Reviews from

in the past

i have 139 hours logged of this game on steam

this is a really stupid game that i found some years ago while looking through free games. this game is stupid, had an awful community, and has so many issues, and yet i've found myself enjoying it quite a bit. it's something nice to pull out when you have nothing else going on in your life.

gameplay gets a 3.

Que buen juego para cuando eras niño, super adictivo y dentro de todo la comunidad no es mala. Te entretenes y podes pasar unas buenas horas viciando. (Ahora en 2021 no sé como será la comunidad, ojo)

I hate this game with a passion

i keep gettng bullied but i stay for the funny mice

Transformice is based, go give it a try!

Jogo de Rato pegando o queijo com parkour.

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seguro que karl marx no se vió venir este juego

best game ever made until you have to play shaman

I've played this game for over 7k hours and I can guarantee that I've mastered this game. fun mechanics and great talking lobbies

The mythos of the anvil God is funny as hell, but yeah I only ever played this game for like a couple hours.

i used to play this a lot back when it was decent, but the playerbase is way too tiny nowadays.

Jogo mais competitivo que já joguei até hoje

Se não fosse pelos outros jogadores online que as vezes do nada brigam contigo

Viciante pra cacete, sou apaixonado.

um jogo bom pra matar a saudade

Çocukluğumda çok çok çok fazla oynadım. Sami aşkım ile çok eğlenceli anılarımız oldu. Sadece nostalji için verdim puanı

Rata juego para personas muy enfermas, esta bueno.

vira e mexi abro pra jogar, mas inicialmente, comecei em 2011