Reviews from

in the past

This game does some interesting things and makes a pretty appealing new version of A Link to the Past's Hyrule, but unfortunately it doesn't quite reach the same peaks as the original even with all its new bells and whistles, primarily on account of the fact that the game cannot have the Link to the Past randomizer.

Holy shit, he just went into a fucking wall???

Que aventura maravilhosa foi jogar esse jogo! Meu primeiro Zelda que completo, e pensar que eu ignorei ese jogo quando peguei, levei muito tempo para jogá-lo, e caras que arrependimento de não ter jogado antes!! Fiquei imerso nesse game por dias, simplesmente não conseguia para de jogar. A mecanica principal de virar um desenho é muito divertida e possibilita acessar lugares que você não teria como normalmente. Meu primeiro zelda que eu joguei foi o A link to the past, não termiei ele, e eu estava jogando o A link between worlds como se fosse o antigo e eu não acessava os lugares como desenho, quando caiu a ficha de que posso grudar nas paredes e aceeas mais lugares, explodiu minha cabeça haha. Foram praticamente 21 horas jogando e queria mais, agora bate aquela sensação de vazio quando se termina um jogo bom.

you WILL pick up the little octopus

Rightfully lauded in its time, but underappreciated today. A Link Between Worlds offers a fresh, non-linear take on both the formula and world of A Link to the Past, and it truly succeeds on every front. For starters, the main 2D Zelda gameplay loop has been polished to a mirror shine. It's responsive, tight, and more often than not punishes (or at least discourages) mindless sword swinging, keeping the moment-to-moment gameplay fresh. The items (issues with the acquisition method aside) also inherit this same level of polish, and there isn't a single bad one if you don't count the Sand Rod (seriously, whose idea was that). While some have issues with the item rentals, as well as the fact you don't find them in dungeons, I actually quite like that decision. The non-linearity of both the Hyrule and Lorule dungeons allows every playthrough to be just a little different, which keeps the game somewhat fresher. The main gimmick, the 2D wall merging, is used very well, and it makes you look at every room that much closer, whether for gaps you need to wall-walk across, slits you can shimmy through to access hidden areas, or even just having some fun sliding through Hyrule, Lorule, and their respective dungeons from a new perspective. It offers endless possibilities, but it remains simple and digestible, and most importantly it doesn't overtake the actual dungeon design. Even though they have the fun gimmick, it integrates with and complements the classic Zelda dungeon formula, and never overstays its welcome. In terms of story, it's not the most emotional or groundbreaking Zelda, but it does offer some really memorable moments, fun characters, and twists that genuinely left me open-mouthed dumbfounded on my first playthrough. I thought that my copy of the game had broken when I first ventured into Lorule, and that tripped-out cutscene combined with the immediate change in tone upon exiting the portal still gives me shivers. Overall, this is an incredibly well-crafted experience from start to finish, and I will never let the haters get me down.

also we STAN goth girlfailure Princess Hilda are you kidding me Nintendo

It was a cute game. The dungeons/boss fights were p hard. The music gives me inexplicable anxiety. I hate hilda and ravio so much.

played it but don't remember much

Could be my favorite Zelda game depending on the day you ask me.

accurately described as "very solid". not much more, not much less.

I've played this game as a kid and my memory is so faint that I can't say a lot about it. What I do remember however is, and that might be due to nostalgia, that this game was amazing. I loved the mechanic of going into the wall. And I destincly remember how young me's brain was not equipped to handle such a complicated mechanic. Even better is the way how the mechanic always feels fresh and exiting because of how it is implemented and reiterated upon. Items can help you to create walls, so that you can go into the walls and traverse a pit. One boss has a shield that serves as a wall that you can go into. The boss then gets confused and drops his guard, which is your chance to attack this otherwise invincible boss. They never ran out of ideas with this game I feel like.

Another thing I remember is how this game felt destinctly more cartoonish. Altough it had it's "serious" moments, you basically had a world that felt very not-serious and kinda laid back. This is until you reach the shadow world, that was outright terrifying to me.

I can't remember much else and I don't particularly feel the need to replay it. From what I can see it seems to be well received among those who have played it, though the smaller number of people who have is noticable if you look at the number of reviews compared to some of it's peers.

10/10. I'm not a Zelda stan. But to those who are, you gotta give this a shot. You'll like it.

Heard good things about this and a lot of the praise I would agree with, it has all the charm you expect from a Zelda title and the gameplay is mostly solid. There were a couple of things I didn’t click with though, being able to rent all the items takes away the excitement of dungeon crawling and finding your next new toy and I wasn’t a huge fan of the “painting” mechanic. Despite this I still enjoyed my return to this version of Hyrule and was glad to tick it off my list.

Mi Zelda favorito y un upgrade a ALTTP.

Visualmente es una actualización del juego de SNES, pero la historia, personajes y demás son diferentes, aunque con claras referencias.

Lo único de lo que me puedo quejar es que si quieres hacer una mazmorra en específico tienes que ir de antes con el objeto temático de la mazmorra, y para eso tienes que ir a tu casa y comprárselo a Ravio, perdiendo tiempo.

Tiene bastantes coleccionables, unas caracolas que sirven para upgradear los objetos, se sienten mejoras como tal y no tonterías inservibles que quitan 1'5 más de vida, nono, aquí son útiles.

Se le saca mucho juego a la mecánica de la pintura, en combates como en puzzles, dándole bastante utilidad, aunque siendo la gimmick principal pues es normal xd.

I'm always surprised how good this game is

First playthrough since launch and really enjoyed it. The visuals, music, and presentation are top notch especially with the 3D.

Dungeons seem quicker than LTTP, most likely due to the portable nature of the system it's on, but could be my memory. I love the wall merge ability and what it adds to the game in terms of puzzle design.

Giving us the ability to hit dungeons in any order is nice, but I still can't say I LOVE having the entire toolkit available at the onset of the game. It bothered me more on the first playthrough, but still miss getting a dope item in big chests.

The game is overall pretty easy, but it makes for a brisk and enjoyable romp through both Hyrule and Lorule.

They should do more of these instead of full-on remakes of games. On the game itself, I think the item renting mechanic is intriguing but I did miss acquiring new tools in dungeons and applying them within that dungeon to succeed.

This is my favorite Zelda game. It's just a super charming and fun experience. The painting mechanics is very unique, and the way it's used during exploration and dungeons is really clever.

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Jogo lindo, me fez lembrar dos motivos de eu amar essa franquia. A história é interessante, a mecânica de virar pintura é muito divertida e em momento nenhum do jogo ela se torna inútil, adicionou muito na exploração.
A única coisa que não gostei é algo completamente opcional: pegar os 100 maiamais. A cada 10 maiamais se ganha uma versão melhorada dos itens que o Link possui (Ex: o arco normal dispara uma flecha, depois do upgrade dispara 3 em diferentes direções). Como disse: opcional.

A fun time with fun dungeons and mostly fun bosses suffering from complete lack of balance, being short, very easy and occasionally tedious.

Also the circle pad

No es tan dificil como tenia miedo que lo fuera. Pero si es bastante desafiante, pero divertido (sobre todo en cuanto a los puzzles). La mecanica de cambiar del 3d al 2d si está muy bien implementada en los niveles y los puzzles. El giro al final con que el de la tienda fuera el otro link estuvo bastante bueno, a diferencia de el de la zelda mala, ese si se veía venir desde el principio. Y graficamente está demasiado hermoso. (puntos extra por mi primer juego fisico legal propio)

The perfect successor to A Link to the Past. Hours spent enjoying myself in this game.

One of the only 2D zeldas that does not frustrate me at any point. Consistently fun all the way through

Tragic: they made the furry take off his fursuit.

Not using the Toon Link art style for a game where you can literally turn into a painting might be its only blunder

The Legend of Zelda series is amazing and this is a great entry in the series. It's a spiritual successor to A Link to the Past and brings back some of that game's great gameplay and story. This is one of the best Zelad games using the classic overhead format and is definitely worth playing if you're interested in the series.

Fue muchisimo mas divertido? de lo que esperaba, no esperaba divertirme lo mucho que me divertí con el juego. Todas las dungeons fueron super geniales de pasarse, cada puzzle cada mecanica rara y nueva que te enseñaban eran divertidas y estoy orgulloso de decir que solamente 1 vez busque en internet ayuda para completar algo
Finalmente entendi "what's the deal with those zelda games anyways"

My biggest gripe with this game was the fact that if a dungeons tells you you need to get that one specific item all the others are lowkey unnecessary. But I guess it comes with concept they were going for Idunno. Still fun