Reviews from

in the past

Genuinely interesting plot held back by its loop of the same couple missions done ad naseum. Mafia 1 and 2 where genuine masterpieces to me, and when I saw the 60s setting, the idea of a vietnam vet coming back and rising through the crime world on a revenge mission seemed so cool, but it just misses what made 1 and 2 so great. Mafia really did not need mediocre territory takeover gameplay with ubisoft tier mission structure. The actual full missions that aernt the shitty territory missions are pretty cool though.

still playing but its sooo fun anfd awesome and cool i once talked to omy irls about the entirety of this sseries for like an hour. ahhh ahh

PREAMBLE: If you find yourself playing a 2K game, make sure you disable 2K launcher after your initial start up. It is a program that uses up an ungodly amount of your CPU resources. Go to your "Properties" options in settings, copy paste the address of your .exe location in quotation marks, and then type %command% afterward. Doing this will solve your problem of stuttering, choppy framerates, and/or bad background program performance. Mafia III: Definitive Edition thankfully also has an option to flat out disable the launcher in the main menu, so you can use that too.

I don't drop my games most of the time, I like to play through them through and through to see if a game gets better at a certain point, or I just truck onward because its the middle point of a big series... but man, I just cannot bring myself to complete Mafia III and it is HEARTBREAKING that's the case because the story was so great in the beginning. To start your story off by establishing it in the 1960's with the most harrowing parts of the nation's history was ballsy. The way people interact with new main character Lincoln Clay is heartbreaking too, turning what was supposed to be his return home into a Heart of Darkness story where he cannot afford to trust anyone. I was feeling the Rambo: First Blood vibe the game was giving off for the first seven hours, and then it just all fell apart from there.

I didn't mind doing the busy work for the lieutenants at first. It gave the game interesting character moments, especially between Lincoln and series mainstay Vito Scaletta, but then I realized that its all the game had to offer. You drive, shoot, drive, interrogate, drive, shoot, drive, interrogate ad nauseam. There is little narrative drive to these, it is completely banal.

It had only taken me 10 hours to beat the first two games each (mind you I didn't even like the first one very much either), 8 hours into this one and I'm stuck doing Assassins Creed 1 levels of bloat because Hangar13 wasn't confident that their story was compelling enough, so they had to stuff filler into the main story. If Hangar13 didn't cave to the baseless critiques of Mafia II and just sold Mafia III as just its story instead, it would have been so much better, but that's not what we got. Its so sad because not many games tackle the subject matter of Mafia III, but I can't be bothered to put 20 more hours into a battered and mistreated experience.

То, что было между началом и концом сложно не забыть

Fine gun combat but possibly the worst driving mechanics I've experienced in an open-world game. Every car had the turning circle of the Titanic.

Should've been named something else

But you can shoot at KKK members so it's based

it's REALLY repetitive, but still very good

Hot take: this game gets far too much hate. Personally loved the story and characters, and the gameplay was good fun. Definitely needed to be cut down though, because it gets too repetitive.

The story and characters are amazing, the problem is the gameplay isn't. It's just repetitive killing, it's still fun but it's just clearing out a warehouse, then driving to another warehouse to empty out with cutscenes now and then. The different choices and endings are cool though. This game has the acting and story telling of a masterpiece with the gameplay of a phone game.

The prologue was so good with such good characters, good soundtrack and ambiance but as soon as the prologue ends and the game actually starts, it gets so fucking boring and repetitive i wouldn’t finish the game even if you payed me

I liked the plot and story, the gameplay of Mafia III, however is horrible.

truly one of the games of all time fr fr

В игре на удивление есть хороший сюжет, отличный протагонист, крутой антагонист, хорошо проработанные сюжетные миссии, неплохая стрельба, волшебная атмосфера и просто потрясающая постановка и режиссура в катсценах. Но чтобы получить все это игрокам приходится гриндить большую часть времени. А жаль, могла бы быть лучшей частью в серии, спасибо эффективным менеджерам, что додумались впихнуть всё это в игру.

hell yeah brother who doesnt want to do the same 4 things over and over for an entire game

Uma falha em vários sentidos. O jogo é uma tentativa falha de aplicar a fórmula GTA na franquia Mafia, o que apenas causou desordem e excesso. A história é uma interessante jornada de vingança e retribuição, e pode ser considerada como a única coisa que merece o nome da franquia.

Best thing about this is the narrative structure.

Как бы негативно о ней не высказывались, игра атмосферная, с простым геймплеем. На данный момент игра пропатченная, на распродажах ценник опускается очень низко, поэтому можете взять. Но, я бы сказал, на любителя. Поскольку сюжет представляет из себя прохождения однотипных заданий, которые смахивают на побочки в большей степени. Слишком простой искусственный интеллект, в некоторых местах слабая графика. Однако физика удовлетворительная

With my time on the game finished and 100% of the base game achieved, I can say that while my opinion of the title per se is positive, the disastrous port is enough to bring the whole value of the game down as if you can't enjoy it well, you can't enjoy it.

The story, while not reaching the heights of other games in the Mafia series, is really well written. I enjoyed the historical point of view and level of detail in showcasing a 1968 post-Jim Crow era, right during the Civil Rights movement. The way the game's world showcases this era of perpetuated systemic racism and inequality, laying the groundwork for the civil rights struggles that would later follow is nothing short of gamified education, not unlike the early Assasin's Creeds trying to fit their narratives to real history.
Then again, this is nothing new, as Mafia has always excelled at this.
From the radio discussion topics and tracks to the lingo and period cars, these games have always teleported their players into the past, and so has the latest installment.

The open world, while not new to the series, suffers from a lack of variety in its activities. Collectibles are most of the contents, with new additions on top of the staples of the series like the Playboy magazines collectibles, and side missions which are just busywork fetch quests. Another great note about the game is how immersive the world is.

That said, the PC version comes with a LOT of problems that have never been fixed. The title performs very poorly, especially considering the year it came out and the quality of the graphics themselves. The game looks extra blurry because of the TAA implementation, so much so that setting it at low makes the game look its best. Sadly, even when set to low, on restart it will return to high again, so you must change it each time you boot the game. For a relatively new game weighing so much on a disk, considering the quality of textures even at max, it indicates that on top of being poorly optimized the game is also poorly compressed.
The rain VFX, where normally it would reach the ground and splash, does so in the sky on the skybox. Lastly, the enemy AI while not the worst sometimes goes crazy and just starts driving in circles, or won't hide behind corners, etc.

The worst offenders to me are the DLCs, which I would love to talk about, especially after buying them years after. As expected, though, the side quest bug from the original game affects these as well, having the NPCs that start the DLC inside the geometry of the game, and, being unable to interact with them to start, I'm unable to play the DLCs.
Love that for me.

It's been years since this game even released a patch or fixed issues, and they had the audacity to rename it to Definitive Edition, although nothing changed and no patch came out for it except a small update for the crappy launcher.
At the time of writing, this was my hardware when playing the game. I'm including it as a reference point to get an idea of how the game might run on your machine.

CPU: AMD FX-8350
GPU: Nvidia GTX 970
Running on an SSD.
It ran at 1080p 40fps, 60 only when in really empty areas.


They heard the criticism of 2 and made 80% of the game side content

Mafia III had quite the negative backlash when it was launched.
At first, i couldn't get into it, i dropped it for a year and then came back and got the platinum.
I personally think its a good game, it has many flaws but also many positive things.

The game features a solid revenge story centered around Lincoln Clay, which is a great protagonist. The side characters are also well-developed, with Vito standing out in particular. The game's setting, New Bordeaux, a fictional version of New Orleans in the 1960s and 70s, is rich with atmosphere and period-appropriate vibes that add flair to the open world.

The gameplay can become repetitive after a while, but it is generally smooth and it just works well. The shooting mechanics are solid, and even though Mafia III isn't primarily a stealth game, it's often tempting to take a stealthy approach. One of the interesting features is the district distribution system, where you must decide which character to assign as the district's owner, weighing the pros and cons of each choice.
I liked the dlcs, they sure added some value to the game.
The not so good part of the game is its repetitive nature, and for how long it drags like that.
The platinum was laborious, finishing the game 3 times took some time, and it was boring to say the least. Some trophies are glitched, i was lucky to not have any glitch on me (besides one trophy from the dlc, hence why i have the game on 99%😭)
All in all, this game has good substance and its definitely overhated.

-Edit: Damn i forgot how great the soundtrack is! Over 100 songs and not a single one that's bad. I gotta give this game an extra 0.5☆ just for the soundtrack alone.

"Family isn't who you're born with, it's who you die for"