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Here is my proprietary mad-libs prompt for Nihon Falcom plots after playing the three Trails games:

A kid with PURPLE hair who LIKES TO SLEEP is tragically forced to move away from home when HE ACCIDENTALLY MURDERS HIS ENTIRE VILLAGE WITH HIS BARE HANDS because he accidentally STUMBLED UPON THE RUNE OF MINKUS. Years later, he gathers himself to fight the EVIL CORPORATION THAT PLANTED THE RUNE, but then, a pretty girl with GOLDEN hair and is unique because she LIKES TO PLAY GUITAR chases him down because she survived and was like a sister to him (but not his actual sister because they eventually lay down on top of each other). She slaps him, tells him they are like family and that it will be ok, because they are like family and she is like a sister to him (but not his actual sister, because t-). The final boss is ANOTHER GUY FROM THE VILLAGE THAT ALSO SURVIVED AND SECRETLY WAS THE ONE WHO PUT THE RUNE THERE, but then after the battle says that he actually loves the main character like a brother, and only did it because HE WAS SAD ABOUT LOSING HIS PET BIRD. The game ends when a third even eviler guy PUSHES A PIANO OFF OF A THREE-STORY BUILDING ONTO THE SECOND GUY’S HEAD and then everyone cries.

I absolutely loved the first two, but this one isnt nearly as special. It felt like an absolute drag trying to get the doors done when they could have naturally put the STORY OF THE GAME IN THE GAME! Im not nearly as fond of this game as i was the past two, but i will say that i love the characters ans the story in this game. Its just how you get to the story that makes it a problem for me personally.

This review contains spoilers

Before getting into this game, someone told me that it was “Trails in the Sky- Chain of Memories”.
And they were absolutely right. The 3rd is the most different Trails game thus far, focusing on a rather segmented story that serves to wrap things up, and set up things to come. Though it wasn’t exactly what I played Trails for, it served as a fantastic entry. They ramped up the difficulty a ton, and I’d also be lying if I said this game didn’t make me shed more than a few tears. I’m unsure where it stands in my ranking between the three games, but it’s likely second. Despite me not being super big on some of the choices personally, like the segmented story, and less of a focus on Estelle, I wouldn’t have had this game any other way. This game was an absolute treat, and having Kevin as a protag was an a nice change of pace. Trails in the Sky is the perfect trilogy. I cannot wait to get into the Crossbell arc

The third and final entry in the Sky/Liberl arc of the Trails/Kiseki series, Trails in the Sky the 3rd acts as a sort of epilogue for the trilogy while opening the doors for the future for other games to explore.

3rd once again changes little mechanically from the first two games, same battle system with the same orbment system for magic, etc. New turn bonuses such as Vanish (makes a character disappear when hit) and Death (one hit KO) have been added and these are great to encourage you to pay more attention to how you manipulate the turn order (you haven't felt true pain until you see an enemy hit all 4 of your party members with a Vanish bonus only to see your party disappear and Game Over pop up on your screen)
Other than those tweaks it's pretty much a case of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" which is fine by me when I enjoy the battle system so much in these games and messing with my orbments to see what spells I get.

What has been changed this time round is the core structure of the game and our protagonist. Following on 6 months after the events of Trails in the Sky SC, this game follows everyone's favourite priest from SC, Father Kevin Graham as he's called to investigate a mysterious relic that he may need to claim for the church with newcomer Sister Ries Argent accompanying him as his new squire. Shenanigans happen with a mysterious cube object pulling Kevin and Ries, as well as many other familiar faces into the mysterious world of Phantasma, a world full of creatures that look like they're straight from Gehanna (hell) and seemingly under the control of a masked new villain who goes by the name Lord of Phantasma along with their masked underling who looks suspiciously familiar. This story setup leads to the biggest structural change to the series so far, making it more of a dungeon crawler.

The world of Phantasma exists on numerous planes that alternate between brand new unique dungeon like areas and returning areas from the previous games that have become more dungeon like in structure. For example, Grancel, a major city in the previous games, has many areas locked off, no NPCs and enemies roaming the streets with chests to loot, turning a once bustling city into a dungeon-like area. This change in structure does mean you lose a lot of the charm I loved about the first two games, exploring the world and falling in love with its NPCs, which is a shame. It's also somewhat understandable as exploring the same world for the third game in a row would've been a bit tiresome so changing things up is welcome despite the drawbacks it brings. The goal of these dungeon areas is to explore and make your way through to the end where you end up fighting a boss and ultimately gaining a Sealing Stone which can be brought back to the hub area where the seal can be undone and a new character will join your party, with up to 16 playable characters being available to choose from.

The change in structure also means sidequests undergo a revamp. No longer are you travelling Liberl and helping out with Guild quests, side quests are now handled by three different kinds of doors you can find during exploration of a dungeon. Moon doors that contain lengthy side stories, Star doors that contain shorter side stories, and Sun doors that are more minigame based. These doors have certain requirements to unlock them (usually having the right combination of characters in your party) and they end up holding some important backstories to characters as well very interesting developments towards potential future plotlines. Moon doors like giving you a deep dive into characters' pasts and will have playable sections in them to help break up what are usually around an hour long story experience. I did find them a bit too long at times, disrupting the quick paced story of the main game a little too much for me, but I did also love seeing the past of characters like Kloe, Estelle and Joshua. What was even more surprising was seeing a new character from Kloe's backstory show up in Olivier's side story in a much more wtf role showing just how much thought has gone into these stories and the interconnectivity of them all.
Star doors are more to the pace that fit this game for me, usually between 15-30 mins and are purely dialogue focused. These tend to offer a view on some events with characters that happened within the 6 months this game skipped over and are pretty fun stories that give closure to some characters' arcs. Some of the later star doors however offer very important insight to events that happened off screen during the games that set up plot threads for future games to tackle. Like one goes through a report the Empire wrote up when their Guilds were being attacked by Jaeger's and Cassius had to step in and help out and seeing how some people high up in the Empire viewed Cassius was a very eye opening moment.
Finally we have the Sun doors which hold little minigames that are nice breathers to the main dungeon crawling gameplay. These are mostly silly fun little stories like Estelle getting caught up in a fishing challenge. The first one in particular offers a really cool minigame that I will leave as a surprise but it caught me off guard.
So aside from some minor pacing issues I had from the Moon doors, these doors offered a lot of compelling narrative elements and character moments that I really appreciated and that were difficult to find somewhere to put them in the main story.

Moving onto the change in protagonist, as someone who became very attached to Estelle from the first two games, I knew leaving her behind for someone else was always going to be difficult for me to adjust to. At the same time I can appreciate that the core element of Estelle's story was wrapped up in SC so moving her to the background a bit and letting someone new take the protagonist role was a very wise decision. Kevin was an interesting choice as he had shown some particularly interesting elements to his character that needed exploring in the end of SC. Three games in and I think I can say now that Trails is an expert in the slow burn when it comes to their characters and story. Things take their time to unravel again and you get little bits of Kevin's backstory with Rufina and Ries at the start of every chapter and little by little you grow attached to Kevin the more you learn. Having Ries with him throughout the story is very helpful as she knows him well enough that she can see through his facade and call him out on his bs as he struggles to be open with the people helping here. It's really compelling stuff and it all culminates in some really hard hitting revelations surrounding why Kevin is the way he is and what exactly happened to Rufina and my gosh it shook me to my core. Kevin and Ries had a hard time matching up to the heights Estelle and Joshua had for me but I was pleasantly surprised by how much I cared about them by the end. There was a lot of moments in the last few chapters that got me to tear up and I think it shows just how well they do the slow burn in these games.

As I mentioned earlier, the game features a playable cast of 16 characters which is quite a lot for an RPG and yet somehow they still manage to find a way to get you to use every single one of them. Even outside of doors requiring specific characters to unlock, throughout the story you'll have one or two characters you are forced to use that changes up every so often and as you find more characters you'll find yourself swapping one or two in or out. Particularly the order you find them in is very clever, with some of the less available party members in previous games being early ones here allowing you to spend more time with characters you otherwise wouldn't have. The finale also finds a way to get you to use every single character which is incredible for a cast this size.
One other thing to point out is the continuation of character strength through level in this trilogy. By the end of Sky FC my party was around level 30 so I wasn't too surprised to see my party start off at level 30 in SC. By the end of SC however, my party was above level 90 so I was genuinely surprised to see Kevin start this game at level 90, particularly when I'm used to games capping my characters at level 99 or 100. What was even more surprising was seeing characters go past level 100 and still level up! By the end of the game my party was over level 130 which outside of the missingno glitch in Pokémon Red/Blue, I had never seen in a game before. That coupled with some returning enemies the characters had struggled to beat in earlier games now being much easier to take down really sells just how much these characters have grown throughout the three games. It really was a pleasant surprise not seeing my characters reset (outside of orbments) having seen the likes of Metroid come up with so many excuses to reset Samus' skillset. It's just really cool seeing that level of care being put into something so small for a lot of people.

Aside from my minor issues with the game being more dungeon focused and some small pacing issues I had, Sky the 3rd is another excellent entry in the series and does a fantastic job at offering its own compelling narrative as well as wrapping up character arcs and moving the pieces in place for future story arcs. The fact it manages to juggle all of these story elements with little issue is a huge testament to what they've been cooking in this series and it has me excited to see how they continue this overarching narrative. I've thoroughly enjoyed every moment of the Sky trilogy as a whole and have loved getting into the Trails series. It will be tough to say goodbye to Liberl and its incredible cast of characters but 3rd certainly did enough teasing for Crossbell to have me very excited and curious to see where these story threads go.

Muchos sentimientos enfrentados con The 3rd.

Sin duda alguna el mayor punto positivo del juego es el poder tener como protagonista a Kevin Graham, el personaje más carismático de la trilogía junto a Estelle. La historia principal está muy bien, adolece de ser un poco previsible con algunos giros argumentales, pero la construcción del mundo y el guión se mantienen al nivel del resto de títulos.

Por otro lado y como contrapunto que me parece imposible obviar está el ritmo nefasto que presenta el juego constantemente, desde la historia principal con 3 capítulos aburridisimos y de relleno hasta varias memory doors insufribles. Comprendo que Falcom quiera mimar al máximo posible el lore y el worldbuilding de la saga, pero es que hay eventos de algunos personajes que son totalmente innecesarios y además innecesariamente largos.

Para más inri, tenemos el apartado jugable, que es un calco del juego anterior y no innova en nada de nada, lo único que hace es aumentar aún más la dificultad con enemigos absurdamente protegidos y con esponjas de vida.

Otro detalle que veo innecesario es el exceso de fanservice, trayendo a la pantalla a numerosos personajes que lo único que hacen es alargar el juego inútilmente.

Dejando de lado los puntos negativos, que no son pocos ni leves, repito que la historia principal y algunos eventos de las puertas me han encantado, sobretodo los que tratan el pasado/presente de Kevin, Ries, Renne, Olivier y los que anuncian los próximos movimientos en la saga.

Muchas ganas de seguir con Trails from Zero pese al sabor agridulce que me ha dejado The 3rd.

This was the most connected and disconnected game I've played in awhile

Taking place in a more dungeon type area instead of exploring Liberl is something I feel like only trails can get away with. There is no need to explore Liberl anymore since we did that 2 times already and there's no need to build up characters again since they already did that. I don't mean it in a bad way but if I played a game like this that wasn't trails I wouldn't vibe with it. Short version is that trails can get away with a dungeon like game because they've already set up the characters and world.

While I did enjoy the main Kevin story, I think the biggest thing that came from this games were the doors. They either wrapped up character arcs or moved the story forward which I'm very excited about.

For awhile I never really felt like the main group were a family, more like really good friends, but after the send off at the end it got me hard. Its sad that this is the last time we will get to be with the Liberl group. I'm gonna miss their antics between each other. Going to miss my goat Oliver

Kevin Graham saved my life

even worse pacing. boring hallway dungeons. gameplay finally has a couple new additions that're nice. sidestory doors are about half throwaway but the other half are phenomenal. Kevin's character arc is peak and makes this entry more thematically interesting than its predecessors, but also makes the plot as a whole feel hollow and irrelevant.

Chapter 3 & 4 are a bit slow and that's all. It's another sky game that you will love. i blamed sky sc for setting the bar too high. However, sky the 3rd is still a brilliant game in its own right.

the best conclusion to the trilogy possible.
1 straight hour of crying during the finale

The moment I loaded up 3rd after finishing the second game, I knew this was gonna be greatness, this is undoubtedly in my top 5 OAT
Genuinely saddens me that this series is under-appreciated, literally 10/10 in everything, the music is peak, the plot is peak, I’ve grown attached and interested into every single character, never failed me once I’m so glad I invested my time into this gem

Kevin Graham definitely one of the greatest characters of all time man his story was insane. This game’s story in general hits so hard, extremely good conclusion and epilogue to the sky arc I love it so much. Only problems would be some parts of the story are slow, a few of the doors are annoying, and a LOT of locations are reused.

also did I mention that Renne is the greatest character of all time

A victory lap before we move onto a new setting and (presumably) characters. Clearly they had a lot of leftover ideas that they're just throwing in here since they're reusing so much, and it could've been really boring, but as always the writing prevails - somehow we get a game that fully dives into an unexplored character, caps off a bunch of existing character arcs while also providing some extra background detail, and sets up the next game(s) at the same time. Feels like a big group hug with all your friends after graduation.


I'm gonna miss Liberl so much man

The way this games plot and characters are presented is so damn puzzling even if what's there is very good. The dungeon crawling nature of the game worked shockingly well and wasn't longer than it needed to be. However the main appeal of the trails series for me is exploring the world and characters and most that just isn't here. Still a solid entry in the series.

game taught me to be a good christian boy or I won't have treasure chest quotes in hell

im gonna miss playing as my girl estelle

side note: kevin game

The Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories of the series

A really well done wrap up and send off of the Sky series of Trails games, not much to say

This review contains spoilers

The only bad thing about this game is Phantom Raid not having Ouroboros' emblem breaking anymore.

Terminar esse jogo foi lapidar algo que eu já sabia: eu amo a trilogia Trails in the Sky, de verdade mesmo. O SC é um dos meus jogos favoritos e um forte candidato a ser um dos meus JRPGs favoritos. E por mais que eu veja uma cacetada de problemas no SC e no primeiro jogo, ainda sim não consigo deixar de ter um forte sentimento de carinho por esses jogos, e agora pelo the 3rd também. Essa trilogia é uma daquelas coisas que eu consigo enxergar qualquer um dos três jogos sendo o favorito de alguém: o primeiro com sua simplicidade narrativa mas com uma atmosfera de aventura muito gostosa e com um final devastador que até hoje eu quase caio em frangalhos só de lembrar; o SC com sua narrativa muito mais expandida pra construir o mundo e dar mais camadas pra cada personagem e introduzir novos que mudam completamente a estrutura narrativa do primeiro. E agora o terceiro dessa trilogia tá num espaço meio estranho, porque muita coisa já foi resolvida no SC, então teoricamente esse aqui seria só uma tentativa falha de continuar o que não precisa ser continuado; ou pelo menos era isso que eu pensava antes de efetivamente jogar.

Esse Trails é um negócio muito único só de existir. Ele não usa a estrutura de cidades pra construir um mundo igual os dois anteriores e vai pelo caminho de um dungeon crawler linear, com uma mecânica meio estranha de se explicar que são as Doors. Cada Door é como se fosse uma "fase" separada que conta um pedaço de história que ainda não foi contado, talvez mostrando um pouco do passado de cada personagem pra aprofundar mais eles ou mostrar como eles tão vivendo depois dos acontecimentos do segundo jogo. Por causa disso, muitos momentos importantes pra entender a narrativa da série tão presos nesses pequenos segmentos, mas sinceramente eu acho que todo mundo que joga esse jogo tá minimante interessado pra saber mais de pelo menos um ou outro personagem, é um jogo grande de uma trilogia conhecida pelo pacing lento. Meus momentos favoritos do jogo provavelmente tão nesses segmentos, já que a história principal em si eu não me conectei tanto até quase o penúltimo capítulo.

Tudo que os outros jogos faziam esse aqui faz e talvez até melhor; soundtrack como sempre tá do caralho e uma gameplay deliciosa que pra mim já é uma marca da série. O que eu tenho pra falar desse jogo sem muito spoiler é isso, e se tu leu isso sem jogar os outros Trails faça-se um favor e vai jogar essa porra agora. Tô bem ansioso pra jogar o próximo e vou sentir bastante saudade dos personagens de Liberl e da química de cada um. No final dele todo mundo parecia uma família no melhor sentido possível, provavelmente uma das minhas party favoritas de qualquer JRPG por causa disso.

Obrigado Trails in the Sky por existir.

A funny departure from the two titles before it, but with time I’ve grown to appreciate it more. A must play for Trails fans.

Одна из лучших игр в серии. Кевин, я тебя не забуду)

Rating: B+
Great game, does a lot of stuff I love to characters who haven't done much in previous parts. If this game wasn't this good I would've dropped the series here.
I think it largely helps that it can focus on specific scenes it actually wants to write without pointless filler or saving half of the content for the next game.

Really liked getting a peek into Kevin's past and also the lives of everyone else. Nice conclusion to the sky trilogy and works well in building up future arcs.