Reviews from

in the past

Really good combat. Would love a new one just like this with better menu.

better at being a wolverine game than those batman games are at being batman games

A great action piece blockbuster game. I enjoyed each and every aspect of this game. The bosses fights are great.

Raven Software's stupidly fun gory hack and slash movie licensed tie in to the awful movie its based of made the best of a cruddy situation with a great Wolverine video game even with the baggage of the movie behind it. Even with some long and drawn out level design and repetitiveness that became a bit tiresome, revisiting this made me yearn for a bygone era of video games that no longer exists and the biggest crime would be the games cliffhanger ending that would tease its own sequel that never saw the light of day. Rip & Tear, Logan Rip & Tear.

A wonderful hack and slash game, I actually like the movie myself and this game is just awesome, Raven really did a great job after the likes of XML and MUA with this, also you can deck Hugh Jackman (likeness and voice both here) in the classic suit! Up until recently this was the closest we had to seeing him in the suit for a long time. I ended up unlocking all the suits, I'm not sure if that's a common thing for a playthrough or not but yeah. I like the lava monsters and while I wouldn't say it's my fav moment of the game the Gambit levels are pretty memorable for me.


Good game but repetitive and the final boss was annoying.

Rock Wins Wolverine - Uncaged Edition

Jogo pode ser bem divertido com o combate e o gore que é esperado pro Wolverine (alguns momentos acaba sendo meio brega mas levo em conta por jogo ser de 2009), porém cai em mesmice e uma falta de variedade de combate pq tudo leva a lutar com 1 a 4 Wendigo, quando joga o flashback dessa vez muda pra um re-skin do Wendigo que os dois são derrotado da mesma forma.

Bom pra jogar numa tarde só pra passar tempo.

nota: Toda vez que o Wolverine upa ele ganha uma regata nova.

Returned back to playing this now that I've been seeing Insomniac's leaked build of their new wolverine game floating around. A fun hack-and-slash game that is loosely based on the movie by the same name. The story, and by extension, the movie was whack but the combat was pretty fun and the visuals were fine for the time.
This game felt like a tool for marketing the movie, maybe that's true, but unlike what some might think, they actually did an okay job on this one.

Você sabe por que a lua é tão solitária?
É porque ela tinha um amante.
Chamava-se Kuekuatsheu e viviam juntos no mundo dos espíritos.

Honestly, not a bad God of War clone from back when those were a thing. It gets a bit stale fairly quick though, but it's easily the best Wolverine game out there if you're a fan. Pointless level up system that's just worse than GoW. The environments are bland because yeah it's a 2011 game. Violent though, and pretty satisfying. Just wouldn't stick with it too much.

it may be flawed but this is probably one of the greatest video game tie-ins ever made by mainly how ridiculously fun this shit was...

Really good action game, one of the best movie tie-ins made cuz they just made a really damn good product. Lots of gore, a really cool damage system, really fun skills to use, environmental kills, lots of badass animations, the game has everything. Hell, it has like 3 really great rival fights, too, it's genuinely amazing. Story is basically just a way to get you to the cool parts, but it's pretty worth it. So much enemy variety, too, and they all have their own ways of fighting that make it so you have to interact with them in completely different ways, and then they come in pretty big waves with usually 3 or more enemy types to keep the encounters interesting. It's great, highly recommend it to anyone who likes enjoying themselves and doing things that make them happy (aka everyone).

I had such a good time with this more than I expected I would

Platinumd the game and have updated my thoughts. Very fun and violent as a Wolverine game should be, but the game is VERY repetitive and the reuse of environments gets old very quickly. The gameplay itself is fast and fluid if a little simple, but if you’re a fan of the character you’ll love this game (and the alternate costumes are incredible)!

Great all-around Marvel game. The combat & puzzles are really fun. It would be a full 5/5 if it weren't for them blue women who teleport.

A fun, breezy, and surprisingly-gory hack-and-slash romp that's objectively superior to the mediocre movie it's based-on.

Esse Game conquistou um lugar no meu coração no momento em que vc pula em um helicóptero, tira o piloto na porrada pelo para-brisa e decapita o energúmeno metendo a face dele na hélice girando.

Have you played this? Then you know it’s awesome. If you haven’t, go get it! I recently picked up a PS3 copy for $10 to play it again for trophies.

I’ve had this almost completely wiped off my memory since playing it for the first time years ago and it still holds up as a damn fun superhero game. Although it’s certainly not without its obvious but still unfortunate limitations. The story (if you can even call it that) is very superfluous with some rather bizarrely structured and paced flashback segments that always seem to interject at the most awkward times. The writing itself is also decidedly not the best (a residual byproduct of the utterly atrocious licensed material that the game is based on) as certain plot beats seemingly feel either too rushed or needlessly drawn out. However these quibbles really just allow those qualities that this game truly excels at to shine that much more. The animations are butter smooth and impactful, the level design is highly linear but it helps retain the game’s intended high octane pacing, and the hack and slash combat feels both immensely visceral and immediately satisfying, the game always providing you with a solid amount of unique enemy types and new abilities which keeps the moment to moment gameplay experience consistently fresh, thrilling, and addicting. The boss fights are quite fun too despite feeling very repetitive at points and not containing a great deal of mechanical depth or even requiring all that much skill to fight. The scripted action set pieces conversely are also very well utilized and they help add a ton of memorable flavor and variety to individual chapters. The occasional puzzles (while being rudimentarily simple to solve and mostly bereft of challenge) also get the job done pretty effectively. I certainly get why this game didn’t exactly set the world on fire when it released but i had an awesome time revisiting it nonetheless. If nothing else it has only galvanized my excitement for insomniac games upcoming Wolverine game.

Esse jogo é bom demais "SNIKT!!"

Deu vontade de jogar depois dos vazamentos do novo Wolverine. Zerei em duas tacadas. Insomniac e essa industria FRACA padronizada câmera colada no ombinho visão de detetive descrição passo a passo hud sempre presente combate rítmico de parry no triângulo com indicativo direto jamais terá CULHÕES para algo assim.

Enjoa rápido tho.

Bir film oyunundan keyif alacağımı hiç düşünmezdim lakin bu oyun baya iyi tam bir çerezlik oyun lakin oyun biraz fazla uzun oyunun sonlarında artık bitsin moduna girecektim ama oyun bitti bence iyi olmuş özel hareketler bana az geldi en azından 1-2 tane daha ekleseymişsiniz ama şunu söylemeliyim kesme hissi ve fışkıran kanlar logan'ın aksiyon'dan sonra yüzünün ve vücudunun parçalanması adamantium kemikleri görmek çok iyi hissettiriyordu bir şans verin.

A fun action game that gets repetitive very quickly

Неплохая игра с ахуй геймплейем за росомаху. Прикольными мелочами по типу расчленений врагов, повреждениями одежды и тела Логана во время драк и восстановлением тела с помощью исцеляющего фактора. Крутым и кровавым экшеном и крутыми постановочными моментами. Но увы сюжет как и фильме пятикратно переваренный кал

This game has no need going as hard as it does. Its better than the movie in every aspect especially with its violence which unlike the movie its m-rated. The gameplay having lots of cool ways to dismember enemies is a lot of fun and the body horror looks awesome when Wolverine himself or enemies are damaged. Also the boss fights are really fun at first its just the same re-occurring mini bosses but towards the end u fight a bunch of actual bosses and they're all very different and enjoyable. My only real complaint is that I wish they gave more enemies health because after a while u can just kill most things easily without getting to combo them especially when u start to unlock moves and get more upgrades. Unless its like certain bosses u won't be able to do any like crazy insane DMC style combos on anything. Overall this is one of those games that is better than the movie its based off and it being a DMC and GOW style game and it actually working as well as it does. So if u really like those games and like Wolverine or Marvel id say this game is perfect for u cause outside of certain issues this is one of the best Marvel games of all time imo.

Dude this game is literally just a tie in game that gets too much praise for what it actually is. Sure, it’s nearly 15 years old now but it’s repetitive, slow, and feels much longer than it has any right to be. I don’t think I’ll ever finish this one. Quite disappointed it had to be this way.

Tenho saudade da era de jogos baseados em filmes. Por mais que a maioria deles fossem ruins, eventualmente apareciam pérolas como essa.

Esse jogo sem dúvidas é um dos melhores hack’n slashs do PS3 e ainda de quebra consegue ser mil vezes melhor que o filme.

Juego fino señores🗿🍷