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in the past

Heavy Iron Studios return from Battle for Bikini Bottom to helm the movie tie-in game.

While the game follows the movie pretty well, they added a few extra things to not completely spoil the game. The most notable example is not saying David Hasselhoff's name.

Spongebob and Patrick play pretty much the same with a few additions. Spongebob can't ground-pound. Patrick was changed a lot. He can now spin, cartwheel and swing on floating ice blocks.

While there are only 4 boss fights they are very different and need to observe what they do to find an opening.

While the game is enjoyable it is short due to the short development time. To obtain the final item, you will have to revisit other levels which contain different challenges.

The Spongeball is an obstacle course which has Spongebob turned into a ball who needs to make his way to the end. Combat Arena is combat focused where you need to survive three different waves. Each wave getting harder each time. Floating Blocks is a platforming challenge where you need to jump on different blocks to reach the end before the time runs out. Sonic Wave Challenge follows the rings before they disappear.

When you break open boxes and defeat enemies will give you manliness points. Collect enough of these and you will be able to upgrade Spongebob and Patrick. You will be able to upgrade their health and abilities for an easier journey. If you ask me upgrade the health and spin attacks first before the other abilities .

If you enjoyed Battle for Bikini Bottom, you will like this game but find it lacking in a lot of areas.

my rating is the only true rating

I loved, and will always love, this game. Played it nonstop as a kid, but it's actually quite difficult, so I didn't get very far, only about halfway through. A few months ago, I decided I was gonna make it my mission to complete it 100%. It took a week but it was well worth it. It felt like a part of me was whole again. Kid me would be so proud.

My favorite of the SpongeBob platformers from back in the day. Heavy nostalgia aside, it’s a good game.

Another fun game from childhood!!! :3

Not as good as BFBB but if you've played that game, this is just a more linear version. Still a great time!

the final level took five years to beat

Completed this with all Hardcore Achievements

The goofy goober song is the most horrible thing my ears have ever comprehended

Probably the first 3D platformer I ever played, and for a rushed movie tie in made in less than a year they did a fantastic job with this game. It's more linear and challenging than BFBB was which in my opinion makes it more replayable. The platforming and combat are simple but engaging and by the end of the game It'll really start testing your skills more than any other SpongeBob game out there.
The worst thing about this game is the padding, doing the same driving and slide missions multiple times can get really repetitive and the slide levels especially can go on for way too long which makes fucking up a time trial frustrating, especially as a kid. Nowadays I can beat this whole thing in one sitting so it's not an especially big deal for me now but on a first playthrough, yeah that shit kinda sucks and the collectathon aspect of this game is really just there to pad it out.
The FMV cutscenes also suck but to be honest if I really wanted more plot detail I'd just watch the movie. The main appeal of this game is getting to explore all the areas from the movie and this game really does bring all these spots to life. In some cases like the Goofy Goober's or the Thug Tug they expand these small buildings into their own massive worlds with a ton of different environments, makes no sense at all but it's really creative and fun to play through. Most other licensed games would have just had these levels be a bunch of samey hallways and rooms but Heavy Iron really went all out in stretching these themes to their absolute limits.
The soundtrack also goes SO hard. Damn near every track is a banger and they set the mood for their stages perfectly. My favorite is the Thug Tug theme which is this Bad to the Bone sounding ass rock song but halfway through they throw a ukulele into the mix just to remind you it's a SpongeBob song and that just takes it to the next level.
In the end despite this games faults the clear passion oozing from every aspect of this game make it an absolute classic. They made the best platformer they possibly could within the constraints and deadlines of a movie tie in game, and I'm so glad I got to grow up with it.

Here we have another Spongebob game that is quite enjoyable. The game is made by all of the same people behind Battle for Bikini Bottom, so it does have quite a bit of quality behind it. As far as the gameplay goes, since it is made by the same people who made Battle for Bikini Bottom and uses the same engine, the core of the gameplay is the same. The only things that really change are the story (which doesn't need clarifying, but there it is), some animations, some moves either cosmetically or mechanically, new gameplay styles, and an upgrade system for the abilities and health of Spongebob and Patrick. While I do think Battle for Bikini Bottom is better, this one is still good. Hearing that cover parody thing of I Want To Rock during the final boss fight is great also.

This game was better than the more popular Battle for Bikini Bottom IMO undervalued game

I really love this game. Simultaneously nostalgic for me, based on an iconic animated movie, and some pure platforming fun all at once!

When you can't finish part of a game because you're bad at it, that's fine, it's your incompetence, your problem. When you can't finish part of game because it is wildly unfair or badly done, it's completly frustrating. The SpongeBob Movie game starts all fun and happiness - for a moment, I even tought it would end up being one of my favorite games ever - but very soon becomes a patience test.

After a certain point, the missions don't give you the opportunity to miss a turn for half a second in the golden ring areas or to let you just just walk to the other side of the level, due to the infinite amount of ranged enemies and the difficulty to see how far their bullets and rockets are. There's also some platforming that require you to make millimetric calculated jumps and timing to work.

Someday I'll finish this game, but I always need a month - or so - long break to fully recover from the stress it causes me. If I ever played this game as a kid, I could blame the anxiety I have today on it.

EDIT: I finished it and now I feel even more frustrated :)

On paper, and to begin with, the idea of a SpongeBob movie tie-in game, from the developers of and using the same engine as Battle For Bikini Bottom, arguably one of the best licensed games ever (not my words), it would seem like this game is basically bound to be another classic.

Even when they announced a remaster of BFBB I was sure an updated version of the Movie game was around the corner (and I still do, considering the movie turns 20 next year), as it's become evident that it really could do with one.

When you start the game it's pretty fun and easy to get used to (although WOW that camera sucks), especially if you've played either version of BFBB, but after a while it starts to drain you.

Most of the game after a certain point requires you to go out of your way to collect tokens in order to unlock abilities you need to progress, which involves completing time trials in stupid amounts of time and collecting rings that are timed (that don't actually give you a proper visible time limit).

At first, I'd planned to complete as much as I could so I could go back and do some of these annoying challenges in order to get 100% post-game, but the game basically forced me to do them as a lot of the easier-sounding challenges were locked behind abilities I had yet to unlock, which require even more tokens.

It got to a point in which I had to use a cheat code to unlock every ability so I could at least play the game's story to completion and then get pissed at stupid challenges, because at least then I'd feel less like a quitter since I at least finished the story mode.

The game itself is basically just more BFBB type levels; platforming, abilities you've already seen before and enemies that are a pain to defeat. If anything it's kinda worse in that aspect since there's not much variation when it comes to, well, everything.
It's kinda samey.

The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie Game is to Battle For Bikini Bottom what Super Mario Bros. 2: The Lost Levels is to the original Super Mario Bros.
Only, at least with that game you knew it'd be harder than the original.

UPDATE: I've had to abandon the game because it turns out once you decide to start one of the "warp challenges" (a little plate in certain main missions that warps you to a sub-level) you're basically forced to complete it before you can go back to completing the game normally.

If you jump into one but then decide to just complete the main game first, you're shit out of luck. You either have to restart the entire fucking level from the start or complete the warp challenge.

I had planned to finish the story and then go through these sublevels for the 100% but I wanted to at least give each one a try before I continue, but you can't just "try them out", once you're in, you're in.
And that sucks.

I have a lot of nostalgia for this game and remember how at one point I had preferred this to BFBB. I don't anymore but I still like a lot of aspects of this. Making a linear sequel to a collectathon is kind of what Cosmic Shake did. I played this back then as a kid and never finished it and played it on Dolphin at some point during the Pandemic and finally finished it. I think the experience point system being there is ambitious but kind of unnecessary. Neat game though.

Have a lot of nostalgia for this game. Not because I played it back in the day but back then on YouTube I watched a lot of gameplay on it. But I couldn’t get it because I didn’t have a GameCube or a ps2. But now I am coming back to it playing it with emulators and it is a blast. Probably up there with Super Mario 64. Soundtrack is great too. Especially that sliding mission song, god it’s great, and this is supposed to be a SpongeBob game.

Well, for a game that is based on a movie... the developers definitely had fun making this game. Now there is a variety of things to do on this game, although it's main focus is 3d platforming. Now I will say that the cutscenes were very lazy with them just using pictures from the movie instead of using footage. The controller is pretty decent, and the graphics are alright for it's time tho some of the soundtracks did not have to go as hard as it went (

I never beat this game as a kid but it gave me liminal nightmares well into my twenties. would recommend.

Not as consistent as Battle for Bikini Bottom. Some of the driving sections can be frustrating. Still a lot of fun overall though. I really enjoyed the traditional platforming levels and sliding levels. Fun bosses too.

all the cool kids loved battle for bikini bottom but me and this game were tight we were best friends we went through everything together i was its toughest soldier riding for it when no one else would. objectively it’s probably worse but subjectively this is the best spongebob game ever made and that ever will be made

I have no need to watch the Movie anymore. I already know SpongeBob and Patrick repeat the racing levels multiple times to get all the Goofy Goober Tokens.

the juiciest most delectable whip a cartoon character has ever drove.

literally just BfBB 2, what more could you ask for?

"Sorry Spongebob but you'll need more Goofy Goober tokens to get a higher rating!"

A good movie tie-in game. Still good though, even if Battle for Bikini Bottom was better

THIS GAME WAS SO COOL. I still love it to this day!

Great game, much better than BFBB, I recommend playing this with the SpongeBob Movie DX mod as that's what I played it with