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in the past

Enjoyed this considerably more than Diablo 3, and have engaged in a decent amount of online play. But man...I just don't have the time to sink into the post-game content for this. Much like Diablo 3, I've scratched the surface, I get the pull, but ultimately I'm just going to continue trying different builds across various characters in single player campaigns.

Slash, walk slow, click.. boring af

The delicious of endless killing and fruity meaty male characters

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Santuário é o lugar mais hostil do universo.

On peut pas dire qu'on joue a D4 pour la subtilité de son gameplay, ni la richesse de son level design, ni la profondeur de son histoire, ni pour la singularité de son univers, ni pour la beauté de ses musiques, ni pour la magnificence de ses graphismes.

Quiabo IV com toda certeza se destaca pelas cutscenes impressionantes e uma história envolvente. As cutscenes e trilha sonora são o verdadeiro significado de cinema, eu assistiria um filme assim. A história é bacana e comovente, apresentando dilemas morais que prendem a atenção. O jogo por sua vez se torna um pouco repetitivo demais e cansa, alem de ser muito facil na maior dificuldade que pude deixar, nunca valera o preço que esta, poucos jogos valem, mas o jogo tem uma boa experiencia para proporcionar e uma historia muito bacana para deslumbrar, recomendo apesar de determinados defeitos, o importante e que me diverti e realmente gostei da historia e personagens.

Me ha viciado tremendamente el juego, es el primer diablo al que me meto en profundidad y tengo que decir que es bastante divertido, un amigo me esta recomendando que juegue al 2, asi que lo probaré. Me parece el juego perfecto para apagar el cerebro y jugar, tremendo

Diablo IV é um jogo complicado... Por um lado, temos aqui uma das, senão, a melhor gameplay do gênero. Jogo divertidíssimo, builds interessantes, co-op muito bacana. Porém, no que diz respeito a história, ao meu ver, é a mais estranha e desconexa de toda a franquia.

Acredito que faltou um senso de direção no roteiro do jogo, os atos da história começam em nada e terminam em lugar nenhum, a presença da Lilith é desperdiçada entre os atos 3 e 5, além do jogo de prolongar muito além do que tinha para entregar.

O final é aberto e deixa claro que nada se resolveu. Portanto, a sensação que fica é que você passou 40h, para no final das contas, toda sua jornada ser resumida em: Compra a expansão e vamos ver onde termina hein.

Bom jogo, mas não vejo sentido em você pagar 200 reais em cada expansão pra que a história dele se encerre.

Increible juego, empezo mal pero esta mejorando, eso espero...

Jogo bacana mas prefiro o 3 em todos os aspectos, a questão de parecer um mmo me incomoda muito, e as temporadas te obrigarem a criar um novo personagem desanima completamente a querer voltar para o jogo enfim após ter terminado a campanha não vejo muitos incentivos para continuar jogando ou recomeçar tudo novamente.

i still feel like this was a bad attempt to recover from Diablo Immortal, but it's ok I guess

A good successor to D2. Post-game is lacking a bit.

go play last epoch or grim dawn

- 23 hours played
- Level 50 Necromancer

I’ve seen the memes. #D4BAD. I’ve been watching from the shadows since release day. I’m not an ARPG guy. I loved Diablo 3 Reaper of souls but that’s about all my experience with the genre. I’m a casual. According to some D4 YouTubers, this game was made for me. The Casual Arpg player. But man did this game bore me to absolute tears.

I had to wait to snag this game on the cheap as couldn’t justify full price after the community response. £20 off eBay and I managed to get £1 an hour out of it yet those hours still feel wasted. This game encapsulates my main issues with the AAA game space at the moment. It’s HUGE!! First world problem incoming but it’s too big. Not every game needs to be open world. The exploration in this game feels pointless. You’re only ever moving the camera, getting attacked by mobs that walk into screen and clicking buttons to mass delete them. There’s nothing interesting to discover. Dungeons, basements and forts all play exactly the same. There is no variety to speak of in this game.

The combat is way too easy. I started in world tier 2 and desperately needed to up the world tier to increase the challenge. Yet that’s not possible until beating the campaign. With both the exploration and combat failing to hold my interest, I can’t force myself to complete it. I do not understand why difficulty is sometimes gated off from the start of a game. If I want to go straight in on hard, let me. It’s my experience. Combat also isn’t helped by lack of enemy variety. There’s lots of enemies in the game and they all look different but they all play the same. They group up and I destroy them in one or two button clicks. Boring.

The loot and levelling also didn’t do a lot for me. Loot only seemed to offer small increases in stats and I never really discovered any loot with exciting affixes during my 20 hours. Nothing that really changed up my gameplay. And the levelling disappointed me. I thought I would have 100 levels of skill points to craft my build but at level 50, you start putting skill points into the paragon tree instead which only offered boring build increases. + 5 intelligence etc. I would prefer a lower level cap with more exciting skill tree progression than this level 100 slog.

Another issue I have with gaming at the moment is side quests. There’s loads in every game and there’s loads in this one. They introduce a little bit of flavour here but it’s seasoning the same ole combat. No matter the goal of the quest the gameplay is always the same in diablo 4. And I wouldn’t mind that if the game was shorter but this game is huge.

And finally the visuals. This game does look good but its art style doesn’t appeal to me. It’s very drab and lifeless. The ambient music is also lacking and failed to inject some excitement.

All in all Diablo 4 is another very expensive AAA lifeless slog of a game looking to hoover up all my spare time. It’s not an objectively bad game. It’s well made. But it’s boring and for me that’s worse. I feel nothing for this game. I also wasn’t a fan of it being online only and asking me every time I loaded it up if I wanted to subscribe to ps+.

Only played the compaign. The story is pretty solid.

Although I sunk a ton of time into Diablo IV in preseason, season 1, and now season 4, the game can get really boring and lacks the end game content to elevate to elite status. Once you hit about lvl 50 and get into the endgame stuff it is grinding the same things over and over. The XP gain really slows down too which makes it a slog. Otherwise a great game with fun classes, a pretty good campaign/story, and fun with friends. Graphics and Sound are great especially on PS5. Glad I went back to it and was finally able to beat uber lilith and get the very tough platinum trophy.

campanha boa dms, ultima temporada chatona. Esperar a dlc

The beginning of the campaign didn't hook me and I abandoned the game a while after it was released in 2023. I came back now in 2024 and gave it another go and the end of the campaign is pretty good, and with the improvements the devs have made with the new seasons, it's not so bad to spend time playing D4 nowadays.

why are these cutscenes and characters stuck in this stupid game

Me lembrou Lost Ark.
É muito foda o jogo, a história e vicia fácil

One of the few top down games I played and thought was alright. Not much to do after the story is finished though.

Good installment of Diablo series. Gameplay is fast and fun. Plot is intriguing but not fully satisfying because many questions left unspoken. I hope addons will bring some clarity to the story. And here's one good advice: do sidequests after the main story, because overwise you'll become too overpowered so the game will be boring and because you will receive more usefull rewards for sidequests if you'll do them on harder difficulties which will be opened only after beating final boss and exam dungeon

Que GAME! Um RPG quase perfeito, quests, side-quests, drops, mobs tudo dentro do esperado de um game RPG. Jogo para nerd que gosta de sentar a bunda na cadeira e só levantar depois de 15 horas. Que tesão de game!

Rico em conteúdos e agora com a possibilidade de desde o início, te jogar no conteúdo endgame, com o mundo completamente aberto a exploração, com eventos locais, zonas de PvP e os "World Boss". Ótimas adições em possibilidades por outro lado pouquíssimas atratividade por parte das classes disponíveis dentro do jogo, senti falta de algumas habilidades e classes dos títulos anteriores, porém, não tira o brilho do jogo. Não me prendeu a jogar o end-game por muito tempo, porém nada que me impeça de regressar ao game daqui a alguns tempos.

Like going to a Michelin star restaurant and being served a bottomless bowl of Doritos

Playtime: 20 Hours
Score: 4/10

A new mainline entry that feels more like Diablo 3.5. So I'm a fan of Diablo as it was the first ARPG I ever played and I even remember the day I got the OG Diablo 2 for my PC and just being blown away by the atmosphere and the fun gameplay, even though by that point the game was several years old. Fast forward years later, I played Diablo 3 when it hit PlayStation and I really enjoyed that game despite it being divisive amongst fans. So what did I think of this one?

To start with the positives, the combat as always is a lot of fun. I played a Necromancer since that was my go to class in Diablo 2 and I had a lot of fun with it, especially once I got the corpse explosion which is always my favorite. I also like that transmog is in this game, which allows you to change the look of all the gear you pick up, so you always look the way you want to. I say that since it was in Diablo 3, but I was worried Blizzard would get very aggressive and paywall the feature each time you want to change the look of an item. I'm glad they at least showed restraint there. The music is also very good with the tracks sounding different to past games but still very epic. And though this is an always online game (more on that later), the game was very stable for me with no server issues and players generally just kept to themselves, so nothing bad there. Lastly I thought Lilith was a cool villain and was a nice change up from just having Diablo come back again.

That's sadly where the positives end for me. The game, while fun, just honestly gets very boring after a while for various reasons. The game is open world with segmented regions, kind of like Kingdom of Amalur: Reckoning's open world, but exploration honestly barely felt any different to Diablo 3. You're still running around large open fields, with demons around every corner with the occasional chest tucked away somewhere. There are dungeons, but these are all just copy and pasted, with not much to differentiate them other than what enemies you're fighting in them. Side quests are okay, but I've seen better in other games and these get boring after a while. While the visuals do have a more gothic tone to fit the first two games, it lacks that oppressive atmosphere I felt when I played Diablo 2. It honestly just feels like Diablo 3 with Diablo 1+2 skin over it visually.

Leveling is back to traditional skill trees which I do like as it lets you make different builds within the same class. The issue is once you hit level 50, you stop getting skill points and instead get paragon points which lets you access a separate tree. But most of these are just basic stat upgrades and don't really let you continue to tailor a unique build. The combat is fun like I said it but it quickly starts to feel trivial as the game is just WAY too easy. Why don't you turn up the difficulty you might ask? You can't since this game uses a world tier system similar to Diablo 3 with you only having access to easy and normal at the start with hard and nightmare only unlocking AFTER you beat the main campaign which just sucks man. I get this is a live service game with an MMO feel, but just let me increase my difficulty for god sakes. I am not going to continue to play your game after the main story, so stop trying to dangle higher difficulties like a carrot to me.

Loot is also very basic and boring in this game as most of the time when I found a new weapon, it just felt like a simple stat increase for me and only the legendaries had some cool effects, but these were too far in between.

Another thing they took out from D3 was the companion system which I really missed here. In D3 you got 3 companions who could accompany you when you went out into the world. And while ya these companions were rendered mute if you were playing in co-op, I still liked having them since I mostly play these games in single player. I enjoyed having them with me and then learning more about their backstories when I went back to town. It was something I really missed here.

Lastly is the story, which while interesting, it's not enough to make up for the other issues I mentioned. You do get CG Blizzard cutscenes during the main quests which are always cool to watch, but that's about the only thing they did to enhance the storytelling. I honestly didn't care about most of the side characters and the ones that were decent, I've again seen similar characters in other open world RPGs done better. Also what I found weird is when you talk to NPCs in the game and it's still the top down view point, the camera will zoom in slightly while you talk to them but it's still the top down view, which just felt very pointless to me and after a while it just got annoying. But the actual main story was just okay, as you're mostly just chasing down Lilith and when you get to a location she's at, you learn she's already moved on and then you get a cutscene from her perspective. Again, she's a cool villain but it's not enough to keep my attention with everything else being so bland and I honestly found D3's story to be a lot more engaging. My little hot take for you Diablo fans XD

So ya, that's my thoughts on this game. I'm just not a live service game fan as I feel like they're the bane of the industry and the killer of dev creativity and it just didn't do much to forcibly make Diablo 4 a live service. I didn't talk much about the monetization since the game doesn't force it down your throats but it's still awful with its prices. You want money for horse armor? Get the heck out of here!

All Games I have Played and Reviewed Ranked -

+ Gameplay
+ Decent story
+ Graphics, atmosphere
+ (Personally) Casual enough, easy to pick up and play
- Possibly shallow for more hardcore fans
(Played approximately one year after launch, during season 4 when the looting was reworked, massively improved compared to the launch version)

i’m going to try playing this again when it gets its “reaper of souls” equivalent dlc. i really want to like this game is just not clicking yet