Reviews from

in the past

Wild this game is as old as me like damn bitch i hope im aging this well got damn.

"Resident Evil 4" is a game that holds a special place in my heart as an all-time horror classic. It changed the way I looked at survival horror with its over-the-shoulder mechanic, which I've seen used in later games in the series. The atmosphere in the game is terrifying—I've never felt so tense playing a game before. And the graphics were way ahead of their time, making the experience even more immersive.

The characters and bosses are unforgettable, adding depth to the game's world. But, Ashley, the character you have to protect, could be annoying sometimes, disrupting the flow of the game. However, the side content, like the Mercenaries mode, provided hours of extra fun beyond the main story. Overall, "Resident Evil 4" is a masterpiece that redefined horror gaming for me, and I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a thrilling experience.

Me cagava de medo e não tinha coragem de jogar esse jogo direito pqp.

A criança que ficou feliz assistindo o pai jogar e depois aterrorizado quando encontrava o Dr. Salvador não existe mais. Mas ela ainda se lembrará de cada milisegundo com esse jogo.

Awesome game, not that hard but not easy either. Very fun and atmospheric.

One of the key reasons why I like men and yeah the game is fine I guess

i love it when a scenerio doesnt takes itself serious. -1 star for the camera angles

O jogo que mais zerei na minha infância veio como uma forma de me provar com jogos de terror, pois o meu eu de 7 anos de idade morria de medo de jogar Resident Evil 4 e pedia para meu pai jogar, enquanto eu assistia por que todo aquela ambientação do interior da Espanha ao mesmo tempo me assustava como também me fascinação. Foi um pouco mais velho (10 anos) que juntei a coragem de jogar e simplesmente fiquei viciado, o modo genial em como a gameplay em tiro em terceira pessoa é que eu nunca tinha visto até então foi complexa e desafiadora prós meus dedos de 10 anos, mas ao mesmo tempo foi a primeira experiência "souls like" que tive na vida. O contraste da personalidade sarcástica e carismática do Leon em comparação com aquele ambiente escuro e sangrento me fez ficar cativado e até hoje é um dos meus protagonistas favoritos.

A história não é tão complexa com muitas reviravoltas e plots, mas não precisa, ela conta o que precisa contar pra você se divertir do começo ao fim, e você acaba se importando com a maioria dos personagens.

Mesmo com o Remake, é um jogo que se mantém até hoje e vale muito a pena jogar.

É incrível como eu nunca tinha jogado isso no meu ps2 antes. Como uma pessoa que veio jogar isso depois de ver o remake, digo que o jogo continua sendo fantástico até hoje.

why does salazar look like a gremlin

JOGO FINALIZADO - Dificuldade Normal

O jogo em si é maravilhoso, ótima trilha sonora gráficos gameplay e personagens, a história é interessante e memorável, os pontos negativos é a ação exagerada que foi colocada em diversas partes do gameplay, que fogem muito da proposta da franquia, e senti muita falta dos quebra cabeças dos jogos clássicos.

Mas se o jogo é tão bom assim porquê somente 2 estrelas? simples o PORT para PC é horroroso não é atoa que ele foi superado por um mod feito por 2 irmãos (HD Project).

Primeiro que NÃO, não é Ultimate HD Edition, o várias texturas não estão em HD, segundo que é EXTREMAMENTE MAL OTIMIZADO, mesmo não sendo HD o jogo pode acabar pesando em diversos computadores bons.

Ok so when I'm only talking about the ps2 port of this game I'll probably write an actualy review of how I feel about the game later but holy shit this is the worst port I've ever played. First time I played this game I'm 98% sure it was the gamecube or wii port but when I downloaded this on my ps2 emulator I was like holy shit this looks bad. Murky asf everything is blurry fuck the pre rendered cutscenes and I don't give a fuck that this version has mercenaries or separate ways because that shit does not make up for it lol

Nunca fui muy fan de la saga pero este juego me gustó mucho, Leon Kennedy es un protagonista muy badass y la trama aunque es muy de película es muy divertida y mantiene ese ambiente de tensión y misterio. Valió cada maldito segundo el haberle sacado el 100% y el poder escuchar UN FORASTERO.

I've heard people describing RE4 as a "Lightning in a Bottle" type of Game, something that makes sense at first, until you realize every single one of Capcom's Studios was putting out Bangers after Banger the same year this game came out (God Hand, Shadow of Rome, Killer7), now that doesn't mean it's bad, quite the opposite! What am I'm trying to say here is that either @ Capcom back then there was something in the water, or they put something in the water themselves.

Whichever illegal substance/s those Developers were making use of back in the 2ks, I want some too, but more importantly, current day Devs (Capcom's Included!) desperately need it the most, as the majority of AAA games nowadays are pure calcified horse manure, not the kind used to fertilize crop either, the inert one.

There is no need for me to add anything, this was more of a rant than a review, not that RE4 needs yet another review, we all know what this is and how it plays. This game has been ported everywhere, it's on your phone, on your fridge, in your car, go play it and have a blast. The remake is good too ffs!

me confundi jaja yo jugue este, aguante

O jogo que eu mais zerei na vida =´]

cut off a star and a half because the controls pissed me off beyond imagination and only continued cause leon is very pretty here

The best way to describe this game is that the end-credits felt like the credits of one of those movies where you come out of the theatre and feel like your life has changed.

This game is not for me and that's fine. I prefer the older tank control games.
For what it's worth it was enjoyable enough for me to finish it. it does what it does well enough and I understand the appeal.
I just wish it didn't change resi into games like it for like a decade

I wanna beat this game 1 day. I came really close during the pandemic because it's another one of those PS2 titles I picked up in 2019 and played through the pandemic. I will say this is the game that made me fall in love with the franchise. The shooting and movement are actually revolutionary, especially now that I've played the clunky ass tank-control era games. Jesus Christ, Resident Evil 4 is a savior for survival horror. What once was slow and sluggish now becomes a fluid, fast paced, and action packed gameplay loop that forces me to come back and play again and again! The campy dialogue, perfect atmosphere, wonderful gunplay, quick time events (I like them they get the blood pumping), and wonderful bosses make this game a certified banger! I love Resident Evil 4 and 1 day i'm gonna beat this game in full. I got past the castle portion, but then I can't recollect if I continued lol. This game deserves all the credit. It still feels modern and gamer friendly to play!

Pretty much the perfect game.

- Just very fun, wacky game that masquerades itself a super serious horror game.
- Movement, Aiming and shooting feels great.
- One issue is that the shooting requires you to not move in this game but the game is designed around that aspect making it a none issue but a notable one.
- OST is great, having some memorable tracks.
- The bosses are wacky and crazy with some fun set pieces for them.