Reviews from

in the past

This is probably the worst spiderman game I have ever played the combat sucks the web slinging is okay

Um dos piores jogos do homem aranha.
Homem aranha tem uma carga emocional muito forte em mim, é o meu herói preferido desde que eu me conheço como gente, joguei quase todos os jogos e, consequentemente, joguei esse aqui. A primeira vez que eu joguei isso foi quando eu era uma criança, e eu gostava muito desse jogo, sinceramente. Mas zerando ele hoje, percebo que é um jogo EXTREMAMENTE inchado e descompromissado com a história, a gameplay é bugada, o balançar de teias é lamentavelmente chato e lento e os gráficos... Jesus, os gráficos. Não vale a pena comentar.
Enfim, um jogo, particularmente, nostálgico mas um desastre de jogo.

(PS: a versão de PS2 é um pouco melhorzinha).

This was my first open world Spider-Man I really enjoyed it. It's bland and cheap mostly, But it tries to do interesting stuff and adds it's own stories that are cool like with scorpion. It's a fun turn you brain off game. There are better Spider-Man games though.

you get 1 star for being a "functioning" game and for the gift of Spider-Man 3 QTE's. Don't play this.

Excellent dans mes souvenirs, un balancement plus réaliste que spiderman 2018

Xbox fans should’ve known they lost the console war as soon as Playstation got the exclusive Sixaxis controlled James Franco mode

I love this game it’s bad.

Боёвка норм просто бьешь ебла челам на похуй. Лицевые анимации, сами лица персонажей и графика это пиздец. Сюжет, как и в фильме кал говна. Но стоит похвалить открытый мир где тебе дают огромный по масштабам Нью-Йорк, по которому кайфово летать и доп квесты которые не сделаны по шаблону прошлых и следующих игр про чп по типу пойди набей ебало бандитам, здесь это полноценные миссии со своими катсценами, сюжетом, локациями и боссами, но есть одно, но есть клевые миссии по типу скорпиона, а есть такая хуйня как миссии по обезвреживанию бомб.

By the time I was on my final play session I thought I was used to this game's bullshit. I'd had the guts, got the glory, and felt like I knew all its tricks until the last mission where I was thrust into a brief New Goblin tutorial before playing as him in a Sandman punch-out boss fight. This is the game that just keeps on giving.

Tobey Maguire voiced spider-man, but that's the only thing notable in this game. It's just a bad licensed game and my PS3 broke before I could even finish the game. It has amazing meme potential though, and no one seems to be aware of that.

Игра для фанатов ЧП. Посредственная во всех аспектах. Главные минусы: унылые сюжетные уровни и душные, растянутые объёмом ХП, боссфайты. Мне понравилось обилие приёмов Паука в боёвке, из-за чего файты выглядят прикольно даже если рандомно тыкать кнопки.

pq eu perdi meu tempo com isso?

Probably the funniest Spidey game of all time

Lo jugué de niño y lo único que me importaba era balancearme por toda la ciudad. De ahí en fuera la historia es malísima, las animaciones aún más, hasta la fecha sigo viendo memes.

Sadece nostaljik olarak güzel, qte sevdiğim için ordan da ek puan alır ama çoğu konuda vasat

"Help, please, someone?"
Spider-Man freaking dies.
"I'm going to die!"

unfortunately its just not good :(

Where do I even begin? This is one of the worst games I ever played. Hell this is definitely the WORST Spider-Man game I have ever played The only good thing about it is that the actors return to voice their characters.

Other than that, this game is an unplayable mess. It's very rage inducing and very broken. Tobey's voice acting is bad. It sounds like he's bored. The missions are awful. The times where you fail during missions can be very annoying. Stealth is awful. The enemy AI is just annoying. The characters in the game is so ugly. Some of the missions can be either tedious, badly designed, hard (in a bad way), or all of the above. I'm sorry but I just can't finish this. I literally kept trying. I literally do, but this game is just too bad.

A massively underrated Spider-Man title FOR THE PLAYSTATION 2, every other version is terrible. A game that was ahead of its time and many later Spider-Man games would borrow mechanics from.

"I remember when Tobey used to voice the charachater himself"
"Sure grandpa, let's get you to bed"

"Olacak gibiymiş, ama olamamış."

Oyunun şehir dizaynının farklı bir tasarımı var, tercih diyelim. Ağ atmak deli dehşet kötü değil, şehir bomboş ama, suçlular yüzünden kimse dışarı çıkmıyor diyelim.

Hızlı tuşa basma olayları var, basamazsanız komik olaylar gerçekleşiyor, baş düşman dövüşlerinin tasarımı da berbat, örümcek adam olma hissi de ucundan var, daha iyisi olabilirmiş, ama çok kötü değil. Ben oyunu baş düşmanlardan zevk almadığım için bıraktım, o da yan görevdi yani ana göreve merakım kalmamıştı...

this is how sandman goes out in my head

Gen 7 seems to be the generation in which the trend of making a video game about every movie that was released died. I'm sure most gamers will have found memories of playing some form of movie tie in game when they were younger. I was particularly partial to the Toy story game on the snes and of course goldeneye. But over time these games seemed to get worse and worse, rushed out in time for a movie, hoping that parents will buy the game for their kids based on the title alone. For every knights of the old republic there is a chicken little, for every aladdin there is an ET. The early generation 360 game catalouge is full of horrible movie tie in games, and in some ways spiderman 3 is the worst offender of the bunch. After the excellent spiderman 2 on the ps2, we have the not so excellent spiderman 3, the first spidey release on the 360. It has everything you expect and know from spiderman games. Webslinging across Manhattan, all the characters you know and love and dumb one liners from spidey himself. The game is quite famous from its horrible cutscenes which almost rival the memes from the movie itself, and this is one of the highlights of the game. Its fun messing up button presses just to watch the frog eyed NPC look in horror as they get blown up. This is maybe only rivalled by Prison Break. Another fun aspect of the game is the boss fights. They are varied, often in 2 or 3 parts, and sometimes frustratingly hard, which I dig. Unfortunately, this is where the fun ends. Web-slinging through the city is fun for the first hour, until you realise there is nothing really going on in the game world. This is the most boring manhatten we have seen yet. Its all just gray, and there is nothing memorable about it. The combat system is another huge issue, its finicky and normally descends into button mashing or holding down the time slow button. Missions themselves give the impression of variety at the expense of fun. It's not the worst game in the world, but there are much better spidey games on the console.

It's not as good as the first two movie games.

Its like the last game they won the super bowl, then this one all the players took a dump on the field and thought that would be acceptable at the same heights of winning.