Reviews from

in the past

was not expecting to cry at a puzzle game

I'm sad I never got to this franchise sooner, this is great. Professor Layton and the Curious Village is not the first entry in the series I've played, unfortunately it was the crossover with Ace Attorney that took that privilege and it painted a slightly negative view in my mind (I really don't like PLvsPW)

Starting from the beginning properly, I loved the charm this game has, the unique character design, the small list of music tracks that are here are all absolute bangers, the mystery is eccentric but fun and the puzzles are, for the most part, really well done (Put a pin in this).

Layton is a really fun character to watch, he has a charm about him that is impossible to describe. Watching him talk and interact with increasingly bizarre people is a joy and how he handles the mystery solving is honestly great. And that main mystery, while a little predictable in some ways, has a lot of really nice moments. The beginning of the deductions into the mysteries of this town and the ending are highlights for me, mainly because when a cutscene plays you know its gonna be peak.

Now I mentioned putting a pin in the what I said earlier about puzzles, "for the most part" is very key. My major complaint and frankly the only one I really have is as the game goes on, you start seeing the same types of puzzles over and over. "Who is the liar", "Slide the blocks to create a exit", "Move the ball to the hole" and others kept peering their heads, and the issue becomes when you've solved one, you've basically solved them all. I sucks seeing a puzzle and going "This again?"

This also creates a issue of by late game, you're getting privy to the games tricks that it tries to pull, the phrasing of questions, the fake outs, the attempts to mislead you, eventually when your playing by it's logic, you start to find them predictable.

Another minor issue is the puzzle types that require you to find x amount of shape in y, and how with the tools at your disposal on a DS, if you play with only whats given, it becomes a mental trial of trying to not forget a absurd amount of info without any means of physical note taking. This is a issue I hear gets fixed in later enteries and is just a growing pain of being the first entery in the franchise, but still worth mentioning.

While the tangent on issues I have does seem long, in the grand scheme of the game, I enjoyed the puzzles enough to go for 100% in it, and strived for as much as a perfect, no hint coin run as possible. This was a joy from start to finish, and I cannot to delve further into this series.

Goodbye, you curious village, it's time to open Pandora's Box!

Siento que es un juego mas de irlo jugando de a poco a lo largo de tu vida, mas que de sentarte a pasartelo. La historia es muuy buena, el giro de los androides es demasiado bueno, y los minijuegos en si son bastante entretenidos, y te deja hacerlos al ritmo y nivel que sientas. Lo "malo" es la combinacion entre ambos, muchas veces se siente demasiado inorganico dentro de la historia los puzzles.

really need to replay at some point, i miss the major layton hyperfixation i had when i was 12

With the coming of IOS emulation means a little retro detour is needed for the backlog. Used to love these as a kid so I thought it would be fun to revisit.

This is probably the one I remember the least, and for good reason, while the puzzles and characters are pretty cool, it’s still pretty bare bones and relies almost entirely on the brain busting and distinct visual style.

Pretty cool palate cleanser and a precursor to one of the more fondly looked back on games from my childhood. Worthy of a true gentleman.

Fucking that fucking chocolate bar puzzle is the dumbest shit I've ever seen in a game.

I’ve never played a Prof.Layton game before but knew what the premise and gameplay was like. What a charming little game it is.

The storyline was slow to properly start due to the amount of puzzles that halt you - but that being said, it is a puzzle game and there are a lot to get your teeth stuck into.

Some of the puzzles I felt however were worded really strange, which made me come to the wrong solution - but maybe that’s the point for some of them?

I would have liked a little more action put into the narrative - but all in all I had a good time playing and some of the puzzle stumped me for a while.

More than half of the """puzzles""" in this game are complete bullshit/math equations. Cool soundtrack and character writing (not plot - the actual story sucks), though.

Very charming, with a low-stakes, elegantly introduced setting. These games are very relaxing, although this particular title seemed to have a larger number of puzzles which fell into the categories of "stupidly hard" and "brain-dead easy." I seem to remember the followup (Diabolical Box) having a better balance of puzzle difficulty. Overall an excellent, if somewhat flawed introduction to the series.

silly little layton game, being the first one in the series it's kinda rough around the edges but it's still pretty charming.
I could fix Don Paolo (or make him worse, depends on the mood)

Ca fait bizarre de jouer à ce jeu, il n'a pas de doublage français mdr.

Mais il reste un chouette démarrage pour cette licence culte.

A very charming game with a good variety of puzzles, some easy and others infuriating lol. I loved the art and music, and the story was interesting

i know this isnt a universal experience but i do not want to have do actual math in my logic puzzles. ever. for any reason

game has like three songs but the art and ambience is great and i enjoyed the great majority of the puzzles. i hope the sequels have less math but i bet they wont

5142 picarats, everything unlocked. Brilliant story, music and animation.

What a great start to such an incredible series! I really liked the puzzles in this game. The story was pretty interesting, too. Definitely solidified itself as one of my new favourite series!

This review contains spoilers

Really solid charming game. Has a strong identity and core which I think is its’ best strength. It has really satisfying puzzles, and I think what makes this one better than others in the series is how the gameplay loop of solving puzzles actually feeds back into the story and twist around how the whole village is one big test set up by the baron. I enjoyed my time with the game, but with that being said some of the puzzles felt cheap and too difficult/ obtuse, and the game can be paced badly if you are trying to collect as many puzzles as possible. Otherwise it was an enjoyable experience.

Historinha bem bolada, enigmas divertidos, essa franquia é bacana, hein?

Eu confesso que lá pro último terço do jogo os enigmas subiram de dificuldade de modo que eu batia tanta cabeça pra resolver que cansava, sendo a história o que me mantinha jogando.

Claro, a culpa é toda minha eu ter empacado tantas vezes a ponto de olhar as respostas na Internet, mas não é porque eu sou ruim que eu vou culpar o jogo em si, que na verdade tem é muito valor.

Digo isso porque a premissa desse primeiro Layton é bem direta e reta, e a execução é redondinha. As coisas ficam mais grandiosas ao passar do tempo e o final é daora.

Se for pra dar pitaco, tem uns enigmas que são meio mal formulados, seja porque são difíceis de entender o comando, ou porque a resposta é aberta a interpretações.

Particularmente, eu acho difícil dar uma nota pra um jogo assim porque apesar de ser um jogo competente em tudo, não fiquei super engajada com o conteúdo. No momento da publicação da review, não tem nota alguma. Se quando você vir, tiver, então eu consegui me decidir.

I personally started my Layton journey with miracle mask, but of course I wanted to check out the earlier games in the series at some point too. No better place to start than the very first one, and it does certainly have the mark of first-game-in-the-series-itis. It’s a relatively low stakes story where I feel for most of the plot not much really happens. The conclusion has some of the qualities I would come to love Layton for shining through though, and the characters are filled to the brim with charm.

Puzzle-wise they strike a good balance so that no puzzle takes too long to solve, and there’s plenty pf hint coins around if needed, but the difficulty of said puzzles is kind of all over the place sometimes. Some I cleared in 5 seconds, some took like half an hour if not more, and these would both happen rather randomly during the course of the adventure. As it is the first game, it’s clear they still had to iron that out a bit, but most of these puzzles are still quality.

Overall, I really liked this first adventure, and looking forward to moving on to the next one, where I also started collecting layton games in different regional dubs just for the fun of it.

Was shown this game by an aunt, remember it also being pretty promoted by Nintendo at the time. Fun puzzle game that spawned a series I never got around to playing more of.


BRRR LA MUSICA!! LOS PELOS DE PUNTA. profesor layton estoy libre los jueves cuando estoy libre por si quiere shacer algo el jueves cuando estoy libre

I really don't like the puzzles and how disjointed they feel from the story.

Layton tiene puzzles muy buenos, aunque como estructura de juego, se hace cansado y repetitivo después de un rato. La historia es intrigante, pero el desenlace no me gustó porque siento que tiene tintes un poco patriarcales. Está bien, pero no me imagino jugando otro juego de esta saga.

Utterly charming,! Didn't know a little puzzle game could—and would—capture my heart resonating with me so resolutely. But, here we are

The end was amazing.
The atmosphere is excellent.
The village is very strange and at the end there will be revelations.