Reviews from

in the past

All versions if this game, GBA, PC, and Console, are all godly

Pretty good, but feels like Battle for Bikini Bottom with different mechanics and levels. Wished the other games kept in the same style as BFBB.

the game over music is the most insulting game over music i've ever experienced

a mediocre platformer that didn't age half as well as bfbb

It's like that other game but movie levels and burger car level.

Wow, it's really been almost four years since I completed this. That doesn't mean I haven't played it since, just not finished it.

Played this in hype for Sponge on the Run but I haven't seen it yet because there's no good camrip yet and they thought releasing it in the US a year after it's Canadian release was a good idea. I'm getting off topic.

So is this game good? I think so, but it's not as good as its predecessor Battle for Bikini Bottom. There are a lot of similarities to it though. The basic gameplay is the same, except some of the moves are different, like Patrick now having a cartwheel move instead of his belly attack, and SpongeBob no longer has his ground pound (or the dolphin noise smash as this game would call it). Also Sandy is not a playable character but she didn't have a major part in the movie so she didn't need to be.

The game also doesn't have a hub world, instead you just go from one level to the next, probably because the movie was told in a linear way and there's really no way to make it open world.

There's also levels that exist for the sole purpose of padding the game out. Three of the last six levels are not scenes that are in the movie, which are Sundae Driving, Welcome to Planktopolis, Minions, and Drive of the Knucklehead McSpazatron, the last two are SpongeBob and Patrick getting back to the Krusty Krab 2 after riding David Hasselhoff, but in the movie, he just launches them to the Krusty Krab.

Another way they pad out the game is by making you go back and play challenges in the vehicle levels, a time trial, a ring challenge, and a macho time trial. If you want to 100% the game, you have to play them and they get really repetitive because you have to do them in one go and if you fail, you have to start over again.

The ring challenges are more tense than any horror game, but I flat out hate the macho time challenges.

There's also minigames in the regular levels where Patrick has to jump on floating blocks or SpongeBob has to go through an obstacle course in his Spongeball form. After this playthrough, I can say that I don't want to see another Spongeball level ever again. Both that and the macho time challenges are my least favorite parts of the game.

This isn't a major issue or anything but I'm not a big fan of the cutscenes. Some of them are fully 3D animated, but the others are screenshots of the movie with generic stock photos of the characters.

Also here's a fun fact I couldn't think of anywhere else to put: Scarlett Johansson voices Mindy in the game, but just the console version.

Overall, I do like it, I just find it frustrating at points. If I had to choose between this and BFBB, I'll pick BFBB any day. Although if they ever make a rehydrated version of this game, I know I'm going to buy it.

The Nick Land of the licensed Spongebob games.

I didn’t like it as much as battle for bikini bottom because of the more oppressive atmosphere, but it’s good too

BfBB expansion pack. It's good.

how we go from drunk off our asses from ice cream to saving the entirety of bikini bottom from buckets

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a bit of a step down from battle for bikini bottom. still not a bad time at all and putting Goofy Goober Rock as the final boss song is the best thing they could've done for this game and they DID so that's pretty amazing. they even psych you out with that by saving it for the final phase

I think the Banjo-Kazooie style stage structure and collect-a-thon style of BFBB worked a lot better.

haha spongebob and patrick in that image kinda look like they are about to come through my computer screen

update: AH they came through and to boot they are beating me up!!! they are not happy with me because i rated their game below average and i do not blame them!!! rate this game average or better or else they will come for YOU next!!!

this is another one i'll have to go back to eventually, but i'm still confident in my gripes with it. it has all the level design chops of battle for bikini bottom, with the cool addition of ability upgrades. unfortunately, the transition from open-ended platformer to linear game was messy. it's ultimately bogged down by a combination of absurd goofy goober requirements to gain moves, and most of the means of getting extra goofy goober tokens being groan-worthy. there's an over-reliance on side mini-games to get your extra tokens, rather than exploration, which would be fine if the mini-games were less taxing. vehicle and slide time trials can take ages and have to be done in one go, combat arenas are just plain awful (the last one has enemies that game only ever teaches you to defeat using PATRICK), and spongeball/patrick cube levels can be fun but frustrating. also my xbox disc was scratched enough (sold to me that way) that loading back to the early part of the game proved impossible...whoops...

nostalgia blinds me with this game, yeah it's got tons more garbage than BFBB but man it's still a good time

Whoever designed the ring challenges are malicious and evil

Better than it had any right to be. A rare escapee from licensed game hell.

I haven't touched it in over a decade and apparently the part I got stuck at was the literal end of a level where I couldn't bounce on some trampolines correctly? But that was still like 80% of the game up to that point so I did have some fun with what I did play. Though I never owned BfBB and kinda wish I'd had that as a kid instead.

Very enjoyable from what I remember. Decent enough movie tie in that kinda expands upon the story from the film. Another classic from my childhood. Really hope it gets the rehydrated treatment

This game seems very promising on paper, especially with it being built off it's great predecessor, but manages to throw a lot of it away. The one thing that stops this game from being good is its overabundance of forced backtracking that makes it a painful playthrough (if you aren't using cheat codes). A huge shame, as the general platforming gameplay is quite enjoyable.

Fun up to a point where you end up having to backtrack to progress. Play Battle for Bikini Bottom instead

I couldn't beat Dennis on David hasslehoffs back as a kid so I gave up.

essentially a worse version of BFBB