Reviews from

in the past

eu passei muitos anos jogando esse treco de rato ao ponto de me esquecer que ele era de fato um jogo e não um fórum . gastei mais de 1000R$ em apenas skins pra rato nessa bosta

i opened this game when finding out they added it to steam and i immediately got 10 achievements from when i played this game as a kid. i only have 20 minutes worth of play time on steam so now I just look odd.

I played this game as a kid, and I guess I have a sweet spot for it now. I don't think I would revisit it now or recommend anyone over the age of 6 play this

Idk why, but I've played this game for 140 hours. It's a good time waster game. That's the rat creature.

500+ hours and 2 100+ level account

I can feel the early 2010's coming back to me as we speak.

İnsanlar bu oyunu oynarken ne buluyordu hiç bir zaman anlayamadım, hala anlayamıyorum. Bana çok sıkıcı geliyordu, bu oyunun oynandığı zamanlardan sadece tek bir oyunu geri istiyorum. "Empires & Allies".

dobrze się grało w gimnazjum

cool game if you want to be utterly owned by walljumping french preteens

tbh i got sick of the main game and just farmed bootcamp maps all the time :l definitely not worth revisiting when you're over 18

i don’t really know how to explain this game to someone who didn’t grow up with it. honestly i don’t really know how to explain it to myself! the physics are jank but very intentionally so leading to excellent emergent game design. the community is also very funny and the chat is always entertaining to this day. it’s a miracle this game is still alive and i’m glad i came back to it.

(side note: is this a furry thing? i feel like it might be but it’s unclear. i like the funny mice regardless i’m just not sure)

só faltou eu soltar fogos de artificios qnd peguei meu primeiro first

esse jogo fez parte de minha infânciakkkk jogo mt legal mt engraçadinho bonitinho, adorava ficar jogando no notebookzinho da minha mãe, jogava com os meus primos também

the actual platforming aspect is actually janky af especially bc its online but if u got good connection and pc its ok ig. theres something for everyone, its so good. we need more fun multiplayer platformer games like this

i killed so many little mice as like the big mouse

I let this game microwave my brain from 2012 to 2021. If I offer any glimmers of hope in my review, there's a big chance it won't work out for you.

My social view of Tfm:
Once in a blue moon you'll get to know someone that you'll Discord with for decades to come. I'm not confident at all that that can happen anymore. Most people you'll meet are either mentally ill or teenagers. Pay attention and you'll notice different demographics playing different modes. Racing mode has sweaty low IQ Brazilians. Skilled bootcampers are often metally ill and/or nerds, and typically have 800 hours MINIMUM (see yours by typing /time). Survivor is screaming teenagers exchanging nudes. Vanilla appeals to a loud, dramatic, young audience. And regular room is who you'd expect to play this game, after dozens of rounds you'll end up the notorious "noob shaman".

My gameplay view: all I played was bootcamp (still brain microwave material). I tried introducing 7 IRL people to this game. All 7 said never again after a couple hours (and kept their word). Why? The mechanics are nonsensical and take dozens of hours to be chill with. My favorite part was growing my profile stats. I got 28,000 bootcamps and 3,000 firsts. 40,000 firsts and you're an alpha male with the "LIGHTNING" title below your name. Don't be that guy. The least "brain microwave" mode is probably hardcamp, accessed by module mode, but the first 2 months of it you'll wanna kys. But it has no stats. And then you MIGHT be into a trash game and your friends will recommend therapy.

My view on graphics: it's childish and low IQ. It was a flash game made by a small team so not a lot to expect. You'll have to get used to the solid lavender background but you'll have actual backgrounds half the time in normal mode but your eyes might need a massive Vitamin A dose after 20 minutes.

My sound view: it is and always has been a no-sound game...just silent.

Objective rating: 4/10
Subjective rating: 9/10

I actually played this game a surprising amount as kid. Was a fun online platformer.