Reviews from

in the past

Enjoyment - 7/10
Difficulty - 3/10

Gorgeous art and music. Playing in the moment was a joy. However, after a couple of days I forgot most of what happened in the game. Blame my old man brain if you want, but that's just what happened. Nonetheless, nice game that did some cool different things that I appreciated.

the fighting system totally ruined this game for me

Oh yes, a beautiful, fairytale-like platformer JRPG with wonderful music and a child-friendly yet exciting story. I really ought to play it again and it's certainly a good game to play with your own kids.

I never did end up finishing this game back when I played it, but it still blows my mind it was something made by Ubisoft in the 2010s because nowadays I see something like this and think it just seems like another modern at least mildly interesting indie game, rather than something made by one of the most repetitive and unoriginal publishers of all time. Still though, was a very cool game for what it was, and I remember liking it quite a lot.

Has a phenomenal soundtrack. Cœur de pirate blew it out of the park with the music. Charming little game I really enjoyed as a kid because of its artstyle and story.

This is the epitome of "This game is so good. I dropped it."

got repetitve quick but good gimmick and cute writing if your a literature/poetry nerd. also visually very pretty

Que jogo delicioso. Trilha sonora muito boa com uma narrativa contada como uma história de livros infantis.

seems alright but i got bored really fast

Amazing artstyle fun gameplay and interesting styling

not a big fan of rpg but its good

The game is beautiful, is naive, told the history as a Fairy Tales.

meglio spendere milioni di euro per l'ennesimo open world ripetitivo del cazzo che fare giochi originali come questo vero ubisoft ?

The rare Ubisoft passion project sneaking through in between major releases. Its hard to critique this outside of just saying "I wish this was a tiny bit cooler" - but who the fuck am I to say.

O jogo é lindo, mas quando eu descobri que as batalhas eram por turno eu dropei

turnbased combat, speach in ryhmes its worth your time

It is pretty and also pretty boring.
Music is boring too.

the story is pretty uninteresting but the combat is engaging and the unique art style and live orchestral music are really welcomed!

Child of light, che bella sorpresa!
Titolo poetico, una fiaba pare
in cui una bimba tenta l'impresa
di salvare Lemuria dalle forze del male.

La storia fila sì lineare,
come si addice al suo genere.
Pur la difficoltà non fa vacillare,
ma assai divertente è ridur le bestie in cenere!

Che spettacolo poi le arti!
Musica, grafica e scrittura,
di loro finirai per innamorarti,
e all'addio nel tuo cuor sorgerà una frattura.

Aurora vi aspetta, fatemi contento!
Su, che aspettate, iniziate a giocare
non ve ne pentirete, garantito cento per cento!

One of the few Ubisoft games that I actually enjoyed.

Artstyle is incredibly distinctive and fun (if a bit uh, too "indie", if you know what I mean).

The battle system is, SUPER unique and fun to play with! Being able to delay enemy turns so you can stagger them and have them lose their turn is super satisfying, I'm genuinely amazed with how much it kept me captivated throughout the game.

And the story... while a tad generic, is carried by some really fun party members and character writing!

This is a must-play for all RPG fans in my opinion and just, any fan of video games as a whole, it's such a comfy and joyous experience!

One of the rare good games from Ubisoft lol

I've heard of this one years ago and it has been on my list for a long time. Finally hit start and I'm not disappointed.

I liked the combination of 2D platformer with RPG battle system. There's a ton of recruitable characters with their own skill trees to level. Some are more useful than others and a couple are extremely similar.

The art style and fairy tale theme is fun. I don't think I was avoiding fights but the final handful of bosses were suddenly difficult. I would be okay in small battles, then destroyed in bigger fights. It took a few tries but thankfully I did not have to level up at the end.

The time length felt good at 5 hours. Any longer and the battles would be too repetitive. I'm glad most of the "platforming" was flying too. More my speed to fly to places than make timed jumps.

this was really pretty but honestly not fun or engaging story-wise

Bite-sized Japanese style role playing game and one of the only cool things Ubisoft has done in like two decades.

joguei a demo no xbox e só dps de anos comprei no pc, ainda acho mto bom, espero algum dia ter tempo para recomeçar e concluir

Comprei na época que saiu para o PS3 e alguns anos depois para o PS4, desisti num mesmo ponto em ambos, devo me odiar, pq esse jogo é um porre

O jogo é incrivel, sempre quis jogar ele a muito tempo.
A minha maior tristeza foi descobrir que está impossível ter os 1000g por conta dos servidores.
Zerei tudo em uma noite.