Reviews from

in the past

For a metroidvania based on a bullet hell game, this is surprisingly well designed and solidly balanced for difficulty.
The metroidvania aspects of the game are mid. The combat is unique and encourages risk taking and close calls over safe play.
Encourage it for fans of metroidvanias that don't care about a story (this game is all about the Touhou universe and I don't understand any of the references in it).

I heard great praise about this game and it for sure holds up! Good mix of 2 genres i love with AMAZING game play! Short and sweet like metroid/touhou games but that's not at all a bad thing at all making it a game I'll def love to go through again! LOVED IT

I can tend to get bored of metrovania's somewhat quickly sometimes

has almost everything i'd want out of a metroidvania game. great boss fights, great music, fun exploration and items.

honestly the only thing missing for me is a stronger sense of atmosphere (à la the 2d metroids or momodora RUTM) but everything else in this game is so good that it more than makes up for that.

Touhou çok aram olan bir seri değil ama ZA WARUDO diye bağırmadan kendimi alamadığımdan oynaması keyifliydi.

There really is something special about games that do so much with their mechanics in a 2-3 hour timespan that you don't mind replaying them 5 times in a row. It's enhanced somewhat if you're already a Touhou fan, but the game is so incredibly captivating by itself - in terms of gameplay, level design, and music - that any knowledge on the series is optional.

great shit. combat and controls flow like a damn waterfall. so much fun to stop time, pile knives into an enemy's face, and resume time again. soundtrack is awesome. spritework is gorgeous. where it kinda falters for me is the length, its a bit too short and the level design doesnt feel as tight or as interconnected as the games that inspired it. plenty of late game frustration to be had because of bs enemy types and placements too.

Touhou Luna Nights [Xbox One]
(Final normal y final secreto, tremendo juegazo de metroidvania, me encanta las mecánicas que maneja sobre el control del tiempo y atacar lanzando cuchillos y la jugabilidad tan buena
Me enteré que al momento que jugué esto, la batalla contra Cirno solo estaba en la versión de Xbox y Switch, así que supongo que tuve suerte de haber jugado esta. XD

Por culpa de este juego me hice fan de Touhou.)

Decent game. I wouldn't really call it a metroidvania. It feels like one, but its entirely linear. The only backtracking is for optional stat upgrades that feel pretty lackluster. The game play is good, but isnt really anything special. Especially when optimal strategy devolves into spamming thousand knives. Good level of challenge. The best part about this game is how short it is. Much longer and it would overstay its welcome.

Whenever you think about the kinds of things you can experience in video games, sooner or later you come up with an idea that everyone has thought of at some point, and you inevitably ask yourself, "Why hasn't anyone made it?". It feels good to know that at least one of those times when you wondered about it, IT was made. now with 100% more cute anime girls!

While it was short, it undeniably has amazing replay value. This game surprised me with how well made it really is, a personal dislike of mine is that I find myself getting lost in Metroidvanias frequently but everything remained linear when I played this game. Everything about this remained fun, the mechanics were simple yet they feel intuitive. To some extent, this should be one of the base standards for Metroidvanias and I find it super easy to recommend this game.

I can confirm that as someone who doesn't know Touhou that you won't learn shit about Touhou through this.
Doesn't matter though, the game's an incredible Metroidvania that makes great use of time stop mechanics. It feels like it'd be a blast to speedrun.

A unique and fun little game. Despite being a bit short, it's decently challenging. However, the boss attacks are always in the same pattern makes fights somewhat predictable.

Very fun metroidvania! Final boss took me way too many tries though.

you can run on your own knives that you threw

Maid Dio the Interactive Adventure.
It's VERY japanese gameplaywise and I also I know nothing about Touhou lore so I didn't care about story.

Never played a Touhou game before this. It's pretty sick.

Usually not a fan of touhou (not because it's bad, i just completely suck at bullet hells) but this fangame really nailed everything. great metroidvania with even greater music and it looks so good.

my favorite touhou fangame (i havent played mystia's izakaya yet)

Fun little metroidvania, the ability to stop time feels really powerful but at the same time the game throws you a lot of challenges that are hard to overcome.

Luna Nights is absolutely stellar, probably the best metroidvania I've ever played. The elements are light, as most backtracking is just to acquire unnecessary stat upgrades. I actually appreciate this though, as it cuts down on monotony and put the focus on puzzle-solving and combat - which it greatly excels at. You play as Sakuya, a maid with the ability to manipulate time by slowing it, or stopping it completely. The game stays true to its bullet hell roots, especially in the phenomenal boss encounters. They really throw everything at you to balance out the power differential your time powers create. Having to juggle your time, health, and mana creates a fun gameplay loop that encourages you to take risks to recover them. This is the second time I've played through this game. The first being before the bonus level was released, and it's just as good as I remember. All this, and I haven't even mentioned the gorgeous pixel art and awesome Touhou jams that play throughout the game. I only have a two small issues with the game. One, towards the end they send a few too many spongey mobs at you, but they are at most a mild inconvenience and easily ignored. Two, you can get the ability to sprint in the bonus level, but it's a double tap input. The sprint is never necessary, and misinputting every now and then hurt me more than it helped. In the end, it's a short time, but damn if it isn't a good one.

Mais um game que conheci através do game pass e adorei!
A principal mecânica é a de controle do tempo, que me lembra demais de um dos meus favoritos do gênero, Timespinner. É uma pena ele ser tão curto, para os mais habilidosos, acho que da de terminar em uma sentada…

cute short little game that excels in gameplay, sound and aesthetics (also u play as a girl which instantly makes it goated)... sakuya as a character is really cute and the knife abilities she has are so so fun to mess around with
its just about the perfect length, if it goes on any longer without more abilities or challenges etc it would have gotten old; but as it stands its just about perfect
towards the end (dlc area) the enemy's are more designed to be annoying than an actual challenge (purple aura ghosts) which is disappointing only to meet the goats of touhou in a boss fight that dare i say rivals ds1 artorias battle-wise
its a good game!! i wish i liked metroidvanias more

La mejor mecánica principal que he visto nunca en un metroidvania.
El único problema de este juego es que es demasiado corto