like an psychological horror acid trip. It was made by Shinji Mikami and his Tango Gameworks team under the Bethesda umbrella.

It's basically Resident Evil 4 but expanded and surprisingly harder.

Don't miss it if you like horror games. It can get very tense on some sections.

Creepy survival game. Story gets a little confusing. Must play if intentions of playing the 2nd.

First the game doesn't know what it wants to be. It starts out as a hide from the bad guy and find a way around him, to a stealth game, to a kill hoards of enemies with hardly any resources to do so. The story is also horrible with the graphics and music being average. As a survival horror fan I can say this game falls very short. Keep away, far far away.

Usta oyun yönetmeni Shinji Mikami'nin başında olduğu The Evil Within hakkındaki görüşlerimi hızlıca maddeler eşliğinde belirtiyorum.

+ Boss savaşları genel olarak iyi.
+ Atmosfer ve mekan tasarımları müthiş.
+ Hikaye merak uyandırıcı.
+ Vuruş hissiyatı başarılı.
+ Oynanış tarafında kesinlikle Resident Evil 4 kadar başarılı değil ama Mikami reis kendi izinden gitmiş yine.
+ Bölüm tasarımları ve ambiyansları çeşitli, hem de oyunun öne çıkan yönlerinden olmuş bence.

- PS4 optimizasyonu bok gibi, tam anlamıyla alışabilmek için oyunu yarılamanız gerekebilir.
- Grafikler 2014 yılı için bile çok zayıf.
- Savaşlar tatmin edici olsa bile 2014 için çok hantal geldi bana.
- Oyunun final kısımları oyunun geneline kıyasla aşırı sönük geldi ve sıkılmış bir şekilde ayrıldım.

The Evil Within alternatif bir Resident Evil oyunu arayanlar için kaçırılmaması gereken bir yapım. PS4 değil de başka bir platformda oynasaydım eğer daha yüksek bir puan verebilirdim.


The Evil Within is one of those fondly looked back upon games that just didn’t do it for me. It attempted to cram together every horror genre out there—psychological, surrealism, action, survival—all of which are done better in other games. Sure, there were a few memorable sequences, but the constant jumping around resulted in a disjointed experience. Add to that the convoluted way of storytelling, and well, I just wish I had loved it as much as most.

What I did like included certain environments and boss fights. Don’t get me wrong, it looked good, artistically speaking. In the beginning I even enjoyed myself, but it overstayed its welcome and by the end I couldn't help but hate it.

I love this game. From its creature designs to its story and environment, it's so cool. I personally prefer this linear gameplay compared to the direction of the sequel.

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I didnt like the fullscreen ratio of the game I had to something about it. I changed it to 16:9 to stretch the aspect ratio to my liking. I decided to play this game cause it has similarities to resident evil trapped inside the mind of a person creating a dystopian world within. Im not a fan of evil within so when I first played it, i might not have appreciate it at first. Then I was wrong. It gives me reason why resident evil is more famous and this one being different but same game mechanics with a below average graphics in this generation. Still it makes it a great horror game. All the bosses are scary and intimidating and hard to beat. The only problem is the emotions are the characters are giving which is nonexistent.

better than RE4 and REmake 4. :)

the most underrated game ever

The Evil Within is a brutal, challenging, and remarkably fun game. Its eerie world and imaginative enemies are genuinely frightening, and the scares are heightened significantly by the scarcity of resources at your disposal. It keeps the odds stacked against you to the point that they often feel insurmountable, yet it’s finely tuned to ensure that they never really are, as long as you can keep a cool head and a steady aim in the face of building panic. While its story ends up buckling under its own ambition, there is little here that takes away from the joy of experiencing survival horror under the steady hand of a master of the craft.

it does have a lot of annoying gameplay elements, but i loved it so much honestly... the story isn't particularly inventive for the genre, but i just liked all the characters, seb, joseph, juli, ruvik and laura are all very memorable. i like how grimy and gross a lot of the areas felt, some of the monster designs are also very unsettling. i loved the shade in juli's dlc LMAO she was serving! there's plenty of weapon variety and things you can do, and some of the action setpieces were wild, like going out to get joseph's glasses next to the fucking monstrous cerberus thing or your bus getting chased across town by something lovecraft was getting off to probably. and then there are more haunting sequences, like the sunflower field or the mysteriously extending hospital hallways... idk i liked a lot about it despite its shortcomings and difficulty/save scarcity-related frustrations. i miss you TEW </3 i wish TEW3 could be made </3

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i really wanted to like this game. but the constant setting changes with no rhyme or reason accompanied by mediocre one hit kill gimmick sequences its hard to recommend this game. play if youre curious

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The game didn't lived up to my expectations.The characters seemed all the same,never expressing any feelings and they felt like they were puppets with no emotions.The story was confusing and all over the place,to the point where not even the characters knew what was going on by the end.The gameplay and the varius weapons were fun to use even if some were useless by the end of the game and some considerably more powerful than the others.The enemies had pretty cool designs and the art direction was a success but overall the game couldn't prevent me from feeling like it was a chore to complete it.All in all,I believe that some of the ideas were very interesting but the game couldn't deliver them in a satisfying way either because the gameplay became pale most of the time or it couldn't decide if it was a horror or an action game.

The Evil Within is one of my favourite games. I originally played it in 2015, taking turns with my roommate trying to get through areas. These sessions stretched late into the night. We could never really beat it. Many years later I picked it up for ps4 and set out to finish it on the Survival difficulty. It was so much fun. I had never played many true survival horror games up to that point and this one was my learning curve game.

It's a very uncomfy horror game. Literally makes me wonder why I play it, sometimes even gets too close to my mind with all the spooky and gross stuff.

Good resource based horror game. Some parts were kind of annoying.

i am having a lot of fun playing this and i really want to finish it but ruvik fcking keeps killing me in the mansion

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