Reviews from

in the past

Lo mismo que el 1 pero con historia

dont think im finishing this one

The greatest puzzle game ever made. GOAT Contender.
Nothing more needs to be said.

moral of the story: british people are evil

fui jogar com um amigo burro e tive que fazer tudo sozinho

Só zerei o multiplayer que foi o divertido pra mim.

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How good can a puzzle game be?

This game is absolutely art. The mechanics, the jokes, and the lore all come together beautifully.

Amazing game, one of my all time favorites, quite fun and keeps the challenge on an okay level, with the plot, characters and dialogues bringing it up so much for me

Шедевральная головоломка. Хорошо играется даже спустя 13 лет, крутой сюжет и много карт из мастерской = бесконечная реиграбельность.

Played this game for the first time on Christmas day after having just received my X-Box 360. I will never forget the dread I felt when GlaDos woke up despite not having played Portal 1.

Portal 2 does most of what the first game did, but has the time it needs to expand way more in nearly every area. You still get classic puzzles, but has more adventurous parts, a better story, and a longer playing time that makes the experience feel full. I think some of oomph these games would have been way bigger if I played them when they first came out, but Portal 2 is still a great time.

Amazing puzzle game that is very fun to play with friends.

I don’t get to play as many puzzle games as I’d like to. I always find them to be some of the most creatives game I get to play, but very few really scratch that itch I’m looking for. Now I want to be crystal clear before moving forward, this isn’t my first time playing Portal 2, I first played it nearly 4 years ago, and absolutely adored it. Funnily enough, I had played it before the original Portal cause I didn’t own the original Portal at the time. Back then, I adored it, but it’s been as I mentioned, nearly 4 years since then, and with the numerous games I’ve played since then, I wanted to look back on Portal 2 and look at it with new eyes. And simply put, it’s still downright one of the best puzzles games I’ve played.

Yet again, the actual mechanics of the Portal Gun are still amazing. The act of being able to travel through portals is seamless, and it feels amazing. This is even more enhanced by the new puzzle mechanics introduced in Portal 2, especially the Gels. The Gels were really fun to play around with, and it was really fun to see how they interacted with certain objects. The fact that the Repulsion Gel can make enemies or cubes spontaneously bounce was really fun. I’ll definitely say that I struggled more with the puzzles here than I did with Portal 1, but I still didn’t need a guide. Honestly half of the time I just got lost, which is on me, and also it makes complete sense that a sequel would be harder than its original. But it still amazes me how Portal 2 is able to perfectly evolve the incorporate new mechanics into the game, and still feel as perfect.

And it’d be one thing for Portal 2 to just be a really good puzzle game, but it goes far beyond that because of the character writing and the general story of the game. I love how comedic Portal 2 is, from Wheatley, Cave Johnson, and of course my favorite, “The Part Where He Kills You”. Even now replaying the game, I found myself still smirking and getting a good laugh out of these moments, not only are they written well, they’re also so well delivered. But the story as well is a nice sort of book-end for the world of Portal, getting to learn more about Aperture Science, the man behind it all, and GLaDOS herself is really nice. While I would love for there to be a third Portal, I would also be as content if this is where Portal ended.

Portal 2 is still absolutely one of the best puzzle games I’ve ever played, even after all this time. Its mechanics are so fleshed out and so unique compared to other titles I’ve played, there’s really not much of a contest. With no shadow of a doubt will I likely return to this game. It feels like it has the perfect length to a puzzle game (it took me about 6 hours to beat it), and I have no doubt there’s still some stuff I haven’t discovered yet. While I would be content with Portal as a series ending, I would love for a new puzzle game of some kind to come out of Valve, one that could be as creative as Portal 2.

this game is good I finished it despite the horrible motion sickness it gave me

Jogasso revolucionário junto com o 1, uma pena ainda não ter zerado o modo história. (2023)

Puzzles are fun except for when you get stuck, the voices don’t stop

Portal 2 expands on the story and scope, but the puzzles are more restrictive and less challenging.

Well, here we are again
It's always such a pleasure
Remember when you tried
To kill me twice?
Oh, how we laughed and laughed
Except I wasn't laughing
Under the circumstances
I've been shockingly nice

You want your freedom? Take it
That's what I'm counting on
I used to want you dead but
Now I only want you gone

She was a lot like you
Maybe not quite as heavy
Now little Caroline is
In here too
One day they woke me up
So I could live forever
It's such a shame the same will
Never happen to you

You've got your short, sad life left
That's what I’m counting on
I'll let you get right to it
Now I only want you gone

Goodbye, my only friend
Oh, did you think I meant you?
That would be funny
If it weren't so sad
Well, you have been replaced
I don't need anyone now
When I delete you
Maybe I'll stop feeling so bad

Go make some new disaster
That's what I'm counting on
You're someone else's problem
Now I only want you gone
Now I only want you gone
Now I only want you gone

did not think portal could get better, unreal

Cohesive, fantastic mechanics, funny. Did shitty speedrunning on console back in the day.

This is one of the greatest puzzle games of all time. Super great level design with some grade A engineering made for you to figure out your path. Lots of really decent humor in this one too

I finally understand the hype behind this game. After playing the first title, I felt that the puzzles were nice, but didn't see how a sequel was warranted. This game takes everything that happened in Portal 1 and amps it up to new heights. Wheatley, Cave, and the Potato character all have dialogue that is so absurd that it becomes realistic. The new puzzle mechanics blew me away, as well as the more complex plot structure. Absolutely amazing game, and these robots have instantly become some of my favorite characters by both design and personality.

grew up with this game, really good story telling and love the characters... portal and half life have a whole universe to themselves