Reviews from

in the past

Is there anything i could say that hasn't been said? Great storytelling, characters, worldbuilding, etc. Love the use of leitmotifs in music as well

This game gave me a whole phase. I still like Undertale to this day and I'm not afraid to admit it. I hope Deltarune turns out better

First game i bought on steam and my most replayed (Obligatory fanbase comment here)

It's a cool and neat game, a lot of eh moments. Having to replay the game three times, just in different ways, was kind of a hassle. I remember my first time playing the Genocide route I got stuck at the part before Mettaton EX, and found out the game "softlocked" into not spawning the last enemy I needed to kill before moving or else I would've gone through a neutral route again. So I had to restart my genocide run all the way to the beginning after those hours spent already getting before Mettaton EX.

It's a good game though, just something I would play only once

Not my sense of humor and the puzzles were often just silly. Combat system was often frustrating but I can appreciate a very unique game and if I wasn't so frustrated by a lot of the game the temptation to attempt a peaceful playthrough would be there.

The perfect story for a video game because it could only work as a video game.

Jogo muito simples mecanicamente porém o jogo é impecável.

Many things can be said about Undertale. But one thing that cannot be denied is that it has stood the test of time. A truly heartwarming experience that will stay in my memory forever.

Very good game worth most of the praise it gets.

Una experiencia divertida y emocionante. Aun sin ser una obra maestra, puedo decir que es un excelente juego, destacando su gameplay y sus personajes carismáticos.

I’m so happy to be replaying this again soon when I get my switch, this is the first ever game I absolutely fell in love with and I’ll never forget how it made me feel.

bienvenue en 2017 farod games vient de sortir une nouvelle vidéo

great but god it must've suck to play this after it got popular

this game made me realize i was transgender

Definitely a game I feel like has grown off me as I've become older, but the impact and sheer quality of this game cannot be understated. There's definitely some dull moments, the art isn't that good, some of the bits don't land, it's a bit short, genocide route's a hassle, but those issues are either intentional or just simply a fact that its aged a little. Wtf was up with that fanbase tho jesus

Okay but the story and music are peak

Finished all 3 routes, fun gameplay, incredible music and fun characters

Did a couple replays of this game and completed the genocide route for the first time. Games awesome

"If you liked Undertale so much you should try out this other cool Indie RPG named Omor-"

It's unsurprisingly really good. Will try and write a real review when I do a pacifist run

An absolute masterclass in storytelling in ANY art medium. Toby Fox makes you question the morality of 100%ing the game.