Reviews from

in the past

The best part about this game is definitely the atmosphere and the visuals! The puzzles are sometimes weird, most of them are pretty easy or medium, but some of them i needed to go see a guide and i'm still not sure how they make sense.

The worst part about this game is definitely the ending. It felt weird and out of place.

Overall, it's a beautiful game visually, with an alright narrative and some good puzzles.

Maybe i'm being a bit too harsh on this game by giving it 1 and a half stars, but... like, this was trash, outside from it looking absolutely AMAZING visually, everything else is bad. From the story (which has a really shit twist at the end), to the puzzles being either extremely cryptic or seemingly nonsensical, to even the unbearable walking speed. This was just an overall unenjoyable experience.

Pretty ok puzzles in this adventure game

Mundane puzzles and predictable story hold this game back from being more than just a visually beautiful walking simulator.

Está bien, pero tampoco me ha alucinado. Es un juego de puzles y aventura más relajado en el que la mayoría del gameplay se centra en moverse por escenarios y pulsar distintos interruptores.

La trama intenta ser misteriosa y sorprendente pero no me resulta particularmente interesante. Si conoces un poco lo que es "Innsmouth", ya te ves el giro desde el minuto uno. Hay ciertas partes del guión que me gustan, tratando las interacciones entre la protagonista Nora y su esposo.

Igualmente, es un juego con algún puzle interesante y bien pensado, pero algo de paja en medio que me resulta molesta. Ante todo, se tarda mucho en llegar a todas partes. Utilizar escaleras es un suplicio. Hay momentos en los que te obligan a mirar sin poder moverte, lo cual me toca las narices en muchos juegos.

Es corto asi que es inofensivo más que nada pero no es una aventura que vaya a recordar en el futuro salvo por el diseño de algún puzle contado.

jogo curto e bom demais, simplesmente um jogão, bons puzzles e historia envolvente

This was pretty much perfect in the puzzle aspect. There were clues for the puzzles around the environment and it was all solvable. I did get stuck a few times for a while, but I ended up figuring everything out without needing to look anything up.

In terms of the story, it started out fine and was pretty engaging for most of the game, but I kind of felt like it started to fall off the rails as it neared the end.

The gameplay was ok with nothing crazy. Basically just a lot of walking around and clicking things. I kind of wish there were some changes to make it less tedious sometimes, like maybe a faster sprint or something.

The artstyle reminded me heavily of Sea of Thieves.

I like the style of this game but its a little tricky to progress think I might pick up where I left off

للأسف طلعت لعبة الغاز

I had a great time with Call of the Sea. It was immersive and the story was intriguing. The puzzles were easy enough that I was never stuck long enough to break the flow of the storytelling

Eu até que gostei, mas esperava um pouco mais

Great story, made me feel a bit motion sick. Nice artwork. Found a few puzzles hard and had to look up some clues but got there eventually! Bit disappointed in the 2 ending choices but enjoyed the journey there.

A tight little puzzler that leaves the player wanting more, for better or worse

It's always difficult to tell how long a game should be, what feels like a "good" length. Call of the Sea I managed to beat in three sessions, probably adding up to around 5-6 hours, I got it for free on PlayStation Plus, but ultimately for it's cost at the time (~£15) I feel like I would have gotten my moneys worth.

And yet, I feel as if Call of the Sea should have more to offer. Off the top of my head, I'd guess that the game had around half a dozen proper puzzles, they're intricate sure, and unbelievably satisfying to figure out. They're truly engaging and built into the world wonderfully, and at no point did I feel they were unfair, nor did I think they were too easy, I had a "Eureka!" moment with each, which is something I admire in a puzzle game, to be able to strike that balance.

However, as mentioned, there's not many of them, and what's their is artificially expanded by climbing animations (admittedly not used frequently but they take so long that it irked me) and large maps that can feel hollow. Don't get me wrong, they're strikingly pretty (kudos to the art direction), but if you strip away the visuals, there's long stretches of nothing between puzzle elements.

In other games, you could argue these long walks give the player a chance to ruminate on the situation, to think on the story and try to piece things together, and I honestly think Call of the Sea could have pulled that off if they'd given more intrigue to the mystery, instead of holding its cards close to its chest for the most part before spelling it out for you, there's not much to ruminate on aside baseless speculation until the end.

Ultimately, Call of the Sea acts as a great novella, if a little hollow past the surface, there's not many layers to it. The puzzles are well thought out, and the story is very sweet, just lacking complexity. I feel as though it hits a funny point on the Goldilocks spectrum; it's not too short, it's not too long, but it's not just right.

Atmosphere was peak vibes. Gameplay was decent nothing crazy

Bom jogo, puzzles em maioria bem feitos

Eu nunca mais digo que tecnologia da pedra é ultrapassada!

Comecei a jogar esse só pra testar e quando vi já tava avançado, os visuais são simples mas as engenhocas que lembra o já povo extinto Maia me deixou intrigado, avançando na história eu ficava mais curioso pra saber qual seria o desfecho.

Só tirei meia estrela porque em certo ponto eu fiquei de saco cheio de quebrar a cabeça e cacei no ytb, mas de resto ele é bem legal, seja na história que é bem maluca, os puzzles e os dois finais.

Puzles muy divertidos, aunque quizás demasiado lento el ritmo del juego

Fantastic soundtrack, artstyle and voice acting, but the puzzles are just a little too easy and slow-going at the same time. I'd love to see this game implement a difficult mode where the puzzles are less direct in telling the player what to do, because the package here is pretty damn special. And for no NPC character models at all, the ending still manages to be pretty emotional. Also, a good romance in a video game, which is rare to see!

A short but pretty decent adventure puzzle game!

Story was engaging. The puzzles were pretty good I did have to look up a couple little things but I think that’s more so a me thing then a flaw with the game.

If you’re a fan of Call of Cthulhu then you’ll get a kick out of this one!

Pretty cool narrative puzzle game.

Mesmo não sendo muito fã de jogos Puzzles, curti demais a história e como a gameplay te cativava a conhecer essa pequena ilha

Nice gameplay and story, didnt like the ending tho, husband deserved better.

Interesting setting with lovecraftian undertones ruined by awful pacing and some extremely obscure puzzle design. Made me feel like an idiot more than once and somehow lacked satisfaction when you solve a puzzle. It's hard to know whether you're even working on the right puzzle sometimes only to find out after a while - and consulting a guide because you did not make any progress - that you can't do anything here and have to do another puzzle first that is somewhere else hard to find

Interesting storyline and puzzles. Some mild issues with movement at times (e.g., interacting with ladders). Ending was disappointing.

Generally indie games tend to disappoint me because their low budget can sometimes be a big obstacles and prevent the developers from making an overall nice game. This was not the case, I was very surprised by the amount of details put into it, the unraveling plot, the multiple endings, the graphics ... It was a nice surprise and I recommend playing it! I had fun mastering it as well!

I don’t know if it’s possible to make a more annoying and boring intro to a game, holy shit it’s bad. I don’t even know what to say abt this game. It looks nice, but you kinda don’t care because you are being distracted by the non-stopping commentaries made by the main character. She has to say something about every single interaction and the ratio of the annoying and unnecessary stuff is outstanding. The story, or at least the small part of it that I got to see is extremely banal: you have to go and find your missing husband. It’s fine, as long as the delivery is good, but it’s not. You just get to the island and the first thing you see is the note in french. Of course, the somber turn is that the heroine can only understand two words: “island” and “death”.
Nah, bruh, I ain’t playin allat

O jogo é muito bom, bons gráficos, sem bugs, e uma boa história (porém um pouco confusa).
Alguma coisa desse jogo não me deixa dar 4 ou 5 estrelas, não sei o que falta. Não é um jogo memoravel.

Sua platina é bem fácil, so pegar coletável

Cthu-lite. A cozy Lovecraftian mystery with only slightly unsettling vibes lurking in the backdrop (I know 'cozy' and 'Lovecraft' aren't exactly compatible words, but it really was quite relaxing). If you like solving puzzles and Lovecraft’s Innsmouth & Dagon (with other references peppered throughout) but none of the insanity & terror afflicting your character, then this is a nice chill game.

Finished this in a day, took another day to tie up loose trophies. With a chapter select, there are technically no missable achievements, but you will have to look up a few (mostly cute easter egg nods to the game company, and one literally named “you looked that up in a guide!”).

The puzzles are not difficult, but there were one or two challenging ones. But they’re not overly easy either - they’re involved, but clever tween level of difficulty. Seriously, this is just an all-around chill and cozy game with a decent story to piece together. After the month I’ve had, it was a welcome realization that this was not going to be a chase or survival or high-tension game, but still totally Lovecraft.

Call of the Sea was a fun time. Good visuals and atmosphere, with vibrant and diverse environments and puzzles that fit into them seamlessly. The puzzles themselves aren't too challenging, with most being pretty easy and only a few making me have to think. The story is fine as well, but not too deep. A good time.