Reviews from

in the past

This game feels like a shitpost, like something Peter would play during a cutaway gag.

Is it deserving of a 39 on Metacritic? No. 49? Yes.

This game is porportionally enjoyable to how funny you find it.

Sei que é uma outra franquia, mas em comparação com os jogos dos Simpsons que joguei, "Family Guy: Back to the Multiverse" consegue ser bem mais consistente, com uma história e um ritmo até que OK de se acompanhar, pois não tem nenhum momento em específico que ele te força a desacelerar toda a jogatina para te forçar a ter que coletar moedas para comprar algo do jogo (como no Simpsons: Hit & Run perto do final), e não tem uma jogabilidade tão tenebrosa com uma câmera horrível de acompanhar que desestimulava a gameplay (como no Simpsons: The Game de PS2), sendo esse aqui minimamente aceitável em seus aspectos gerais, tendo uma melhor fluidez de fases de se jogar na presença de um amigo ou até sozinho mesmo, que acaba na hora certa e não se torna tão massante quanto poderia ser, mas continua sendo uma experiência não tão memorável, com uma estrutura bem simplificada de um jogo de tiro linear em terceira pessoa, onde você controla ou o Stewie ou o meu personagem favorito do desenho que é o querido Brian.

  Feito pela Activision, o jogo tem uma ideia legal de um vilão gêmeo do Stewie que talvez tenha sido explorado em um episódio e foi morto no universo principal, só que aqui ele retorna como outra versão de um outro multiverso "primo" daquele que vem com uma sede de "vingança" da sua versão póstuma para erradicar não só o Stewie, mas todo o universo em questão dele cabendo ao Stewie e ao Brian salvar esse universo, com fases até que bem legais explorando outros multiversos, que creio eu, foram criadas para esse jogo, que tem uma em questão que se fosse lançado hoje, provavelmente daria problema, (que lá vai spoilers, se não quiser saber pula para o próximo parágrafo) pois tem uma fase em específica que ele vai a um multiverso onde existe um reino de gente paraplégica que acabou tomando o poder por darem "privilégios" demais, e acaba lá com todos os paraplégicos se tornando uma espécie de "Megazord" dos Power Rangers, que isso hoje não passaria muito bem não.

  O jogo é feito para ser jogado com dois jogadores, mas obviamente tem como jogá-lo sozinho, que me surpreendeu ser um jogo de tiro em terceira pessoa, onde o Stewie usa uma arma a laser que mesmo que pareça mais "amigável" desintegra os inimigos completamente na sua frente, e o Brian então que não tá nem aí e usa uma f*cking pistola 9mm contra os adversários do jogo. Tem também itens e upgrades para comprar com dinheiro do jogo nos tais "portais" que tem em cada mapa e levam até a loja para comprar skins, armas, e atributos como aumentar o slot de vida, de granadas e de comprar tipos de granadas ou "habilidades especiais" como poder chamar a famosa galinha lá que briga com Peter Griffin que achei a habilidade mais daora de todo o jogo.

Por fim, acredito que a simplicidade excessiva acabou se tornando um certo obstáculo para atrair mais fãs e até mesmo não-fãs do desenho para este jogo. Apesar de não ser muito memorável, ainda consegue divertir, na minha opinião, devido à sua história, jogabilidade e fases que exploram diferentes multiversos, trazendo uma certa imersão ao jogador. No entanto, continua sendo um jogo regular e é triste saber que ele esteve disponível na Steam e eu não tive como pegá-lo, pois provavelmente eu teria adquirido naquela época. Infelizmente, hoje não se encontra em nenhuma loja para ser comprado, provavelmente devido à perda da licença do desenho com a Activision ao longo do tempo.

Surprisingly fun. Currently trying to 100% it rn. It's got jank but I had a lot of fun going through it

Simple Serienadaption von Family Guy. Mir hat das Spiel sehr gut gefallen, weil ich den Family Guy Humor sehr mag und hier die besten Gags der ersten 5 Staffeln verbaut wurden. Das alles in einem simplen, zweckmäßigen Third-Person Shooter Gewand mit sehr gutem Comic-Grafikstil.

This game is a hidden gem
Family guy back to the Multiverse is an forgotten sequal but all in all this game us brilliant it's fun sometimes funny and the boss fights are good I'd say

É jogável, na minha cabeça era bem pior, mas é legalzinho.

El peor San Valentín de mi vida

i got nothing out of this man im sorry

Guy from Fortnite's baby and dog fight Amish people with the help of their giant chicken friend who has a speaker inside him that is always playing surfing bird.

this is 10x better than the ps2 game mostly cause it's an actual game

This review contains spoilers

This is the best Family guy game, but that doesn't mean much. The Story is that Bertram returns from a different multiverse to exact revenge on Stewie, and Brian and Stewie have to travel through different multiverses to stop all of his evil plans, this is a fun a creative idea for a Family Guy game, and it works as a main concept for the entire game, but I did notice problems, some include how the girl from the first world couldn't have seen you give Mort her photo, Stewie never should have let the evil mayor go, even if he was telling the truth, let alone assassinate an opponent of his, and Stewie clearly let himself and Brian get caught by Pirate Peter's crew, instead of shooting like he does the rest of the time. The Characters are the same as the show, they feel like how they should. The Graphics are much better than the last game, they aren't South Park games quality, but they surpass Hit and Run graphics, so that's something. The Gameplay is a 3rd person shooter, where you explore different multiverses, however they don't do enough with the multiverses to make you enjoy being in them, they aren't given enough variety for appeal, the lines Stewie and Brian say aren't impressive as they are copied lines from the show, assassinating the cheeseburger is not consistent when you could miss and hit again, yet the cutscene shows the first shot hit him, there is also a section where the pace of the game is ruined by going from playing between Brian and Stewie, to Peter fighting a chicken, the chicken also gets cut up, yet we see it whole at afterwards, and the game has you do linear tasks to finish the level, over doing many more fun options. The Music is not impressive, but doesn't distract from the worlds you explore. Back to the Multiverse brings Family Guy fun, but not enough with it's concept to make videogame quality.

Goofy, callbacks, comedy and destruction. I'm talking about a game that probably went under everybody's radar. The story? Who the hell needed a story I just wanted to kill bad guys with Stewie and Brian and every weapon I used was Hella fun. Such a masterpiece of a cartoonist game and I really want either a remastered version or a new Family guy game

backloggd user looking at a FAMILY GUY game: hmm! the family guy game is not the pinnacle of the medium! a bad game truly! i cant believe it wasn't a masterpiece!

snaps screenshot yep…. Thats going in the frag movie

This game is a masterpiece to me. Countless good times playing with my brothers. I'm still pissed they never made a sequel and that they haven't made a modern way to play this. I'm still hoping for backwards compatibility on the series X.

hehehehehhehehe hey lois sou um jogo bom

this game is so damn boring i couldn't stomach anymore than the first 2 levels

if you like family guy you should probably play the game if you dont like family guy do not play the game. objectively the best level is fighting the chicken in the 2nd to last level as peter also theres a princess bride reference thats it

The joke of playing through a stupid game on a stream for some friends continues.

So, it's a more focused experience than the 2006 game. It's just shooting, outside of a bland beat-'em-up fight as the penultimate encounter. It ran at 120fps on RPCS3 for me, which was nice, but it gets no credit for that in this review. The game is bland in terms of encounters and content. Some parts that weren't playtested especially well have fairly generous checkpoints to iron those out. The only somewhat interesting fight in the game is the final one. I died on it once, and noticed that the boss will refill its HP when that happens. It's the only time in the game I made a point to use a powerful weapon and healing items, and it was fairly straightforward from there.

Game's just bland, but serviceable. I wouldn't have gotten through it without my friends in VC mocking it for the 3 hours it took to finish. 1.5/5.

i can't believe this game did the you fight your co-op partner in a 1v1 thing as a peter/giant chicken fight that was fucking awesome. otherwise a generic shooter, some cute family guy references throughout but nothing too crazy it's mostly reused gags and especially reused voice lines. barely worth a play even if you're a family guy fan, but i have family guy brain rot and had a good time playing with my friend!

Fue una travesia todo y me gusto como quedo al final, el gameplay es divertido y retador, no hay tanto familyguy momentos como en el juego anterior pero cuando los hay que bueno, lo que si se la mamo es a su jugabilidad me encanto su shooter crei que mientras pasaba el juego con las nuevas armas ya todo seria mas facil y no el juego si te reta con su dificultad a pesar de ser un juego de padre de familia, que buueeeeeeno estuvo este juego

Me and my brother loved playing this together
If you love family guy you’ll probably get a kick out of it

It honestly isn't that bad of a game. Made by the Battle for Bikini Bottom devs, the references feel like they actually enjoyed and watched the show.

migraine inducing. missions are incredibly linear and boring. the graphics aren't all that great either, super blurry and the models look pretty bad. i played this in a discord vc as a joke and got absolutely nothing out of it

I don't know what the hell you guys are talking about. This game fucking rules

This is how I learned about Amish people