Reviews from

in the past

wii sports if it was made by people who don't understand anything about why people liked wii sports

Who do you think you are, you fraud. Shame on you.

There's a lazier and stupider joke I could make here but I'm not going to because I don't hate myself.

A barebones remake of the original game. Still pretty fun tho

why did they add a subscription service to wii sports

Nintendo fan's introduction to live-service fuckery

my aunt broke her back while playing this with me

Not a great alternative to the original Wii Sports if you already own that. I originally tried this out when it was a subscription service. The graphic upgrade is nice, but you're not missing anything by skipping this one.

its been way too long since ive played this so i dont really even remember how much i liked it but i did really like the idea of playing wii sports online against other people which sold me on this game and got me to buy all the sports, a lot of people here are saying they ruined some of the sports though so im gonna have to revisit it and give it a better assessment

I grew up with this version of Wii Sports, so I have some form of nostalgia. The HD visuals are okay.

I was all for a HD remake of Wii Sports, it's not an incredible idea but it's a good way to show off the new Wii U graphics as well as some gamepad features and a new online mode, however not making it free is insane considering the original Wii Sports came with literally every Wii at no cost. Additionally now the eShop has closed it's literally impossible to play this game unless you want to spend £40+ on a physical copy, so it's just a disappointing situation for me considering I only had 24 hours to play it. I've still got the original Wii Sports and Resort at least, but it would've been nice to have HD alternative too.

No puede ser más decepcionante.

Tenis: Cambian la puntuación clásica por el primero en llegar a 7 y con un juego considerablemente más lento que en el original.

Bolos: La nota positiva de este juego, añade el modo de partida clásica pero con 100 bolos en vez de 10. Mejor que en Wii.

Golf: La absurdez de poner el Wii U GamePad en el suelo podría haber salido bien pero le veo más inconvenientes que otra cosa. Puede agradar a alguien pero a mi no me convence.

Béisbol: Es una cosa que en el bateador sigue igual pero en el lanzador cambia, para jugar uno solo es un coñazo porque tienes que cambiar entre mando de Wii y el GamePad de Wii U. La mecánica de lanzador a la hora de lanzar tiene más precisión pero pierde parte de su gracia. La parte positiva es que a la hora de atrapar una bola no es una cosa aleatoria sino que se innova para bien con el giroscopio del GamePad.

Boxeo: La peor parte de todas pero sin ninguna duda, te obliga a jugar con un WiiMote o dos, pero no con el nunchucku, un sinsentido, te saca del papel. La peor experiencia de todo el juego. Los combates no tienen tampoco el dinamismo de la Wii.

Conclusión: Es un juego que empeora la experiencia ya existente, te obliga a tener un WiiMote sí o sí, sin los servidores en activo ya no tiene sentido jugar a este juego por mucho HD que sea. Es simplemente malo

Very weird to make a remaster of the free Nintendo Wii pack-in game and charge money for it while adding nothing of value.
Golf with the Gamepad thing was a fun gimmick but eh.

Not as good as the first two Wii Sports games, but a decent attempt regardless. But having to pay for all 5 of the sports separately if you buy the digital version if pretty pointless. Out of all the sports, bowling and or tennis is probably my favorite with Golf being my least favorite because of the Wii U GamePad integration. Overall, decent but obviously both Wii Sports and Resort beat this by quite a bit. For that reason, I feel like I have to give this game a 3/5.