Reviews from

in the past

Molto bello a livello estetico, gameplay forse troppo classico ma comunque divertente, la trama invece mi ha coinvolto poco.

It is pretty and also pretty boring.
Music is boring too.

Recuerdo que me cansó bastante

O jogo é lindo, mas quando eu descobri que as batalhas eram por turno eu dropei

sarebbe bello se ubisoft rilasciasse altri giochi così

My first proper RPG AND the game that helped me realize that there were so many more kinds of games outside of licensed kids' games (especially LEGO ones).

One of the rare good games from Ubisoft lol

I know I've played this a bit but I remember nothing

A great game that feels like a fairy tale. Even though I usually do not like turn-based combat, I enjoyed it here. The music and characters were also great!

Loved the storybook art direction , gameplay had so much potential that I don't think the game managed to reach but was great nonetheless
Always love when all your party members level up regardless If you use em in battle or not and this game did that beautifully and without a doubt the highlight of the game was my party and how I cycled between them in battles
on the other hand hated the rhyming dialogues between characters was more complicated than it needed to be

Jogo maravilhoso e "esquecido", não vejo muitas pessoas falando sobre, com certeza merecia mais holofotes, uma historia muito boa e bem contada, com uma jogabilidade fácil e gráficos aconchegantes

in a complimenting way, it is unique.

One of the few Ubisoft games that I actually enjoyed.

Artstyle is incredibly distinctive and fun (if a bit uh, too "indie", if you know what I mean).

The battle system is, SUPER unique and fun to play with! Being able to delay enemy turns so you can stagger them and have them lose their turn is super satisfying, I'm genuinely amazed with how much it kept me captivated throughout the game.

And the story... while a tad generic, is carried by some really fun party members and character writing!

This is a must-play for all RPG fans in my opinion and just, any fan of video games as a whole, it's such a comfy and joyous experience!

Guys can you stop rhyming for 2 minutes?

El arte y la música son hermosos, la historia es sencilla y no inventa nada nuevo en jugabilidad, pero es enteramente disfrutable.

(Review from 2018) This game was weird because it was actually kind of fun when I got back into it, but I somehow just like completely dipped out of it for a while and it turns out I was maybe 1 hour before the ending? The gameplay was neat as was the progression but it just didn't totally grip with me.

the fighting system totally ruined this game for me

Bite-sized Japanese style role playing game and one of the only cool things Ubisoft has done in like two decades.

meglio spendere milioni di euro per l'ennesimo open world ripetitivo del cazzo che fare giochi originali come questo vero ubisoft ?

Que jogo delicioso. Trilha sonora muito boa com uma narrativa contada como uma história de livros infantis.

Enjoyment - 7/10
Difficulty - 3/10

Gorgeous art and music. Playing in the moment was a joy. However, after a couple of days I forgot most of what happened in the game. Blame my old man brain if you want, but that's just what happened. Nonetheless, nice game that did some cool different things that I appreciated.

Such a small masterpiece. Divine ambiance, creative gameplay. Very nice

got repetitve quick but good gimmick and cute writing if your a literature/poetry nerd. also visually very pretty

Nice art style, but it lost me anyway. I wish I continued this but like in so many other instances, I'd have to have a wiped backlog, which I don't think I ever will...

Oh yes, a beautiful, fairytale-like platformer JRPG with wonderful music and a child-friendly yet exciting story. I really ought to play it again and it's certainly a good game to play with your own kids.

ok I know people hated the rhyming but honestly I didn't mind it

maybe it got old pretty quick but the storybook aesthetic was charming enough that I stuck with it until the end

I also really enjoyed the combat mechanics and found it to be weirdly engaging. Some of those boss battles felt like crazy difficulty spikes but it just made beating it that much more satisfying.

seems alright but i got bored really fast

Ein interessanter Einblick, wie ein Spiel von kleinerem Umfang aussieht, wenn es von einem großen Entwickler stammt. Ich würde mich freuen mehr von der Sorte zu sehen, allerdings haben solche Entwickler heutzutage keine Interesse daran. Das Spiel sieht sehr schön aus und die Musik auch sehr gut. Ich finde auch die Dialoge in Gedichtformat sehr charmant.
Die Handlung ist jetzt nicht allzu besonders, aber ausreichend.
Das Kampfsystem ist ganz interessant und das Wechseln der Kämpfer im Kampf bietet viele Möglichkeiten. Da man am Ende recht viele Begleiter hat hätte ich es begrüßt, wenn man ab einen gewissen Punkt mit drei Kämpfern spielt. Manche Angriffe und Gegner sind einem Element zugewiesen, generell ist dieser Aspekt ziemlich ungenutzt. Das Ausrüstungssystem ist ganz nett, hat allerdings nicht viel Tiefe.
Insgesamt ein recht schönes Spiel.

Una verdadera obra de arte, un cuento de hadas clásico que nos sumerge en la experiencia y nos hace vivir la historia de Aurora como uno más del grupo.