Dynamite Headdy is one of those games that's just impossible to hate. I could just end the review there, but I still got some extra space to fill out so ummm

Lets start off with the visuals, and.. fucking hell, what to say? They are BEAUTIFUL. This may be the best looking game on the MD, everything is so colorful and full of life and detailed and, and, and! The toy aesthetic also allows Treasure to make some stunning set-pieces. Sometimes, in the middle of boss fights or levels, I would pause the game and just.. look it at. Jesus Christ, have you ever just looked at Dynamite Headdy?

The game is also incredibly charming. I've already talked about the visuals, but there are other things, like the stage names. Fly Hard, Twin Freaks, Stair Wars, Toyz in the Hood, Fun Forgiven, Illegal Weapon, Terminate Her Too, The Rocket Tier, it might seem like i'm making these up, but nope. They're so unfunny that they become funny again.

There is one massive problem for me though, and that's the difficulty. To put it into simple terms, this shit is brutal, especially the last few bosses (the laser machine and final boss weren't too bad though). Once the schmup level came around, I was already using save states compulsively. If I wasn't trying to finish it though, it wouldn't be a big problem since this game is just fun.

Overall, a definite classic with a difficulty level that's a bit too high for me. Maybe I should try the JP version, anything to help with that ball-bustingly hard twin freaks boss.

Its hard to pinpoint exactly what make Streets of Rage 2 so good. Is it the presentation? The gameplay? The learning curve? The difficulty?
Personally, I don't really gaf. This games just alot of fun and I love it.

I completely agree with the sentiment that this is the definitive Street Fighter II experience, but that isn't saying too much. What's the point of making these reviews if I have nothing new to say? You know what? FUCK SF2. All of them have some of the most bullshit, unfair AI I have never been put against. If they didn't have such fluent control, this shit would be left in the dust, alongside Street Fighter 1 (ok, maybe not that far).

All I want to do as of now is play the Alpha games and 3rd Strike already, but first, I want to get through the Mega Drive port of SF2, where you have to press start to alternate between punches and kicks, and.. the game boy version. FML.

Hot take, but I think I enjoy this more than the Arcade CE. Pressing start to switch between kicks and punches takes a bit to get use to, but it really isn't that bad. Plus, this was designed with the 6-button controller in mind.

The main reason I like this version so much are the difficulty options. It adds loads of replay value on top of the 12 different endings you can get, and for someone who sucks ass at fighting games (how the FUCK do you do a shoryuken??), putting it at 2 stars made the experience super enjoyable for me. Peak port.

It disgusts me how underrated this game is. Most people will see this on the NSO service, play it for a bit, say "yeah that pretty good" and go play something else. Please don't. This is genuinely one of the best games the NES has to offer.

The gameplay itself is similar to Ninja Gaiden, with a few on-the-rail shooter and driving levels, and they're all great. Really, my only flaw is that there aren't enough of the non NG stages, but it doesn't matter too much since the main stages are fucking good.

I would go as far as to say this game is better than Ninja Gaiden, mostly because of the lack of bullshit. Detective Hart can basically do anything, he has complete range of his jump, he can walk while ducking, and he has 3 weapons, a Laser Stick (i have no clue what it is), a gun, and grenades. The level design is structured in a way that you'll be using all of them frequently.
The difficulty is completely fair, there's no being sent back to 6-1 BS, the gameplay is fun, and imo, its a Top 3 NES game. Do NOT miss out on this one.

Also, who can forget those cheesy 80's action movie cutscenes?

I've never marathon-ed a game series before, since usually to pick what game I play, I go in my backlog, press shuffle, and play whatever is first on the list. With longer game series like Street Fighter, Zelda, Mega Man etc, using that method would take fucking forever, so I would rather just bite the bullet and now get through one of them now. The others i'll def do one of these days.

Why did I go on a yapping spree for the first paragraph? Well, because there's NOTHING NEW. The AI is the same, the graphics are the same, the opponents still read your inputs, literally all that's new are the 4 new characters, which are useless to me since I only pick Ryu or Chun Li anyway.

The only thing I care about is the new Ryu sprite on the character select screen, cuz holy shit he looks so much better. In the original, Ryu thought he was the rick friend emotionless mofo 😭

Alot harder than the NES version, but it makes up for that by being really fun. It is a slog at times, and playing it through twice is annoying, but it’s still a really great action platformer. Sad that people usually play the shitty NES version.

The original Binding Of Isaac is still pretty good, especially considering it was one of the first of its respective genre!

This is actually my first time playing the flash Isaac, though I have played Rebirth (which is obv better lmao) and one thing I have to say is that I do NOT remember Rebirth being this hard. Even when I get a great set-up, I end up dying really quickly in the later levels. The game just doesn't feel all that fair, but if i'm being honest, most rogue-likes aren't fair.

One thing I do prefer over Rebirth is the art style. I love the SMB esque style, but sadly, the remake decided to go the pixel-art approach. It still looks excellent, but fucking hell man pixel-art in indie games is so overused. It makes it much less distinct, but maybe that's a hot-take idk

If you have £4, I would recommend giving this a try, even if you have Rebirth or Repentance or whatever. Just don't expect to beat it without hours of practice and luck.

People usually speak of this game as if it were the worst thing since the holocaust, and while I see how they would think that, I had some fun playing through it.

OBVIOUSLY its not better than rondo, the movement is really slow (i'm pretty sure the back-flip lasts about 2 seconds), the difficulty can get out of hand at place (that fucking final boss), and it also has a fetish for putting enemies right next to bottomless pits, but for what it is, its decently enjoyable.

One of the most beautiful and daunting games of all time. It's also an unfair, annoying, cryptic mess. Many will let it off just because of how stunning it is to behold, but this isn't a fucking art gallery, is it?

I will give it credit though, since it was mostly made by 1 man. That must been a Herculean scale task. I would still recommend trying it out, but don't come in expecting the greatest game ever made or something.

Pretty good, but the later levels become trial and error, and not because they're actually hard. The animals are kinda cool, but the only thing I needed was the owl with the flame ability, fuck that hamster and fish.

Though I do like this more than Adventure, I still think Dream Land 1 is still my favourite of the Kirbys games so far, and i'm not so sure Kirby's Pinball Land will change my mind.


still traumatized by the stress i experienced during my playthrough so instead of reviewing it (which i've already done 2/3 times) i'll just summarize my winning run.

So let me just first say that I was starting off fucking AMAZINGLY. I messed up a little on Yamato, but was still able to beat Robot X with 1 life and 2 continues left. This was it. All I had to do was not mess up.

I then beat the 1st part of Stage 6 before the timer ran out, and completed it with 1 continue and 4 lives left. God had blessed me. NO matter what I did, I couldn't mess this up, I was sure of it.

I then lost 3 lives during the 1st part of Stage 7, and 4 in the 2nd part with those stupid ass conveyor belts.
I was mortified. If I didn't get the fights against Dr Dahm and Robot X perfect, it would end my perfect run.

Thankfully, I DESTROYED Dr Dahm with no damage taken (he IS the easiest boss in the game though), and got ready to take on Robot X.

I went in for a jump-kick as soon as the fight started, however, instead of going in the circle movement he usually goes in, he immediately grabbed me and slammed me onto the floor. However, a few seconds after that, one of my specials knocked him off-screen, which allowed me to use the jump-kick strategy (if you don't know what that is, i'll leave a link showing it in action right here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07-Zi2ynuPE). I continued it until he only had 2 health bars left, which was when he broke out of it. I was thankfully able to get him back into the cycle, and watched as his life-bar went lower than mine. I allowed myself to enjoy my victory. Mr X is killed, and All is Well.

Would I recommend putting in the effort to beat this game on normal? Well, it's your choice, man. All i'll say is that BK3 and SOR3 are both very different experiences. Even if it's a butchered version of a way better game, this shit still fucks.

Konami could've went the easy route and made another boring ass licensed game, but they went "fuck that" and made one of the best games on the SNES. Hell of a rare sight to see!

The difficulty scaling can be a bit off at times, the running animation is just a sped-up walking animation, and continuing sends you back to the start of the level (why do so many snes beat-em-ups do that??), but at the end of the day, this game is FUN. Not many people talk about how expressive this game is either, that shit reaches Dynamite Headdy levels. Def a Top 5 beat-em-up OAT.

Def the biggest difficulty spike in Nintendo history. How do you go from easy as hell, to whatever the fuck Wario's castle is

mofos will tell you "omg this game is too hard!!" well that wasn't the case for me (the gaming legend) cuz i beat it without a single game over 😎

also this is prob the best new soup game, the 100 second time limit makes levels fly by, and that final bowser fight was HYPE asf. kinda peak