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what if bowsers fury was called bowsers furry and bowser got a fursuit...

I was never really engaged enough with 3D world to make more of an effort than clearing the courses, with it just being an added bonus if I'd actually collected everything, but the variety of the levels and the freedom of playstyles the different power-ups provide have to be commended.

Bowser's Fury is a whole different story though, that might be the most fun I've ever had with Mario. After the rigid time limit of the 3D levels it was such a relief to just get the time to explore this huge level and search for collectables at my own pace. The Fury moments were a nice threat to keep in mind while exploring, always making sure I had enough places to hide should Bowser rise up from the water again.

I'm also just a huge sucker for tropical locations in Mario games, so this game being all islands and water was a big plus for me.

If it were just 3D world I'd give it 3 stars, but BF notches it up to 4!

i beat Bowser's Fury shortly after, im not 100% sure as to the date but both are done*

such a pleasant surprise - i never owned a Wii U, and was such a fan of 3D Land, that i think i just naturally resented this game because i couldn't play it. but man is it fun. (still not better than 3D Land... BUT BOWSERS FURY IS)

This review is only for Bowser's Fury.

A solid short mario game that is genuinely one of the first times that they've ever done regular ass powerups in a 3D Mario. Look, Nintendo, it wasn't so fuckin bad to just let you Have Fire Flower permanantly now was it? The platforming is great and built off of the solid fundamentals of SM3DW. An easy game to pick up and 100% in two hours.

Primer juego que termine con la nintendo switch! so much fun.

Bowsers Fury estuvo muy bueno tambien

Pretty good, I liked it a lot. First of the music is amazing one of the best Mario's Ost's and it's got some stiff competition. The way they integrate the jazz into Mario music is pristine. The main game is good, Great level design, tight controls, pretty interesting idea with the different characters, but they don't feel too different so if your forced to play them it's aight. also champions road is a great challenge to go for. one complaint I have is how you 100% it. why do you need o beat every level with a different character? It just feels so unnecessary because they're all fundamentally the same. This just feels like a way to pad out the 100% runtime. Also multiplayer is fun even though the crown system is weird. Bowser's Fury is great too. It adds a lot of new ideas I enjoy, again music FIRE, especially fury bowser theme. Only real complaint is that it's a little short (100% it, I'm pretty sure somebody who just wants to beat it full stop can do it in a hour) but you still get your money's worth. All in all Great game I really liked and I highly recommend it to a Mario fan. One thing though if you had this on a Wii u probably wait for a price cut even though bowser's fury is fire.

Fun to play, feels better than the original.

Bowser fury is a cute addition.

This is maybe a weird take but i like 3D World WAY more than than Super Mario Wonder. I guess I generally prefer 3D Mario to 2D Mario, playing around with the expanded move set is more engaging to me even when it's not needed to complete the level, it's kinda like a fidget toy. I also find 2D Mario level design to be kinda formulaic. A 2D Mario level is always a big long flat course that rarely has multiple paths and when the game is asking you to do 50+ of these levels that are largely variations on a theme I tend to lose interest, but maybe I'm just a weirdo who would always rather play 20 Sonic levels than 40 Mario levels. Regardless I don't feel this same formulaic-ness in 3D World, levels tend to be really distinctive, with the exception of a few repeated themes like the trains or boo mansions which are relatively infrequent and have decent variation. And this is further helped by level progression being so much smoother in 3D world than in wonder. I don't have exact numbers on whether there are actually fewer times in 3D world where you need to go back and pick up collectibles you missed to go to the next world, but it sure feels like that.
Since I don't want to exclusively rag on Wonder I also think that 3D world has maybe the best goal structure out of the 3D Mario games. I would need to revisit the galaxy games since I didn't play those as much historically, but in 64 and sunshine I find that I have trouble maintaining interest in collecting stars after the first few worlds cause all the stuff you need to do in those games has pretty consistent level of complexity and by the time I'm doing the 5th challenge in a single level I'm kinda sick of looking at these assets and don't care enough to progress and I'm find with dropping the game for a few months/years. 3d world and then later Odyssey and Bowser's Fury have smartly included a lot of "easy" stars which you can get by going slightly out of you way but don't require the complexity of a main level objective so you can focus on forward progression and getting to play with new stuff, which is what's compelling to me.

had an absolute blast 100%-ing this game. bowser's fury is a sick addition that i hope to see return in some way in a future game.

I hate when the story end and i still have to fight bowser when i just want to collect stars.

really great time, fun to play with friends and easy to do since it's online. bowser's fury felt really fresh for 3d mario and i think it may be the next step for 3d mario's future.

Whispers hushed upon from fellow gamer,
“Brother we live as his retainer”,
Hymn’s echo down the chosen aisle,
as the crowd adjourn in single file,
The cloud room not but lay silent until chapel doors slam violent.
“Together we prayer upon his chair”
the Priest declares onto compliant stares,
as he turns to B-L-J up big, grand case of stair,
and look upon his shunned, crying heir,
“My sons gathered here in jury,
See the one who dares to question, one to query,
be this a lesson to those who's faith un-purely,
for he shall receive Doug Bowser’s Fury”.

For me, this game is heavily carried by Bowser's Fury. Not a big fan of 3D World due to the fixed camera (Yes, it ruined my experience), but the levels are actually really fun. Which is why Bowser's fury is so great - It reuses the levels and powerups of 3D World in a proper 3D Mario World - and this is a big world which is fun to traverse. The final boss of Bowser's Fury is probably one of the best final bosses, its so gorgeous and exciting.

Tinha esquecido de fazer review desse depois que zerei, Jogão.

The final boss of this game might just be my favourite final boss from a Mario game and I really like the cool power ups they added

Super Mario 3D Land was a great concept begging to be used on a console. The original Wii U game is one of my favorite Mario games of all time and this Switch port improves on the original by including a whole new section with tons of unique puzzles and a new boss. The gameplay is great, the selection of characters is wonderful, the music is amazing, etc. I could sing this game's praises for hours but instead, I just recommend that you check it out.

Super Mario… IN A 3D WORLD?!

A lot of fun, a lot of content. Bowser's Fury is one of the most interesting Mario campaigns in the series and the base game is just good.

Haven't played Bowsers Fury but I love 3D World

3d world: not as good as land
BF: peak…

an amazing and underrated mario entry paired with one of the best demos i've ever seen lmao

Both 3D World and Bowser's Fury were pretty great games that surprised me in unexpected ways. 3D World felt like a great progression from 3D Land and fixed some issues I had with the former. Granted, it's not perfect because the movement, while great, does feel a bit awkward at times. I randomized the character for every level and I really liked playing as Mario and especially Peach, I was neutral towards Blue Toad as some levels felt great with him and others didn't, and sadly I wasn't a fan of Luigi's movement this time around, a shame because he's one of my favourites. However, speaking of favourites, for some reason they made Bowser extremely cool in this game, with a banger theme and awesome boss fights. He really stole the show and I wish there were more fights with him, that or more replacements for Boom Boom and Pom Pom because the other bosses were so much better. The level design and music were both really good and the game is amazing visually. It's not my favourite Mario game, but it once again goes to show that 3D Mario is a pretty enjoyable experience for the most part. My only complaint really is that the locked collectibles thing is back, and while I was more prepared for it than in 3D Land, I still had to replay some levels to get enough Green Stars. Luckily the Captain Toad and Mystery House levels give a ton, but it's still annoying to have to go back. As for Bowser's Fury, I love the open world aspect here, it feels like a mini Odyssey in a way. I hope they continue with this blueprint because this experience felt pretty fresh and I love the open aspect of it. I love how it's just one big map and I can pick whichever area I can get Cat Shines from. It's a very solid experience and I hope they do more with it in the future. Overall, both 3D World and Bowser's Fury are very great experiences and another fun entry to the 3D Mario games.

Bowser's Fury is a very good innovative half-step Mario game. 3D world is an underappreciated game from the Wii U library that doesn't innovate in compelling ways but delivers on great 3D mario level design.