I finally set up a SNES emulator, so expect more reviews on SNES games in the coming months!

Considering how much I love Final Fight 1, I was expecting to like this too, and for the most part I did! There are some pretty big problems stopping this from becoming a peak beat-em-up though.

Well, firstly, there really isn't much new from the first game. Hell, you even still have to press the attack and jump button together to do a special (come on capcom, there are 4 other buttons). What is new are 2 different characters, Carlos and Maki! They don't matter though, since you're gonna be picking Haggar anyway.

The length is a massive problem too. Final Fight 1 already dragged a little bit, but this one takes it up a notch. Even on Easy, my playtime was exceeding an hour. I know I shouldn't be talking like this is a bad thing, considering Streets Of Rage 3 is one of my favourite games oat, but that game has loads of fun gimmicks that'll keep you on the edge of your seat. In Final Fight 2, you fight 3 enemies, move a little, fight another 3 enemies, move a little, fight a BS boss, and onto the next round.

Even with those problems, I find it hard to not like this game. I mean, you can play as a Mayor who preforms fuckin pile drivers on his people, what more can I say?


I've played through the first episode of Doom many times in the past, but have never truly gave it a chance until now, and yeah, it's just as good as everyone says it is.

Even 31 years later, Doom is still just as atmospheric, labyrinthine, and fun as it was in 1993. Hell, it's even a bit scary at times, especially in Episode 3.
It has stood the test of time brilliantly.

fuck limbo though, all my homies hate limbo

I felt the urge to replay this after beating Bare Knuckle 3, and obviously put the difficulty on Easy. But, instead of not enjoying myself, I was having alot of fun! Yeah, the enemies drain your health too quickly, but I was able to beat Easy mode (which gives you a bad ending, btw) with 3 lives left, and no continues used. That sort of gave me hope, and I thought maybe I can beat this on Normal! So I tried it, sort of got my ass kicked, and Game Over'ed on the last phase of the Yamato boss. Even after that, I don't feel discouraged. Considering Bare Knuckle 3 is now one of my favourite games of all time, I feel I owe it to myself to finish this.

I'll continue working on beating this game, and the day I do, I think i'll finally be able to call myself a true fucking gamer.

I can’t fucking take it anymore. I don’t usually shelf or abandon games, but if I play this game for another second, it might actually kill me. It might seem overkill, but I mean it. This game is so bad. It’s SO BAD.

Worst game ever made icl. I hate you, Dimps.

Nintendo could make a game about Popo and Nana losing their legs in a car accident, and it would still have better jumping control than this

world 7 made me go goddamn doki doki (very niche joke, not many will understand)


I never knew that the year 1942 was this boring.

puyo-puyo if it was shit

Now this one brings back some (bad) memories lol.

Around 2012, I was searching for games on Newgrounds, and randomly found this. I had no expectations, so I just played it. Just so you know, this game uses a pixel art style, but in an extremely unnerving way, so after about 5 seconds, I shut the tab and started crying (yknow, bcus 8 yr old me was a little bitch). For years after, I still remembered the image from the start of the game, so recently, I decided to finally find it. After searching for a while, I just put in "scary flash games" into the search bar, and finally found it! Sadly, it was taken off Newgrounds, but I was able to find it on one of those random flash game sites.

Well, the game itself is more of an art-piece. Covetous isn't designed to be a fun game, but considering that it only took me 5 minutes to get both endings, that doesn't really matter. I won't spoil too much about it in case you wanna go out and try it, but I feel I need to add a TW for some body horror, and flashing lights in the ending.

With games where you practically require a guide, it feels that your enjoyment will derive from how good the walkthrough you're using is. One of the people I follow on here mentioned that the guide provided by IGN doesn't make much sense, so just in case that is true, USE THIS GUIDE: https://www.zeldadungeon.net/the-legend-of-zelda-walkthrough/ . It tells you exactly where to go and what to do, no waffling or bs.

Even without a guide, this game can be fun. Just jumping in and seeing what you can find or discover is a great time.

If this game wasn't so cryptic, and had better hints (and if the darknuts didn't exist, I FUCKING HATE THEM SO MUCH STOP TURNING AROUND I HATE DEATH MOUNTAIN), the rating would be alot higher, but I used a guide so idk what i'm talking about. All in all, its pretty good. Not sure Zelda 2 will hold up to that standard though lmao

A difficult, unfair, punishing, fun as all hell freely moving shmup. I would def recommend using the unlimited lives code, 3/5 lives is way too little for a game this hard (the final boss is weirdly easy though).
Maybe Darius and this are exceptions, but I think i'm starting to like shumps.

I've made WAY too many reviews on SOR2/3 and BK3, but I just can't help it. I love these games to death, and nowadays, they go under the radar too often (ESPECIALLY SOR3). All of them get my highest recommendation.

Anyway, this time going through, I did a 1CC on Hard, and Jesus, if there's 1 problem with BK3, its just way too easy. Not only did I do it on my first try, I also beat Robot Y with 8 lives remaining. Looks like i'll have to play on Very Hard to be able to have a challenge lmao (i did beat sor3 on normal, so maybe i'm desensitized idk).

It's always hard to summarize your thoughts on a game you love, so all i'll say is that it's fucking GOOD.

Finally beat the last 2 routes, the missile and ultimate being. Although i wish there was more to play, this game is mentally draining. Getting a perfect run with no deaths, only to fuck up on a boss you thought you had perfected is soul-crushing every single time. But once you get it all flawless, and you hear that final stage cleared music? Yeah, this is the best Contra imo

more like mega mid x2

What a letdown. Nothing in this game was improved from the first, and while its more challenging, the challenge comes from bullshit gimmicks and enemy spamming (the air dash is great though).
Well, atleast we have the comically bad writing.

Sigma: Wait Zero! I know your secret! You were destined to follow me!
Zero: Maybe so, but I don't like you!

Thank god they aren't all the same! This Street Fighter speeds up the gameplay by (i'm guessing here) 1.5x, so it's basically a precursor to the Alpha games! Alpha 3 is in my Top 3 favourite SF's, so what's wrong?

The cheating AI's, that's what's wrong. The speed makes it close to impossible to counter their attacks, and whenever you try to pull a combo on them, they ALWAYS counter. Whilst I was playing as Chun Li, Ken (who was my first opponent) got caught in my lightning kick. While he was getting hit, he counter-attacked me. You heard that right, I hit him with a move that should completely stun him, but he punched back.

I will give it an extra half star, since Chun Li finally has a fireball special! It's not as good as the Hadoken, but it makes her much more varied.