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X-Men Mutant Apocalypse is definitely one of those games I really needed several attempts to get into to appreciate. X-Men was basically my childhood, so I was super excited to load up the rom when I was a kid, but... I ended up being a bit underwhelmed and turned off by the difficulty TBH?

Flash forward to this month where on a whim I decided to give it another go and realized the problem. The input detection in this game is a bit imperfect, innit. The player has to make sure they're facing a certain direction and then perform the special move input, and even then it may drop sometimes. I'm the last person in the world to complain about fighting game inputs, and in other beat em ups with these inputs like Guardian Heroes or Final Fight 3 I can always do them more consistently. I think the input detection in this game just feels a bit off for this type of beat em upformer, but once I adjusted to it somewhat I started to really get into the game.

Visually, the game is mostly pretty rad! The sprites aren't MVC tier quality but they look about as nice and detailed as they could with the sheer amount of objects always on-screen, with the colours feeling picked right out of the 90s X-Men comics and cartoons. Just about all the proportions are on point, with characters like Gambit having visible abs and muscles to suggest his physical prowess and characters like Juggernaut being extremely hulking. Also, whoever drew Psylocke's sprites was crazy downbad good lord. I think the bright colours of the X-Men characters sometimes clash a bit with the game's dark world and may have preferred some designs like the dark red-brown Wolverine costume, but I think some designs like Gambit's thieves guild costume were a few years after this game's release so it's forgivable. At least my boy Magneto still looks like a BAMF.

I feel pretty positively about the music. I don't think Gambit, Wolverine, Magneto, Psylocke, or Juggernaut have themes quite as memorable as in MVC games, but I still think Wolverine's is top notch and Cyclops' really befits that of someone who is constantly called in to fight war after war and is just tired of all that bullshit.

Actually thinking about it, the instrumentation just makes me feel like the music was mostly rejected compositions for a Mega Man X game, which isn't a bad thing but just definitely something I get vibes of from the boss music especially

Anyway, what about the gameplay? Well X-Men Mutant Apocalypse is basically a cross between the Mega Man X trilogy and Final Fight 3. It doesn't always gel together into a perfect experience but it fits the game really strongly overall, actually! Every character feels totally unique with different normals and focus. Wolverine and Psylocke have pretty great DPs and agility with tools like wall climbing or triangle kicks, while Cyclops is an almost pure zoner character to contrast Beast's rushdown focus. Then there's Gambit who feels like Jack of all trades, which I suppose is fitting when he's constantly throwing Jacks at motherfuckers.

Each character's specific levels suit them well enough, though when the character meet and tackle non-specific levels that's when it hit me; the game is extremely unbalanced. For example, in the final stage, every character needs to fight Exodus, but while Beast or Gambit have an easy time fighting him due to their command normals hitting him really fast with wide hitboxes, it was a struggle hitting him with even Wolverine or Psylocke's DP. It definitely feels like an unapproachable game, even if it's not a ballbustingly hard game when you've figured out the best way to route through it.

As for the story... eh, it's whatever. I noticed the English version is missing details like the bios being trimmed, but I think even in the Japanese version each X-Man only has one line each and that kinda sucks actually? I won't remove points for it but man it's a wasted opportunity to include more banter when the heart and soul of X-Men comics was the soap opera ass interactions.

Overall X-Men Mutant Apocalypse is a solid enough beat em upformer that gets a rec to play once if you're a fan of X-Men as well as MMX and Final Fight styled games. A romhack that alleviates input detection issues and maybe adds some darker shading to characters or extra dialogue could be just the push this game needs to bump it from a ~7-7.5/10 to an 8/10 for me.

tldr Capcom was the best at what they did, and what they did was very nice!

An Uneven But Good X-Men Game

The Island of Genosha has captured and enslaved mutants via the commands of its dictator Apocalypse. Professor Xavier sends Wolverine, Cyclops, Psylocke, Gambit and Beast to put a stop to this.

Of course this won’t be an easy task. Because it’s a Capcom game on the SNES, a company that tend to either make their games not too difficult (Aladdin or Disney’s Magical Quest) or have it be pretty brutal until you learn the game (Mega Man X). X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse definitely falls into the latter.

Initially, rather than choose your favourite X-men out of the bunch and go through all stages, you instead get a specific stage with each character. Some are easier than others (Cyclops and Psylocke’s are likely the ones where you will meet the most difficulty). Once this is done, you continue through more stages where this time, you can select whichever X-Men you decide.

Gameplay is a 2D beat ‘em up with platform sections. The gameplay is solid but a caveat is that X-Men abilities are done in a Street Fighter-like manner; Want to unleash Cyclops blast beam? I hope you can do a hadouken input! Its not all complicated but it might throw some people off who expect a simpler control scheme for moves. That said, it does make each character stand out and everything else is standard.

This means that some stages (and bosses) are going to be easier with certain characters, so its the trial-and-error. And for most of your time spent on X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse will be finding this out the hard way.

The reason for its difficulty is that even normal mooks can deplete a good chunk of your energy via swarm tactics, early game can see cheap enemies introduced depending on who you picked, and if you lose a life, its back to the start of the stage. Yup, no checkpoints. Did you get punched to your doom while escaping a crumbling roof? Restart! Did you die to the boss? Restart! And if ONE of your X-Men loses all their lives (in the first half of the game)? GAME OVER! And while the game uses a password system, you don’t get your first one till you beat the first five stages. Another factor is that health pick-ups are sparse and you have to go out of your way to get an extra life.

Oddly, the second half of the game is easier though is still no cakewalk and has the usual BS.

It comes down to basically a game where you need to memorize everything to beat a stage with at least minimal mistakes. Because just one bad turn and you’re starting a level again. There is an initial frustration of cheap deaths but there is a satisfaction of suddenly things clicking and you find the optimal way to get through a level or beat a boss. There is a training mode but that only allows you to do the first five stages.

When it comes to presentation, X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse does the job. Visuals are very nice. Bright, large it feels like an X-Men game. And while some may prefer the gritty visuals that the Mega Drive game did, it hard not to feel its distinctive. Stage design is a slight let down, though Wolverine’s stage is pretty nifty in that you use his claws to climb certain parts of the stage and Beast’s showcases his ceiling-clinging ability (which is needed unless you want to lose lives quickly). Audio is less satisfactory as the music is like a weaker version of Mega Man X games, a little catchy but not memorable.

X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse doesn’t quite reach greatness as the difficulty spikes, cheap hits and deaths, with a presentation that could be stronger. But its still a good game that offers a challenge and a feeling of satisfaction once beaten. Well worth a go.

Rating: 7/10

Review PT-BR/Ingles

A min meus X-Men!!

Esse com certeza é um dos melhores beat n' up de super-heroies já feito, se você é fã da Marvel e principalmente dos X-Men vai amar esse jogo, ele é praticamente uma versão jogavel do classico desenho dos X-Men da década de 90(ou X-Men '97 pros intimos). No jogo podemos controlar ao todo 5 X-Men, sendo eles Cyclope, Wolverine, Psylocke, Gambit e Fera cada um conta com um golpe especial unico e até poderes unicos como no desenho, Ciclope atira potentes laser dos olhos, Wolverine pode escalar paredes, Fera pode se pendurar no teto, etc...
Uma coisa que chama atenção logo de cara são os gráficos que na minha opião são um dos mais bonitos do SNES, muito bem feitos, animados e detalhados, o level designe das fases tb é bem bonito e como é um jogo da CAPCOM não tem como não jogar e ver como albuns dos cenarios são praticamente copia e cola do visual dos cenarios dos games do robozinho azul X. A trilha sonora tambem é boa, nada memoravel é claro mas combina bem com as fases. As fases por falar nelas são bem curtinhas e terminam sempre com um chefão no final de cada uma. Apesar das fases serem curtas e os comandos faceis de pegar eu não diria que esse é um jogo facil, na real só consegui terminar mesmo por conta dos save states do retroarch porque se não teria desistido no meio do caminho, o jogo é bem dificinho mesmo com saves states já morria varias vezes, imagina sem, ter que passar as fases inteiras de novo e de novo e de novo até conseguir passar? O jogo até conta com um ''easy mode'' que é o Training Mode, mas se você quiser ver o verdadeiro final tem que jogar no normal/mission mode. puta jogo dos X-Men, que apesar de ser dificinho em algumas partes, ele é muito gostosinho de jogar especialmente se você como eu for fã dos mutantes mais queridinhos da Marvel.


To me, my X-Men!!

This is definitely one of the best superhero beat 'em up games ever made. If you're a fan of Marvel and especially the X-Men, you'll love this game. It's practically a playable version of the classic X-Men cartoon from the '90s (or X-Men '97 for those in the know). In the game, you can control a total of 5 X-Men: Cyclops, Wolverine, Psylocke, Gambit, and Beast. Each one has a unique special move and even unique powers like in the cartoon. Cyclops shoots powerful lasers from his eyes, Wolverine can climb walls, Beast can hang from the ceiling, etc.

One thing that stands out right away is the graphics, which in my opinion are some of the most beautiful on the SNES. They are very well done, animated, and detailed. The level design of the stages is also very beautiful, and since it’s a CAPCOM game, you can’t help but notice how some of the environments are practically copy-pasted from the visuals of the blue robot games. The soundtrack is also good, nothing memorable of course, but it fits well with the stages. Speaking of which, the stages are quite short and always end with a boss at the end of each one. Despite the stages being short and the controls easy to pick up, I wouldn't say this is an easy game. In fact, I only managed to finish it thanks to the save states in RetroArch because otherwise, I would have given up halfway through. The game is quite difficult; even with save states, I died several times. Imagine having to go through the entire stages over and over again until you pass? The game even has an "easy mode," which is the Training Mode, but if you want to see the true ending, you have to play in normal/mission mode.

Anyway... an amazing X-Men game that, despite being difficult in some parts, is very enjoyable to play, especially if you, like me, are a fan of Marvel's beloved mutants.

Apesar de ser um pouco lento, é um bom jogo. Nunca me dei muito bem com jogos de rolagem lateral que possuem sprites muito grandes, mas me lembro de ter me divertido bastante.

This was an early emulation classic for me, and for some reason I used to discount it as being not good enough, or not what I wanted it to be, or something. I have something like an anti-nostalgia for it. But I think now that I've played a lot of other, much worse games from this era, it comes off a lot better. The character movesets, the gorgeous SNES graphics with great animation and very faithful and detailed renderings of the cast, the music (aside from that goddamned Capcom SNES guitar sound), - everything is pretty far above average for this type of game in this period, and I do finally recognize that.

It's certainly not perfect, or even something you'd call a hidden gem, or whatever. The back half feels weirdly tacked on and bad, and some of the bosses are garbage. But for a licensed game in the mid-90s you can do a lottttttttttt worse.

Also: Psylocke.

I remember spending a lot of time dicking around in Beast's stage because I just loved the music and wanted to keep listening to it


Mutant Apocalypse is your typical SNES beat em up with an X-Men skin that tries to be different from the rest with it's level selection system.

The main gimmick is that you can play as several members of the X-Men, namely Gambit, Wolverine, Beast, Psylock and Cyclops. Wolverine can climb walls, Beast can climb platforms, Psylock can jump high, Cyclops can shoot laser and Gambit can throw his cards around. Every member has a mission that is unique to him and you can retry each of them 2 times before a failure. The levels are very short, almost every one of them ends with a boss fight, and the ones that do not are mostly just "punch and kick this thing until it breaks".

Some of the special moves are required to progress forward, so for those who do not know how to use them, a quick tip:
Gambit needs to use his cards against his "boss fight", which can be used with up+up+attack.
Cyclops can shoot laser with down+left or right+attack.

The second set of missions were way too frustrating because they needed to ramp up the difficulty to strech out the length of the game (Wolverine boss with the alien looking thing is outrageous). However, if you really like the X-Men, check this one out because it is made by Capcom, it looks nice and you can find some value in it. I am sure that at the time, this was super fun, I just do not find it that fun and I believe there are plenty of beat em ups on the SNES that are better in every way.