Reviews from

in the past

FAST. Very fast. I'm not a sports person but I did enjoy the more "video gamey" sports games,. I didn't like this game as a kid, but did come to appreciate it much later. It's FAST and HARD. Catchy music too.


Confuso e nunca ouviu falar de intuitividade. O feedback dos controles é algo que me deixa legitimamente intrigado. Tenebroso como single-player.

Contudo, é visível que existe um controle direto do goleiro que deve permitir bastante habilidade no multiplayer por conta do mindgame que é possível fazer com outro jogador humano.

Normalmente é bem mais difícil com IA ou impossível mesmo, dependendo de como ela é programada ela reage instantaneamente ao seu input.

There is something about Nintendo sport games on the NES that always feels they miss something. Probably because by how over-simple they were and have the most basic content. But this was made in 1988...which surprises and made me perplexed.

Maybe I'm just over-thinking over a hockey game that I played just to see if it could click on me. Didn't much in single, I heard in multiplayer does get a little interesting.

Probably the only semi-decent sports game on the NES made by Nintendo.

This is actually not bad. It's basically Foosball.

It's above average for NES sports standards. That's not saying much.

This game made hockey fights fun.

It would be a 2.5 star game, but gains a star because the USSR is a playable character (team), and that's just really weighty and un-sarcastically meaningful looking back.

This is actually not terrible except for the fact that on defense you control both your goalkeeper and another play at once, which is still one of the most baffling design decisions even when considering the tech.

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i have no clue whats going on

Lowkey hidden gem when played multiplayer

what the fuck do you do in this game

Game #65 of my challenge

Sports games was really popular at the time. It was meant to reach out to different type of kids and try to reach the interest of some to play video games. A lot of sports had their own games, but it was time for Hockey to have his place to shine.

Once again, there ain't no plot to this game since it's a sports game on the NES. Simply be the hockey champion and beat every country.

The Intro music and game music is catchy. Nothing extraordinaire here but does the job.

The visuals are neat. The ice is good looking and nothing is really missing for an arena type of view. The characters looks decent. They created 3 types of shapes for the players on the ice and the only thing that they did is to swap colors to represent each country in this game.

The controls are where the shit show starts : You control a hockey player. You can shoot or pass the puck. This is the basics of how a hockey game should work. You can tackle the player with the puck to steal it from them. What is the most annoying thing about this game is that when you control your hockey player, you also control the goalie. This is the worst design decision ever. The reason for that is if you are at a disadvantage, you can't really control the player, because if you do that, the net will be so vulnerable. So the only thing that you can do is to goalie for the whole disadvantage situation until you are lucky enough for the goalie to keep the puck.

The gameplay is really not good as well. You have 3 type of players on the ice : The skinny, the medium and the fat one. They each have their speed and strength associated to one another. However, there isn't much difference between the stats of all of them (especially the speed). This makes the game really frustrating since the skinny one are kind of useless. Scoring in this game is also really hard. The computer is so good to block your shots. It was so painful to play this game that once I scored one point more than the other team, I kept the puck behind my goal and wasted time until the game is over. I know this is shameless, but I did what I got to do to win a game and get over with it.

While this game was really popular at the time, I had no fun at all playing this game. Maybe this game was more appreciated for his 2 player gameplay, but I didn't tried it and probably won't. This game is not be open from me ever again.

The best of the sports NES games I have played so far(excluding Excitebike). It's fast-paced and excited in comparison, though it wasn't anything too special. The Zamboni stuff during intermissions was cute.


I played a lot of this game like a good Canadian should, buts its the inferior hockey game on NES. The best part of this game is turning on the rubber puck code so that they puck never stops after a shot.

Pros: You can pick the USSR!

Cons: Is Gorbachevs…

Once again, just like Soccer, how does the game read my mind and switch to the exact player that I want to control?!?!